Clips From TBTL #3033

Andrew: ‘Ay yai yai yai yai-yai-yai-yai-yai-yai…”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I’m… blanking for some… reason”

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Andrew: “How did Rod Stewart keep that secret for so long!?”

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Andrew: “I don’t want that to go out!”

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Andrew: “I love-d this story so much!”

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Andrew: “I’m a kid; so, I don’t follow the news”

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Andrew: “I’m not in the business of giving this guy a break!”

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Andrew: “I’m over here just dropping the ‘X'”

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Andrew: “It looks like a perfect Andrew bar”

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Andrew: “It was a scheduled outage”

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Andrew: “It’s okay… Luke and I cry on the show all the time”

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Andrew: “My morning felt very surreal”

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Andrew: “Oh, gag me with a goddamn spoon”

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Andrew: Saying “Five years, no wins against the Steelers!” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: Saying “San Francisco” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “This gonna be the night; and, is it gonna happen on national TV!? Is it gonna happen!?”

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Andrew: “Well, right you are, listener!”

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Andrew: “Well, the… good news is that everyone’s talking about the Cleveland Browns today… Ay yai yai yai yai-yai-yai-yai-yai-yai…”

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Andrew: “Where am I going with this, your honor… I will tell you”

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Andrew: “You know what… I hope you’re happy with your new boyfriend… Live it up! You and poor man’s Luke Wilson can just go gallivanting around the South, eating your special pancakes at the Waffle House”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “Are you kind of a big shot? Be honest! Oh, gosh!”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “Gag me with a spoon (Yeah)”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “I want you to know… (Uh-huh) that this… whole thing you see right here does not come easy… This involves staying up until two in the morning… eating bags of potato chips… and then, going to the gym for about fifteen minutes (Cool) and taking a shower”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “There’s something smug about this poor man’s Luke Wilson, with a… fake hair… he’s wearing a wig. What!!? I don’t know! Does… There’s something fake-y about his hair… He’s cute… You’re gonna take his side. I am”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: Trying to calm things down for Music For Your Weekend

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Damn”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Gross me out the door!”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Man. Don’t be on TV too good looking; or, Andrew is gonna come down on you”

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Phyllis Fletcher: Saying “I’m so wasted!” in a funny manner

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Well, check out my shit, Rod!”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “You did say, ‘Gag me with a spoon’ a while ago, didn’t you? That’s totally Valley Girl, you!”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “I wish I’d gotten the Rod Stewart scoop! (Exactly!) Aggh!”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: Phyllis Fletcher singing along with Def Leppard’s “Photograph”

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Clips From No Point Conversion 2019-11-12

Andrew: “By the way, I, I wanna make a statement here”

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Andrew: “I love Chubb in the rain”

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Andrew: “The more we talk about this, the more my brain is getting scrambled”

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Andrew: “This is not fair”

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Andrew: “This is where the game gets a little bit fuzzy for me; cuz, I’m probably getting whiskeyed up at this point”

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Luke: “Cuz, I have way too much; and, I’m usually wrong… And, you don’t maybe have enough; and, you’re often right”

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Luke: “I’m, I’m, I’m especially… high on the Seahawks supply on this Tuesday morning”

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Luke: “Okay… forget it”

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Luke: Singing bits of “Baby Elephant Walk”

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Luke: “Some of my favorite bosses are based in Minnesota”

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Luke and Andrew: “Hell, yeah! Hell, yeah!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Let’s just suck on that… Werther’s of victory… (Hmm) for the next… for the next two weeks. No? Nah? I’m just glad you went with Werther’s”

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Clips From TBTL #3031

Andrew: “Geez, Louise! Where’s my part?”

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Andrew: “I am, just now, recovering from an epic coughing fit”

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Andrew: “I still think it’s a very stupid show”

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Andrew: “I’m afraid I don’t get your joke… Luke”

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Andrew: “My goodness, Luke”

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Andrew: “Oh, wow”

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Andrew: “That was wonderful!”

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Andrew: “We are not a pranky family”

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Andrew: “What if Mary is a plant? What if she’s a spy!?”

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Andrew: “What’s the TBTL Breaking News!?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Luke, that’s a baby hole! That’s a well, my friend! Oh, dang it!”

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Luke: “He doesn’t like you… I don’t like you!”

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Luke: “If this works, I’m leaving my wife”

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Luke: “Rudy, do you have butt disease?”

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Luke: “The implications of that drop are disgusting if you think about it”

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Luke and Andrew: “Whoa! Wrong one! I… got excited!!”

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Mary Holden: “And, I don’t even understand what TBTL really even means”

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Mary Holden: “Phenomenal G-I-Fs”

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Mary Holden: “So, I’ll tell you another very short story about losing my other virginity”

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Clips From TBTL #3030

Andrew: “All I remember is: whatever I said, made no sense… at all! At all!”

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Andrew: “Because, I am… just… a loser”

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Andrew: “Blubbering… bubble boy”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I’m just a little… wiener about these things”

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Andrew: Drawn out “What’s her name, Australian actress? Very big. Eyes Wide Shut”

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Andrew: “Horfing down some chicken nuggs”

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Andrew: “I did both!!”

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Andrew: “I feel like you should get shit!”

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Andrew: “I shanked him”

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Andrew: “I wasn’t the chill-bro that you’re familiar with”

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “That sounds great!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Let it go… The game is over”

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Andrew: “Oh my gosh! Is it!? Ew! Ah! No… I don’t like it”

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Andrew: “Oh my gosh! Is it!? Ew! Ah! No… I don’t like it. I like your description a lot more”

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Andrew: “Testing those tots”

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Andrew: “There’s something about when you start crying, you just never know if you’ll stop”

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Andrew: “This is my prophecy”

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Andrew: “Walsh!!”

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Andrew: “Well? I dunno”

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Andrew: “Well, I’m not a wussy… I guess”

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Andrew: “Wham-o, bam-o?”

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Andrew: “What can I do… to… to… clear these pipes!?”

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Andrew: “Yeah; but, we gotta do this”

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Andrew: “Yo. Wassup, Ben?”

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Andrew and Luke: “I don’t know what that looks like; but, I like it… Oh, I know what it looks like; and, it’s not cool… Oh my God”

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Andrew and Luke: “I sound (Yes) like I just woke up… I sound nasally… I don’t sound sharp. And, the thing is, I worry that I sound that exact same way right now. What can I do… to… to… clear these pipes!?”

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Luke: “Bang-bang”

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Luke: “Big hits of Brazilian?”

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Luke: “Damn!!”

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Luke: Drawn out “Nicole Kidman”

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Luke: “My guess is that… I said something regrettable”

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Luke: Saying “Babe!!” in a funny manner

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Luke: “Two Taco Times to rule them all”

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Luke: “Unrelentingly calm”

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Luke: “We’re the… dinguses who are sitting in our cars too much”

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Luke: “Well, I cry a lot”

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Luke: “You’re burning the microphone at all ends today”

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Clips From TBTL #3029

Andrew: “But… this is why people don’t trust the media, Luke”

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Andrew: “I always gravitate towards the opinions of the powerful, Luke”

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Andrew: “I have a four podcast day tomorrow”

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Andrew: “I might just switch loyalties right here”

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Andrew: “I’ll kinda get a… weird tingling sensation”

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Andrew: “I’m more Lukles than a Lukles on this today”

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Andrew: “Phablet”

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Andrew: “Ride on, you midnight cowboys”

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Andrew: “That is not your place to tell a women what to wear”

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Andrew: “The P was stuck in the band”

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Andrew: “Whatever. It’s just, like, everyday is the same to me; because, I have no… soul”

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Andrew and Luke: “A bizarre time and place (Yes) to be racist”

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Andrew and Luke: Unrelenting fun football watching

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Luke: “Awww!”

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Luke: “But, I’m not a racist!!!”

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Luke: “Giggity-giggity”

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Luke: “Hey, Olive. What’s up, bud? You need to go outside?”

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Luke: “Oh, boy. Let’s see where this goes”

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Luke: “Pip, pip, cheerio”

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Luke: Saying “Yeah!” as Adam Duritz

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Luke: Singing “Carry on, my midnight cowboy”

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Luke: “Sorry, this is extremely bad radio”

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Win Rosenfeld: Singing “Your sister’s gone out… she’s on a date… But, you just sit at home… and masturbate”

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Win Rosenfeld: “Spicy Long Island cooking”

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Win Rosenfeld: “This… Counting Crows motherfucker!”

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Win Rosenfeld: “Whoo! Whoo-wee! I’m telling you, that is some… that is some… spicy Long Island cooking right there”

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Win Rosenfeld: “Whoo! Whoo-wee!”

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Clips From TBTL #3028

Andrew: “But, my floor is dirty under my desk!”

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Andrew: “Competency porn”

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Andrew: “I wasn’t gonna start pooping next to someone on speakerphone!”

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Andrew: “I’m sitting in it… I’m sitting in this mess”

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Andrew: “It stunk!!”

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Andrew: “It yanks on a, on a schedule”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “No, it’s all about me”

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Andrew: “Oh, should we start with these? These are kind of gross!”

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Andrew: “Please, Lord; stop singing”

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Andrew: “Please. Those things, they get so squeezy”

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Andrew: Saying “But, they are also disgusting!” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: Singing “I saw Juno”

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Andrew: “What’s good is not good”

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Andrew and Luke: “Good morning, Luke. Thanks for having me. It’s always a pleasure… Are you getting enough B-12?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Peace and smug, peace and smug (Peace and smug!)’

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Luke: “He’s just… such… a… tool!”

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Luke: “I don’t know… I might like musicals now!”

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Luke: “I’m trying to dial my snark down a little bit”

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Luke: “If you, just, could sneeze out your problems”

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Luke: “Just chintz. Just the chintziest chintz”

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Luke: “Not now!!”

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Luke: “Sorkin an elephant”

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Luke: “When you really whack one good… like that, it’s very, it’s, it’s satisfying”

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Luke and Andrew: “It pulsates every time it’s time to yank the chain down (Yeah)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Who would ever buy this bullshit? (Mmm-hmm)”

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