Clips From TBTL #2881

Andrew: “Also, I get the Lord of the Rings and the Bible confused”

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Andrew: “Have we reached our ten year friendiversary yet?”

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Andrew: “He really likes his… Bean time, in the same way I like my Andrew time”

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Andrew: “I can get so catty about those things, and snarky”

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Andrew: “It is just a huge sugar blast”

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Andrew: “M’kay. You outta here?”

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Andrew: “Nostalgia is a powerful drug”

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Andrew: “Not to turn this into a sad sack story”

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Andrew: “Turning Coors Light into Miller High Life”

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Andrew and Luke: “By the way, Luke, this is not me… at all judging you… This is me judging you judging others (Better not be)”

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Andrew and Luke: “It’s best to use more words (Mmm-hmm!)”

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Luke: “Carey… God bless her… What a… what a… sweet… (That’s my woife!) kind person”

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Luke: “Dinner for schmucks… starring me”

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Luke: “Equivalent… past… participle of the paradigmatic profane word in our culture!!”

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Luke: “I don’t know… Metaphor much?”

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Luke: “Nah. I think… our princess is in another castle”

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