Clips From TBTL #2951

Andrew: “And, it felt good, Luke”

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Andrew: “Episode number… four ninety-two… Andy Beggars [ph] is a Buttface”

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Andrew: “I send it over to the thing that’ll send it to your podcatchers; and, then, I send it over to the thing so you can listen to it online”

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Andrew: “It’s a wolf trap!”

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Andrew: “It’s back, baby!”

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Andrew: “Jank viral content”

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Andrew: “Me-mes!”

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Andrew: “No, baby. No”

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Andrew: “Oh, I went there”

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Andrew: “Oh, no!”

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Andrew: “Oh, no!” #2

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Andrew: “Oh! That’s a good joke!”

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Andrew: “People are getting at me on Yammer!”

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Andrew: “People started Slacking at me”

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Andrew: “Your God isn’t as good as my God”

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Andrew and Luke: “Am I disrespecting your joke investigation? Yes you are, my friend”

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Andrew and Luke: “But, I also think it was a jank joke… Would you consider it a jank meme?”

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Luke: “I do some black ops stuff. I get wet”

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Luke: “Patented Burbank creative magic”

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Luke: “Poop goes in the toilet; but, I had an accident”

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Luke: “Prague Rock?”

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Luke: Singing “Hello, confidence… didn’t have enough money”

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Luke and Andrew: “Are any of these shows in existence anymore? Nope”

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Luke and Andrew: “Did you, at any point, say ‘Diagnosis: Delicious’? Cuz, that is–you’re definitely channeling Dr. Hibbert at that point… That was not a real laugh”

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Luke and Andrew: “I weep for the Secret Skin listeners who are gonna get this episode… That’s legit laughter… No laugh track! Good joke”

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Luke and Andrew: “This song slaps so hard (So smooth)”

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