Clips From TBTL #2950

Andrew: “#DankViralContent”

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Andrew: “A dank viral thing!”

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Andrew: “Do I say… candora funny?”

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Andrew: “Fri-yay; as, I’ll never say again”

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Andrew: “I couldn’t actually think of the word ‘meme’ for a second. I could only think of the word ‘dank’… Weird… It’s a true story”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Maybe that’s more… producer servicing than listener servicing”

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Andrew: “Oh, yes! Can’t wait to rest these arms! Ugh! These arms are so tired; I gotta rest them!”

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Andrew: Saying “Let everybody get used to it” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “Sir! Do not harass the box!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Singing “Some people go low; and, some people go high!”

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Andrew: “You do have to have a certain kind of… just… not… give-up-pedness”

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Andrew and Luke: “Oh, no! I think it’s the view of the mounds… Oh! God, look at that mound. Wow! There’s so many mounds! Man… they should this the Land of a Thousand Mounds”

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Luke: “Dank viral content?”

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Luke: “Do you think she stole this from my mom?”

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Luke: “Here’s what the baggage that I bring to these kinds of conversations”

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Luke: “I know that I said yesterday on the show… that I was go on down to Andrew’s house… and record today’s edition of the program… yesterday… But… the timing didn’t work out on that; so, I’m recording… today’s show… today! So, let that blow your mind for a minute”

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Luke: “I love centering myself in a story”

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Luke: “I was not gonna manspread. I was not gonna take possession of the armrest”

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Luke: “In all… candora”

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Luke: “Leave me the fuck alone!”

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Luke: Mimicking the sound of a text message being sent

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Luke: “Oh, man. You broke the plane, didn’t you, Andrew? Dang it!”

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Luke: “The Land of a Thousand Donors”

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Luke and Andrew: “If Burbs is gonna fly all the way out… to… (Yeah) Vienna, Virgnina… Burbs is gonna get on the radio, right?”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s some, it’s a meme-ish… (It’s a meme) thing. I actually couldn’t think of the word ‘meme’ for second. I could only think of the word ‘dank’… Weird… It’s a true story”

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Luke and Andrew: “Spellcheck doesn’t like ‘dank viral content’, as it were (Nobody does!!)”

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