Clips From TBTL #3053

Andrew: “Go! Go! This is what you trained for! Take it! Take it! Something opened up!”

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Andrew: “I am afraid I cannot edit as I talk”

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Andrew: “It’s a miracle!”

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Andrew: Making funny thinking sounds

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Andrew: “Sorry, I was kind of ignoring you during that intro. I realize that’s kind of rude”

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Andrew: “The math isn’t there… The math isn’t there!!”

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Andrew: “What’s hiding in the leaves that can hurt me?”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m dinging for two (Eww)”

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Andrew and Luke: Saying “It’s a ladies’ fund. It’s a ladies’ fund!” in an Australian accent

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Luke: “Attempted rim touching”

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Luke: “Ding it for both of us”

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Luke: Doing his version of the Jaws shark approaching notes

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Luke: “Going to the Burger King to poop. That’s what, that’s what love is”

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Luke: “I really Shatner’d your bathroom up”

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Luke: “I’m always on some bullshit”

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Luke: “Lay off the drops, Burbs”

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Luke: “My host brain was spinning… so hard… the whole show”

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Luke: “Not your circus, not your monkeys. Nobody needs your help; just… stay in your line, Burbs”

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Luke: “Oh, you… I can’t quit you”

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Luke: “Old… Shady B”

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Luke: “Olivia… cover your ears… We’re screwed”

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Luke: Saying “I didn’t do it… I don’t know how this happened”

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Luke: “So, we’ve decided you’re Rubbermaid Girl”

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Luke: “Sorry about that. There was kinda a frenzy in your bathroom… You wanna keep that door close for a hot minute”

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Luke: “Try to touch the rim”

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Luke: “Whatever you wanna do, Quadzilla”

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Luke: “Would you consider becoming a VSCO boy?”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke describing the toe nail clipping mess and Andrew is squicking out

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Luke and Andrew: “You gotta love it, right? You know this is a Box Tops cover, right? You know what? This interview is over!”

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