Clips From TBTL #3134

Andrew: “Cuz, I remember it like it was yesterdoodle”

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Andrew: “Do you remember which bonus show? Cuz, I remember it like it was yesterdoodle”

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Andrew: “Don’t exercise and vape like a crazy man at night”

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Andrew: “It… kinda… scares me a little bit”

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Andrew: “Just creeping my way home”

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Andrew: “Just creeping my way home… Eugh!”

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Andrew: Making warning buzzer sounds

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Andrew: “Speaking of the rest of the week, Andrew?”

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Andrew: “Stanch. I wanna stanch the e-mails… I stanch e-mails”

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Andrew: “Stop rememberin’ that!”

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Andrew: “There’s something in us now”

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Andrew: “This other person thinks that they’re the only person on the road!!”

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Andrew: “Walsh the Vapester”

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Andrew: “We did a whole show on After These Messages… Sorry, Nick, I’m also gonna plug my other podcast during your Dazzling Donor message”

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Andrew: “What the hell is going on?”

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Andrew: “You just wanted a loosie”

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Andrew: “You think that I live my life usually trying to stay out of people’s way. You should’ve seen me trying to hug the–I was trying to disappear. I was trying to tunnel under the Earth to stay out of people’s way”

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Andrew and Luke: “I mean, this isn’t good… But, you know, I started smoking I, I think when I was a sophomore in high school; which, is… obviously too early… Shouldn’t start smoking at any time; but… Oh, God. Wait, hold on. Is smoking bad for you? (What about vaping, though?) Could somebody let me know if smoking is bad for you? Smoking is bad for you, everybody. Don’t do it”

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Luke: “Boom. Roasted”

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Luke: Getting mentioned, along with Christy Wise, for finding the origin story for “No mountain too tall”

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Luke: “He’s [sic] dad drinks beer and talks loud”

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Luke: “I’m gonna go anecdotal on you”

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Luke: “I’m gonna… take a shot here. I’m gonna shoot my shot”

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Luke: “If anyone is getting their… their COVID, like… facts from us, this is the wrong place for that”

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Luke: “Oh, man… Fight it, Burbs… Fight it”

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Luke: “Our friend Nick Armes… the Perfect Ten… Also known as Nick Sleevies”

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Luke: “Rudy has been having the time of her flippin’ life!”

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Luke: “So ripshit”

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Luke: “There are way too many people touching each other right now”

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Luke: “With the power of my mind… try to control the situation and bend it into something usable”

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Luke and Andrew: “Who was making out with this tiger? (Mmm-hmm. They’re hot)”

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Luke and Andrew: “You skeezed when you meant to skeeve… Not a show title”

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