Clips From TBTL #2094: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “And yes, I was down for that!”

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Andrew: “Boy, everything is spinning out of control!”

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Andrew: “Christy ‘The Chainsaw’ Wise”

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Andrew: “How are you doing, or should I call you by your new name, Luke ‘The Chainsaw’ Burbank?”

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Andrew: “How come you got to say that thing, but I had to have a problem?”

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Andrew: “I, not unlike me getting all, all up in my head when I’m driving.”

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Andrew: “I’m a business man, I’m a podcast man!”

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Andrew: “It’s totally unfair for me, and I’ve actually thrown this back in your face before.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Oh my God, you’re so Trumpy!”

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Andrew: “Once I just started going it, I just started… doing it.”

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Andrew: “Podcasts don’t stop for families!”

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Andrew: “Really!?!”

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Andrew: “She’s just like, ‘Blah blah blah!'”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew loves the party horn sound from Luke’s “Exciting Celebrate Music” track

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew saying “Dazzling Donor, Activated!” and Luke trying to make a party horn sound

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Andrew and Luke: “Is it coming from inside the podcast? Oh, God! The noise was coming from inside the podcast!”

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Clips From TBTL #2094: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: Creating a fake Swedish word, “schnürbdër”, for a house filled with Ikea products

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Luke: Describing his neighbors using Trumpisms

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Luke: “Gene!”

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Luke: “I bored seven with one podcast.”

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Luke: “I chainsaw all the time brother! Throw me that chainsaw.”

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Luke: “I did feel very manly, I have to tell you!”

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Luke: “I’ve bored three flies with one stone.”

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Luke: “It sounds familiar. It sounds like a thing I heard about every single day for… exactly five days.”

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Luke: “It’s exactly like the weed wacker, except it’s a whirling blade of death.”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Maybe he can be in my next sex tape.”

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Luke: Mistakenly calls the show #2093

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Luke: “Or as Camaro Kev would say it, ‘My woife'”

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Luke: Playing with his squirrel lure

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Luke: Playing with his squirrel lure #2

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Luke: “So, shut your yapper!”

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Luke: Talking in a high-pitched, whiny voice about breaking a chainsaw

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Luke: “This is an open podcast relationship. That needs to be established at the beginning, Andrew!”

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Luke: Trying to make a party horn sound

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Luke: “What!?!”

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Luke: “What was the show when Luke was being so sexy? Or, that time when… when, when Andrew was having stomach problems. Andrew was having so much gas, couldn’t be around him.”

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Luke: “Where is Pod-dog? (Perro) Rudy!”

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Luke: Whistling for Pod-dog

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Luke: “You have every right to be wrong on this matter, Andrew. It’s fine… it’s okay.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Let’s, let’s (kill) bored two birds with one stone.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke playing track called “Exciting Celebrate Music” and Andrew starts laughing

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Luke and Andrew: Luke playing with his squirrel lure and Andrew saying “Oh my God!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Please tell me it’s the one about crop dusting. It is.”

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Luke and Andrew: Sending a telepathic message to Steve Nelson using his squirrel lure

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Clips From TBTL #2093

Andrew: “And, who doesn’t want to be closer to Luke?”

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Andrew: “Aren’t I cute? Aren’t I cute?”

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Andrew: “Can I sustain this show, like, am I good? Do people like me? How are the ratings?”

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Andrew: “Genevieve and I have been so… God damn lucky!”

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Andrew: “Gently, not used.”

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Andrew: “Good grief!!!”

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Andrew: “He’s just like, ‘Hey. So, where’s my blanket?'”

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Andrew: “Huge left turn. Huge left turn.”

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Andrew: “I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m thinking of!”

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Andrew: “I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m thinking of! Thinking of my cats, Luke!”

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Andrew: “I forgot that I left that in there, that’s perfect!”

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Andrew: “I think I’m your father, Luke.”

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Andrew: “I wish I was scooping more shit up!”

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Andrew: “I’m your father, Luke.”

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Andrew: “It’s a little bit of a Garfield-Nermal relationship.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Love it every time.”

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Andrew: “Maybe this is a Luke Burbanky thing to say.”

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Andrew: “No, actually, I’m just a dirty talker.”

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Andrew: “Oh my God!”

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Andrew: “Oh, we’re good at this. We’re so good at this!”

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Andrew: “Oh, we’re starting with that.”

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Andrew: “Okay, I have so many things to say. I have so many things, that my, that my thoughts are unorganized and I don’t know where to begin.”

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Andrew: “Show me on the mitt.”

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Andrew: “Suck it up… and pick a chubby.”

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Andrew: “Theo, Theodore Murray, Walsh The First”

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Andrew: “Thinking of my cats, Luke!”

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Andrew: “Trucks, trucks and more trucks!”

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Andrew: “Wh-What’s the deal with moles?”

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Andrew: “Yabba-yabba-don’t!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Something’s wrong, I can’t hear your laughter (In Three…)”

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Luke: “Andrew ‘Oh yeah!’ Walsh”

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Luke: “Coming to you from Burbank Springs Broadcast Center, perched atop Alabama Hill.”

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Luke: Cute Chuckle

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Luke: “Dazzle me!”

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Luke: “Gophers! Kill the gophers!”

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Luke: “I call her my Cat Monster.”

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Luke: “I don’t think anybody thought it in that way.”

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Luke: “I don’t, I don’t understand how people can be so heartless. Sorry, he didn’t sing it in the e-mail. I just did for no reason.”

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Luke: “It’s killing me!!!”

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Luke: “Let me get real, for a minute here.”

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Luke: “Play it again, Luke; because, I am your father.”

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Luke: “Shoot da grass”

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Luke: Trying to do the AutoZone jingle

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Luke and Andrew: “Everything’s coming up Walsh. Everything’s coming up Walsh. Now, of course, now I’m jinxing it. Now, I’m looking over my shoulder, like there’s gonna be a masked man putting a knife between my shoulder blades in a second.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Shoot da grass. I’m writing that down.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Ugh, my cat-in-law is a total B! (Oh, man.)”

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Luke and Andrew: “We have a mole problem in our backyard. Somebody’s talking? Yeah. No talking to the Yellow Street News. It’s killing me!!!”

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Luke and Andrew: Who Let The Dogs Out

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Clips From TBTL #2092: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “And he just horfed down a burrito”

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Luke: “And I might have more crackers for dinner, and there’s nothing wrong with it.”

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Luke: Attempting to do a Chewie impression #1

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Luke: Attempting to do a Chewie impression #2

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Luke: Attempting to do a Chewie impression #3

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Luke: Chuckling quietly

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Luke: “Corn tortil-la”

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Luke: “He found them, and he passed away. Blurg.”

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Luke: “I don’t wanna ruin these ghost segments, that’s your job Andrew. No.”

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Luke: “I wish!”

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Luke: “In my crotch!”

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Luke: “Is it appropriate for people who are of certain Jewish faith… models? Sects? Whatever you might call it. Strains of the, the Jewish faith practice?”

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Luke: “It was a trap.”

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Luke: “It was… what I thought it was.”

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Luke: “It’s a tarp!”

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Luke: “It’s a trap!”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Let’s keep the realism real, real on this show.”

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Luke: Long sigh

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Luke: “Seattle’s News. Seattle’s Walsh”

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Luke: “Sorry, I got some weird vegan crackers coming back on me.”

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Luke: “This is happening, America!”

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Luke: “What should we call this episode, and what song should we play?”

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Luke: “You really pulled a Burbank there.”

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Luke: “You’re getting really passive digressive on the show, right at the top, Walsh.”

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Luke: “Yup!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Damn Akbar! Back at it again with the negative talk.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Do you want me to make you feel a little better about yourself? I feel great about myself! Oh, okay.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Georgie G… Wait. Georgie C. Georgie C! I coulda gone with Clooney G.”

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Luke and Andrew: “I consider it the Burrito Sucking Level… And, now they want their money back.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Today’s top story coming to you… kind of a day late. And, a dollar short.”

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Clips From TBTL #2092: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “And in the four minute drive from there to my home, I’m like, with one hand, just shoving this burrito in my face.”

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Andrew: “Boy, I’m really good at ghost story segments, aren’t I!”

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Andrew: “But no man should eat a burrito the way I just ate a burrito.”

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Andrew: “Cuz now you’re a man who sits in writer’s rooms and makes ha-ha”

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Andrew: “Eight-Two-Eight-Fuggedaboutit!”

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Andrew: Flat “Wow.”

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Andrew: “Guac lungs”

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Andrew: “I am gonna crash hard on this show.”

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Andrew: “I give it like fifteen seconds, I’m about to be brain dead.”

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Andrew: “I need to stop talking. I’m sorry.”

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Andrew: “If I remember it correctly and, if I’m getting it wrong, people gonna be mad!”

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Andrew: “It’s a Hidden Valley party in my mouth!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “You’re moving in the wrong direction!”

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Andrew: “My name is Andrew Walsh, and I’m a podcaster!”

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Andrew: “No, I don’t believe in gravity.”

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Andrew: “Number One, make it so!”

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Andrew: “Oh, of course!”

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Andrew: “Oh, please Walsh!”

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Andrew: “Sheesh!”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “That movie stresses me out!”

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Andrew: “That one kind of got me.”

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Andrew: “That’s the burrito talking. That’s the burrito and the pot of coffee I’m drinking from talking.”

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Andrew: “Wait, I want to talk to you about the space stories!”

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Andrew: “Yeah!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Don’t worry, it’s only a ten minute loop of that apparently… Yeah, I saw that too and chose not to play it, because I’m better than that. And a dollar short!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Exposition, (Hey!) Rising Action, Climax, Falling, Resolution.”

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Andrew and Luke: “You and I never signed off of on this, you and I never encouraged it, you and I never even said it was a good idea. Which explain why it’s been a success. Right!”

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Clips From TBTL #2091

Andrew: “And somebody better fucking note this on the TBTL Wiki Page.”

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Andrew: “Anyway, we have space issues in our new place; so, I need my CD drawers for something else… mostly drugs.”

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Andrew: “Boy, the therapist might have been right!”

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Andrew: “But here’s where I’m gonna say something somewhat hurtful”

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Andrew: “I don’t know, we’re biting the heads off of bats, and rats, and there’s blood, and the tongues, and the make up, and the paint.”

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Andrew: “I don’t wanna be here, I don’t wanna talk!”

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Andrew: “I have some nerve saying what I’m about to say, as somebody who has chosen not to have children”

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Andrew: “I just don’t like to do things.”

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Andrew: “I’m back, baby!”

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Andrew: “I’m super, super high strung.”

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Andrew: “I’ve been watching, like, like, a shit-ton of Murder She Wrotes.”

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Andrew: “It’s a cat!”

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Andrew: Meekly singing “I want to rock and roll”

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Andrew: “Oh, Andrew.”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: Sound of a whip cracking and Andrew saying “Wait, I don’t know what that was, but here…”

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Andrew: “Well, I guess I’m never gonna see most of you ever again.”

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Andrew: “You guys, I’m a mess… up in this mouth.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Everything is just perfect about this joke and this plan (Love it) and this spoof. We done good work here today Luke. Yes. Take the rest of the afternoon off! Okay, I always do.”

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Andrew and Luke: “It’s my fault. Umm, no-no-no-no-no. It’s, it’s-a, it’s mostly your fault.”

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Andrew and Luke: Marsupial Gurgle Name Drop

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Andrew and Luke: “Ya follow me? Right. Ya follow me!?!”

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Luke: “Bellingham, Washington. The Bay City.”

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Luke: “Hey, you’re fine.”

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Luke: “I helped my dad put that sign in!”

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Luke: “My name is Luke Burbank and I am your host!”

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Luke: Scatting

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Luke: Scatting #2

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Luke: “She showed you a butterfly and you said ‘Bitch had it coming’?”

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Luke: “Uh, Pod Dog? Pod–where is (Perro) Pod-dog? She’s nowhere to be found. You know what? She’s turned into a real teenager. Doesn’t want to be seen with her old man recording a podcast, or the family business, as it were.”

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Luke: “Why is everyone just suck, and I am awesome?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Fuck this place!!! Yes!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Here’s the thing that amazes me, someone’s is putting that shit in Wikipedia! Really?!?”

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Luke and Andrew: Laughing

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Luke and Andrew: Luke starts singing “In the flight of the angels, fly away” and then starts scatting

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Luke and Andrew: “Nice walking! (Yeah, right) You really put the toddle on toddler.”

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