Clips From TBTL #3046

Andrew: “Cutting off the butt of the celery”

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Andrew: “Genevieve famously calls my beef jerky, that I eat on road trips, a ‘bag of farts’. She doesn’t let me eat it often… I say it doesn’t smell so bad… but, apparently, I should send this to Genevieve so she can do the victory dance”

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Andrew: “I could try cyber-stalking her right now”

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Andrew: “I think it’s just, ‘Whee!'”

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Andrew: “I think it’s safe. Nobody listens to this show”

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Andrew: “I’m actually, ‘Baby Andrew'”

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Andrew: “Officially, my name is ‘Andrew Andrew'”

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Andrew: “Oh, no!”

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Andrew: “Uh-oh”

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Andrew: “Uh-oh. This is gonna be a lotta stock!”

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Andrew: “What happened!? How did this happen?”

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Andrew: “What… is this mad hell?”

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Andrew: “Yoda Yoda… Yaddle Yoda… and Baby Yoda”

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Andrew: “You… didn’t eat all your broccoli… Go to your room, Andrew!”

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Andrew: “You’re my friend forever!!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m just, like… begging our guests to take stock home with them… They had ‘stock home syndrome’… Yes, they did. Yeah”

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Andrew and Luke: “Was it a ‘Woohoo’ deal? Oh… Does the Pope shit in the woods? Yeah, dude!”

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Luke: “A Donor of the Day you will not be until… money you have given”

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Luke: “And, couldn’t get it off”

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Luke: “And, everybody took a whack at it”

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Luke: “I cry about weird stuff”

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Luke: “I did a very, I feel like it was a real Andrew-y kind of thing”

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Luke: “I don’t need a phablet in my life”

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Luke: “I feel… relieved that I, somehow, pulled that out of the back of my… brain-cicle”

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Luke: “I’m actually so excited to talk Baby Yoda with you”

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Luke: “Lemme get my hair shirt on”

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Luke: “Liberty, bibberty, Liberty”

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Luke: “Like, he has no ‘meh’… in him”

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Luke: “Like, I made that decision; which, is a very un-Luke decision… I practice self-care in the extreme… Some would call it, ‘narcissism'”

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Luke: “Long story… more boring”

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Luke: “Man, it is Baby Yoda’s world; and, we… just live in it… you guys”

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Luke: “Phamdemort… checked in. I guess that this is a real thing. And, it must’ve been a chain; cuz, I know Phamdemort didn’t grow up around here”

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Luke: Saying “The enormity of the flavor… of the coffee… leaves one… only one choice, which is madness” as Werner Herzog

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Luke: Singing “And, it’s one more night in Hollywood”

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Luke: “That’s a feedback loop that many of our listeners have been able to break out of”

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Luke: “This is where… Captain Luke has showed back up”

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Luke and Andrew: “Carcass. Carcass, carcass”

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Luke and Andrew: “I one hundred percent get what he’s talking about… How so?”

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