Clips From TBTL #1925

Andrew: “And also, snickerdoodles, better than their name would imply.”

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Andrew: “Eating brunch alone always makes me feel sad”

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Andrew: “Funny you should mention pastrami”

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Andrew: “I am thinking about it”

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Andrew: “I don’t know everything about space”

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Andrew: “I just need to just get comfortable with the words, so I don’t have to ask you every time.”

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Andrew: “I need to go to a diner… like, stat!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Let me tell you about the smoking policy on my porch!”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “Umm… uh… Hi, Luke.”

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Andrew: “You guys aren’t gonna believe what I did this morning!”

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Andrew and Luke: “…God don’t make no junk. And you’re like, what are you listening to? TBTL… Andrew, please be patient with this podcast. God isn’t finished with it yet.”

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Andrew and Luke: “He’s either Glenn, glunatic or gliar. And, we have our show title.”

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Andrew and Luke: Snickerdoodles

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Andrew and Luke: “Super (Mario) Bros.”

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Andrew and Luke: The princess is in another castle

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Luke: “Alright”

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Luke: “Andrew, please be patient with this podcast. God isn’t finished with it yet.”

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Luke: “Grunt. Relax. Wipe.”

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Luke: “I mean, I’m now officially a joker and a toker”

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Luke: “I’ve a co-host who’s full of, I hope anyway, carbs and pastrami so his brain is growing”

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Luke: “Nice!”

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Luke: Singing the Underground Theme from Super Mario Bros.

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Luke: Talking about his bible teacher and doing an impression of him

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Luke: “These comets, bro. Do you even comet, bro?”

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Luke: “What the hell is an heirloom?”

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Luke and Andrew: Laughing

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Luke and Andrew: Luke wants to eat carbs again, especially a spaghetti monster

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Luke and Andrew: Or E Gone

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Clips From TBTL #1924

Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “No”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew had a number of dreams ready to go

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Andrew and Luke: Luke mistook Andrew’s best relationship to be about him

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Luke: “And I realized that, this one meal that my mom was preparing at their house the other night, every element was ‘Woo-hoo’.”

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Luke: “Everything in the meal was Woo-hoo!”

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Luke: “I like adventures, I like doing fun things, I like doing challenging things. I would be like, I’ll pass on that part of it.”

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Luke: “I’m-a get me some of that Tinder”

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Luke: “It’s thundery, lightningy, intermittently rainy…”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Sip some of that moon juice!”

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Luke: “Throw some cheese on it that had been Woo-hoo’d”

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Luke: “You know, we get some good Woo-hoo deals”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew is worried about the show and his paycheck if Luke were to drop dead

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Luke and Andrew: “Hey, by the way, how dare you assume my dating prime is over. Yeah, sorry.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Just wanted you to know, Andrew, that when I drink my coffee on the air, it could be a lot grosser. You know what, did you know that they burn those urine beans? It’s true.”

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Luke and Andrew: Kim Jong Un and Tinder

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Luke and Andrew: “O’Doul’s? O’Doul’s?”

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Luke and Andrew: Susie Burbank is almost exclusively buying food with the word ‘Woo-hoo’ printed on them

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Luke and Andrew: “We thank you from the bottom of our scarred, decaying, unreliable hearts.”

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Clips From TBTL #1923

Andrew: “Blowing people off is part of the world”

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Andrew: By ending his texts with the words “wah-wah”, people think it’s a big crying baby

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Andrew: “I didn’t know that”

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Andrew: “I have ‘Always Bitch Face'”

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Andrew: “…Johnny Boy. This guy’s name is Johnny Boy.”

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Andrew: “Mwah-mwah”

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Andrew: “See!!!?”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: Sound Andrew made after Luke mentioned that people would swallow their chewing tobacco

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Andrew: “TBTL: Challenging your expectations, every damn day.”

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Andrew: “Wah-wah”

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Andrew: “Yeah, I was a fat kid until I started smoking, man.”

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Andrew: “You never want to work for a guy named ‘Berserker’.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew’s proudest emoji moments

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Andrew and Luke: “Did you read that? Did you read the whole thing? I did not like the ending.”

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Andrew and Luke: Luke has got to start being funnier

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Andrew and Luke: People always want a piece of Andy

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Andrew and Luke: “TBTL: We dare you to listen. That was… verbatim what I was about to say!”

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Andrew and Luke: “This is sexy. This is fine, this is just some sexy sax… with some hot licks.”

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Luke: Attempting Nelson’s “Ha-Ha!”

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Luke: Carey calls Luke “Johnny Boy”

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Luke: “That sounds like a ‘Wakka Wakka'”

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Luke: “Wah-wah!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Black modems matter. Let’s keep going before we say something we regret.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Could we do one of our patented experiments that will probably go down in flames? Oh, sure, sure.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Do you want me to tell one about a pig then, that’s non-sexual? Sure. Yes, please.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke replicates the CenturyLink hold music and message

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Clips From TBTL #1922

Andrew: “But, you’re really the Lauren Bacall of the podcasting scene”

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Andrew: “Don’t you ever. Don’t you ever!”

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Andrew: “He’ll probably make sure maybe before he puts them on, he’ll maybe give them like a tug test or something, to make sure they’re up to snuff.”

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Andrew: “I could be wrong. Every time I say anything with conviction, I am wrong.”

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Andrew: “I just wasn’t sure what the ‘we’ meant there”

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Andrew: “I’m not an expert on leather pants wearing”

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Andrew: Lenny Kravitz’s tonight pants are probably leather pants

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Andrew: “…listen, I’m not an expert on leather pants wearing; but… isn’t the whole point of leather pants, they’re kind of sexy and there’s no room for underwear, right?”

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Andrew: “So, I do think that there’s a chance that the alcohol is effecting your decision making skills”

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Andrew: Stammer Gurgle

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Andrew and Luke: “Drumroll please. Nope, skipping the drumroll… Ha!”

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Andrew and Luke: “You really did go down a rabbit hole… I shit you not, I spent like three hours reading about Lenny Kravitz”

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Luke: “And the sharp-shooter becomes the sharp-shot”

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Luke: “Having your member flop out at a pep rally”

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Luke: “Hi everybody! Testing, testing. Hello Earth. Welcome to a Monday afternoon edition of TBTL.”

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Luke: “I shit you not”

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Luke: “I wouldn’t ever want my ex married to someone who’s known as ‘The Stallion Who Mounts the World’.”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Lenny Kravitz’s “pennis, just, came right out”

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Luke: “Oh, really”

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Luke: “Polish this turd up a little bit”

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Luke: “Take a sip of that coffee. Take a sip of that Java!”

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Luke: “Thank God”

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Luke: “The apps on my phone… it’s just a murderers row of things I’ve tried to, I think will make my life better.”

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Luke: “Yeah, the way I meditate is by downloading meditation apps on to my phone but not using them.”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew was an early founder of the Global Energy Balance Network

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew yawns in response to Luke’s intro to the show

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Luke and Andrew: “Except nobody took a picture of it, thank God! As far as you know. That’s right.”

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Luke and Andrew: “TBTL would like to retract that statement that we made a couple of weeks ago. We just need a blanket statement on like everything on this show is probably wrong.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Umm, you’ll recognize it once I start going. Oh, this old chestnut!”

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“Forget it [insert name here], it’s Koreatown”

Towards the end of the “Koreatown” episode of FX’s “Married”, one of the characters said the phrase “Forget it Russ, it’s Koreatown”:

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Since Andrew Walsh is based out of the Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles, I think it would be fitting if there was a version of that phrase for Andrew Walsh and Luke Burbank. With a little bit of searching for a clean “Walsh” and “Burbank” spoken by the other half, I created the following clips:

“Forget it Burbank, it’s Koreatown”

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“Forget it Walsh, it’s Koreatown”

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