Clips From TBTL #2791

Andrew: “At least, Seattle still has a little bit of its… bastard charm”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I get real… I get real… kinda… sarcastic”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I was so goddamn grumpy… about it”

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Andrew: “Hey, let me ask you a question. It’s kind of a personal question… Do you have a mouth? Does somebody on your holiday shopping list have a mouth? And, do those mouths, respectively… have teeth in them?”

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Andrew: “I know that I’m a sensitive… soul over here and I don’t like being hollered at; but, you gotta trust me, I was being hollered at!”

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Andrew: “I was being hollered at!”

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Andrew: “I was just feeling a little crank yankers yesterday, anyway”

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Andrew: “I’m a… complicated creature”

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Andrew: “It’s sort of a Luke move”

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Andrew: “Please don’t… let this… let this good deed go… punished”

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Andrew: Reading the copy of a Bumble app flyer that looks like a parking ticket

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Andrew: “Son of a gun!”

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Andrew: “This is where I am a sick man”

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Andrew: “Wait… Oh! Yeah! Wheels up! Holy shit!”

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Andrew: Whispering “Dude! Alright… Let’s get into this”

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Andrew: “You can’t use your middle finger in somebody else’s car”

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Andrew: “You can’t use your middle finger in somebody else’s car, especially a stranger’s car”

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Andrew and Luke: “I think that we’re kind of an asshole generation. I think as Gen Xs, we roll our eyes (Yeah) at everything”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m fascinated to think that there is the right thwacking sound out there for you. You just haven’t met it yet… And, (Yeah) one of these days, you’re just gonna be walking along, and, all of a sudden, it’s gonna be like… That’s the one… Can I now, please… (Yep) hire your dancing lady”

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Luke: “Cooch”

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Luke: “Cooch” #2

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Luke: “Here’s a picture of a steak, libtard!!”

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Luke: “It makes me deeply embarrassed”

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Luke: “No good deed goes… punished?”

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Luke: “Oh, that’s why… these people make… the money… and, I make the podcart”

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Luke: Saying “Sorry!” in a funny manner

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Luke: “Thank you, babies… for making… TBTL… possible”

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Luke and Andrew: “Did you… see the supercut… of us saying ‘cooch;’ which, I will… have to play for you at some point. I say that it came in; but, I didn’t listen to it”

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Luke and Andrew: “I have questions; and, you better have answers for me (Yeah, we’ll see) on the other side of this break”

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Luke and Andrew: “Like, I… I… saw a guy with a man bun and I didn’t even punch him, Andrew. (Hmm) I mean, this is growth”

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Clips From TBTL #2790: No Point Conversion

Andrew: “Boobed the bed”

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Andrew: “Guess I got good at technology, Scotty. It’s Scotty. We love Scotty”

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Andrew: “I mean, I was Ders-ing it up like you wouldn’t believe”

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Andrew: “If I’m gonna be cocky about it”

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Andrew: “Ohh!! Gotcha. Gotcha”

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Andrew: “This is how you Browns it up”

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Luke: “Both teams just stunk it up”

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Luke: “Having just watched the Seahawks… guano the bed”

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Luke: “He’s just… just… diapered it up”

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Luke: “I just couldn’t care!”

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Luke: “It was Stu-dinger’s cat!”

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Luke: “It’s a good week to be an Andrew”

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Luke: “Spoken like a Browns fan. How dare you”

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Luke: “The game was… ugly. U-G-L-Y. You ain’t got no alibi. You’re ugly”

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Luke: “When it’s working… I love him”

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Clips From TBTL #2790

While discussing the top ten list of funny words, Luke had a field day with the word “cooch” and its homophone, “Couch” * (as in the John H. Couch who was one of the founders of Portland, Oregon). The following is a mashup of all thirteen times Luke said it and the one time that Andrew said it.

Luke and Andrew: Cooch Mashup

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Andrew: “Cooch”

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Andrew: “Cooch, we’ve covered… Goddamnit, Linh! If you… trim that out, and send that clip to me, I will… quit the show”

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Andrew: “Hans… Bubby!”

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Andrew: “I dunno why she knows this; but, I believe her”

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Andrew: “I had button jealousy”

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Andrew: “I mean, I don’t even know what the hell I was thinking”

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Andrew: “I… could never do that!”

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Andrew: “Let’s just ‘No, but’ ourselves out of this conversation”

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Andrew: “Oh my God. This is it. This is how I die. This is end of everything”

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Andrew: “Oh, shit. I got away with that! I can’t believe it!”

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Andrew: Quietly saying “Is it dirty?”

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Andrew: “What is this sweet, sweet button you have?”

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Andrew: “Yeah–not to be ‘No, but;’ but, that wasn’t the case in our, in our house”

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Luke: “Cooch”

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Luke: “Cooch” #2

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Luke: “Cooch” #3

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Luke: “Cooch” #4

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Luke: “Cooch” #5

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Luke: “Cooch” #6

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Luke: “Cooch” #7

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Luke: “Cooch” #8

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Luke: “Cooch!”

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Luke: “Cooch!” #2

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Luke: “Couch” *

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Luke: “Couch!” *

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Luke: Drawn out “Couch” *

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Luke: “Hunka-bunka, burning… bureaucracy”

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Luke: “Oh, that’s dirty”

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Luke: “Quit yer yapping!”

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Luke: Saying “California” in a funny manner

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Luke: “They are… high out of their minds!”

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Luke: “Top ten podcasts that ruined my marriage!”

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Luke: “Well, something must be wrong!”

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Clips From TBTL #2789

Andrew: “At the risk of trying to put her in a box”

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Andrew: “Black equals scary”

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Andrew: “Damnit!”

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Andrew: “Don’t phlegm into the mic”

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Andrew: “Go with me on this journey, Jeannie”

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Andrew: “I had some real burners”

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Andrew: “I literally played fantasy public radio show”

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Andrew: “It was Sunday. I was gonna have no coffee; but, I started to get the damn headache”

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Andrew: “It’s her… sophomore effort… if you will”

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Andrew: “Man, does my head hurt!”

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Andrew: “My name is Andrew Walsh. I get to talk first today; because, Luke Burbank… is traveling”

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Andrew: “No. I just leak from my face a lot when you make me laugh”

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Andrew: “Oh, no! Damnit!!”

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Andrew: “Oh, no! I don’t like the look Jeannie’s giving me”

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Andrew: Quietly saying “I dunno what the rules are anymore”

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Andrew: Saying “I’m broken now” in a funny, drawn-out manner

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Andrew: Singing along with with the Doogie Howser, M.D. theme

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Andrew: Singing along with with the Doogie Howser, M.D. theme and saying “I like to sing along when I’m trying to get my… ducks in a row here”

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Andrew: “The Bad Boys of the seal community!”

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Andrew: “This is journalism. I hope you’re taking notes”

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Andrew: “You are so ‘Yes, and’-ing me right now”

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: Andrew saying “He’s talking about cocaine… Yes!!” and Jeannie gasps

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: “Don’t… mess around with that shit! (Yes)”

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: Funny reaction

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: “Geez, Louise. Oh my God! We’re fifteen minutes past break time already. Uh-oh… That’s your fault”

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: Jeannie is squicked out by the details of the eels that are up monk seals’s nostrils

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: “John Barth still thinks I’m unemployed. Ohhh!”

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: “Oh, yikes, man! (Mmm-hmm) Wow!”

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Andrew and Jeannie Yandel: “The computer yelled at me. It said, (Yeah) ‘Walsh, you don’t have to look this shit up’ (Yes)”

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Jeannie Yandel: “Feel the shape of your sinuses”

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Jeannie Yandel: “For God’s sake!”

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Jeannie Yandel: “I’m super phlegmy”

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Jeannie Yandel: Laughing and saying “Wait. What?”

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Jeannie Yandel: “Let’s talk about the Oscars when we can’t remember anybody’s name!”

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Jeannie Yandel: “That would be my rap name, is: O.T. Mouth Sounds”

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Jeannie Yandel and Andrew: “Actually, my favorite holiday meeting is when nobody knows who’s leading the meeting. Oh my God. You’re right”

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Jeannie Yandel and Andrew: The egg nog may have gotten to Jeannie

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Clips From TBTL #2788

Andrew: “First of all… this is gonna offend some people”

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Andrew: “Fuzzy kinda punky pop”

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Andrew: “Good morning, America!”

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Andrew: “I don’t think it’s a stinky smell I’m putting out there”

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Andrew: “I think it’s a tautology”

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Andrew: “It is nasty out there”

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Andrew: “Like, I’m not a real stinky person”

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Andrew: “Like, what the fuck happened!?”

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Andrew: “Smell-slash-poop hole”

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Andrew: “This is one… sexy donor song, right here”

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Andrew: “This is the oldest man-y thing I can say right now”

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Andrew: “We’ve reached Andrew Walsh at the Emoji Research Institute, based in Los Angeles, California… He says that he’s pretty agnostic when it comes to emoji usage; however, we should consider… the negative effects of having too many emojis when trying to text… quickly”

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Andrew: “What is this thing?”

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Andrew: “You know, I don’t have a huge… Doug on this flight”

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Andrew and Luke: “Did I just take the piss out (Yeah) of this for you?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Okay, I just want the bomb one; because, I just… I’m blowing this text chain up, or… whatever (Sure)”

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Luke: “Cthulhu”

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Luke: “Houston… we have an Andrew!”

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Luke: “I told you this was a thing!!”

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Luke: “Right now, it just looks like a weirdo nose”

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Luke: Saying “We told you there was a cliff!!” in a funny manner

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Luke: Singing “Ding-dong, ding-dong”

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Luke: Singing “Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong”

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Luke: “The scent of an Andrew”

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Luke and Andrew: “Can we use the word ‘jizzing out’ please? Oh, God! Wow! Good morning, America!”

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Luke and Andrew: “He demises and returns? Oh, Christ. Am I wrong about this?”

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Luke and Andrew: “I apologize to people outside of the Northwest at how I say the word ‘bagel’… It’s pronounced ‘boogle’… It’s pronounced… ‘Michelle'”

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Clips From TBTL #2787

Andrew: “And, I think we even had her on our talk show. Kinda–I think it was my talk show; cuz, I remember being somewhat against my will”

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Andrew: “But, you kind of owe me a thank you; because, I was damn close to asking him how the 4K situation plays into this”

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Andrew: “Constantly going to laundromats looking for the one. Everybody knows that feeling. You’re looking for… the one”

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Andrew: “I dunno why I think about greeting card… writers a lot; but, I do”

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Andrew: “I guess I’m just like a Princess and the Pea over here”

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Andrew: Saying “I would run one thousand miles” in a stilted manner

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Andrew: “Sorry… I’m getting my Crossfire on”

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Andrew: “What is this, Cool Club!?”

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Andrew: “What the fuck!!?”

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Andrew: “You punt where the Canucks are”

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Luke: “Hear that, Rudy? I deserve some respect around here… Forty-two years old… I drive a Dodge Stratus”

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Luke: “I might fuck around and make some more crackers tonight, Andrew. That might happen”

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Luke: “I’m not trying to interrupt your flow state”

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Luke: “I’m on the road to Wellville… here with this stuff”

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Luke: “I’ve had that zit for… thirty yea–for twenty plus years”

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Luke: “It’s good cop, rude cop”

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Luke: Making a buzzer-like sound

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Luke: “Operation… Cracker Ranch… is going well”

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Luke: Singing “Hang me up to dry!”

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Luke: Singing “Now, we’re the Cold War Kids!”

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Luke: “This tastes like mayo!!!”

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Luke: “What do we need clouds for?”

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Luke: “Who runs this place?”

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Luke: “Whoa!!”

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Luke: “Wow. Well, I guess, then, we know you’re a freaking liar when you say things like this, ‘I agree with everything that you said'”

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Luke and Andrew: “On behalf of The Church of Scientology… Australia (Thank you) is a beautiful country… Rich and diverse”

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Luke and Andrew: “You tunt where the Cucks are… Oh, no! (I cannot believe you just told that joke) No, go back the ducks thing! Go back to the ducks thing!”

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