Clips From TBTL #2761

Andrew: “Holy crap!!”

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Andrew: “Holy crap!! Quick aside! I need to tell somebody this!”

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Andrew: “I am clearly somebody, on record, who really enjoys my beverages”

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Andrew: “I give it a ding-ding. I like it”

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Andrew: “I mean, I hate that shit anyway”

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Andrew: “I’m entitled to it!”

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Andrew: “My brain went to wonderful places for ‘Fifty Shades of Polish'”

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Andrew: “Oh my God! Fifty Shades of Polish? Like, my brain kind of explodes”

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Andrew: “Society still frowns on making fun of nail salons”

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Andrew: “The only thing I’ve ever said with conviction on this show”

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Andrew and Luke: “Dance, Dance Resolution: We resolve to dance. Dance, Dance Resolution… Dance, Dance, Dance Resolution”

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Andrew and Luke: “Demi… Adejuyigbe… Uh, didja eBay. Uh, didja eBay [ph]

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Beeping sound at the start of the Stu-bot’s voicemail message

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Luke: “Buy, buy, buy!”

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Luke: “Coming to you… from the Burbank Springs Broadcast Center… perched atop Alabama Hill. That’s my… Caribbean accent by way of Potawatomi”

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Luke: “Go Mariners. Go eat a Bortles… Go Seahawks. Go Browns”

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Luke: “Hawky grandmas be tripping, too?”

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Luke: “I was LOLing so hard”

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Luke: “I’m all the way up!”

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Luke: Making a beeping sound

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Luke: “Thanks a lot, WeWork!”

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Luke: “This is getting worse, not better”

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Luke: “We live in a very neighborhoody neighborhood”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’ve got to eat… some cold Mexican food; and, you have got… you gotta work on your ding-a-ling sling… I… You’re not the first person to tell me that”

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