Clips From TBTL #2565: Luke and David Burbank Edition

David Burbank: “Thank God Jen’s on the show”

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David Burbank and Andrew: “Do you get a copy of this list of names of the, of the… (Yeah!) complainers? Let’s, let’s make a hit list here”

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Luke: “And, Rudy goes over to where they are; and, I think she’s must be trying to eat an old wrapper or something… And, she just decides to stop… and drop the biggest deuce in the middle of their football game on AstroTurf”

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Luke: “Do you sense that I’m trying my hardest?”

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Luke: Drawn out “A real doozy”

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Luke: “Enough detail? Too much detail. Not enough detail… Where are we at on this?”

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Luke: “God, we’re lit!”

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Luke: “I licky boom-boom down”

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Luke: “I say as an extremely insecure person”

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Luke: “I’ll allow it!”

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Luke: “I’m just, I’m debating between keeping your powder dry; but, keeping your sugar on your shelf”

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Luke: “If they’re black… put ’em back. If they’re red… approach with dread… Those ones need to be dealt with. If they’re yellow, let them mellow”

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Luke: “Is this where they were? Is this where the people… knew this was a thing?”

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Luke: “It was bru-tal!”

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Luke: “Just… take this number, write it on the tablet of your heart, and be ready to call us”

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Luke: “KHAAAN!!!”

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Luke: “Listen… some of my favorite people to fight hang out at the Mandarin Gate”

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Luke: “O… M… G!!”

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Luke: “Oh, buddy”

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Luke: “She likes to take a picture, or do whatever fleek thing they do”

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Luke: Singing “All I do is lose”

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Luke: Singing “We be jammin’… We be jammin'”

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Luke: Singing the bass line of Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby”

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Luke: “So, I got those thangs”

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Luke: “TBTL is… Full-Night Sleepers”

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Luke: “That sounds lit”

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Luke: “That… for those of you… just joining the show… how’s it going?”

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Luke: “They’s tryin’ to say they was drunk… They had ninety beers. That was all”

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Luke: “Well, David, you’re the young… is that a fashion?”

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Luke: “What is happening to my life!? I don’t control the mic! I’m so sorry!”

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Luke and Andrew: “And, Andrew, you have a look, I don’t know if it’s delirium, or satisfaction… or frustration on your face. I’m just in a really good mood!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Do you have a story to tell, Ben? Everybody’s got a story to tell, Ben”

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Luke and Andrew: “Every time I try to eat a Landjäger, everybody yells at me… says it stinks in here. Goddamnit!”

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Luke and Jen: “I really don’t need walk-on music, just because… that sets the expectation, that like… lesser Jimmy Fallon… and… and, I don’t think I’m quite there yet… (No) And, so… That was a little quick… A little quick”

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Luke, Andrew and Steve Nelson: “Do you miss us, man? I mean, now, you’re, you’re, you, you… What he meant to say was, ‘We miss you, man’. Oh, yeah, that’s how you ask that… That’s how you say that. We miss you, Steve. Hey, do you miss us, man? I do miss you guys”

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Clips From TBTL #2173

Andrew: Drawn out “Luke”

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Andrew: “Hmm. Running long? Question mark?”

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Andrew: “I’m gonna miss the shit out of him.”

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “Right”

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Andrew: “Now I’m back, baby!”

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Andrew: “Oh my gosh! How old are you in that thing?”

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Andrew: “This is never gonna happen, this is never gonna happen. I let myself believe. Why did I let myself believe?”

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Andrew: “Wait, are you disrespecting my duplication investigation conversation?”

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Andrew: “Where’s my turd open?”

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Andrew: “Who, who shouted us out, what did they say, and did they sound angry.”

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Andrew: “You think that it’s tough to talk to you while you’re eating sausage; which, it is.”

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Andrew and Luke: HRCon and HurCon

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Luke: “And exactly what TBTL needs.”

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Luke: “And, it is like low-carb Christmas.”

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Luke: Asking Steve Nelson to approve two requests before it’s too late

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: Chuckling #2

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Luke: “Double Duking”

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Luke: “Get out of my face!”

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Luke: “Hey, we should collaborate! Please hire me”

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Luke: “Hey, we should collaborate! Please hire me… and my friend in LA.”

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Luke: “I just want to suck up to the right person”

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Luke: “In typically TBTL fashion, let me ask you some self-serving questions…”

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Luke: “Is that wool? No. Fart blanket.”

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Luke: “Let me snoozle you with a sneetail real quick, Tens of listeners.”

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Luke: “Man, I love those, those Dukes. I love those Double Dukes.”

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Luke: “Mission accomplished”

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Luke: “My woif”

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Luke: “People say a lot of stuff; and, usually, they don’t know what they’re talking about.”

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Luke: “(Perro) Pod-dog has had a major upgrade, you guys, I gotta tell you guys. Pod-dog has now become Pool-dog.”

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Luke: Singing “Shorty”

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Luke: “Those are the kinds of things that keep me up at night, sadly; because, I don’t want to be delivering you a hot, piping bowl of word salad, like I just did there.”

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Luke: “Vaya con Dios”

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Luke and Andrew: Deuzzle and Snoozle

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Luke and Andrew: Ghost in the ipDTL Machine

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Luke and Andrew: “I picked a bad day to stop sniffing turd sound effects. Okay, (Didn’t really) let’s, let’s move on.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke imitating the choppy, ipDTL word salad

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Luke and Andrew: Noptimistic and Cautiously Noptimistic

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Luke and Andrew: “So, she’s only fourteen hearbeats away from being a Garrison Keillor. So, I think… that’s pretty good. Put that in your pipe and think about it.”

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Luke and Andrew: “That sounds like the inside of your head when you have aphasia. Right.”

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Luke and Andrew: “What’s the opposite of dazzling the listeners with the… I don’t know, but we’ve been doing it.”

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Luke and Steve Nelson: “Alright, enjoy baby daddy camp. Okay.”

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Luke, Steve Nelson and Andrew: “Like, are we pretty much screwed at this point, boss, with you gone? No, because the complaints still come here. So… So, we’re still on the radar? Yeah, (That’s good… that’s good) yeah. I, I think you guys are set.”


Steve Nelson: “Luke blew me off. I’m not gonna lie.”

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Steve Nelson and Andrew: Baby Daddy Camp

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Clips From TBTL #2140: The Prime Cuts

The following are some of the “best of the best” clips from the TBTL live show from the Legion in St. Paul, Minnesota. One of those clips is Luke telling the backstory of why he started mentioning that Andrew is famous for his “drawing of tall ships”.

Andrew and Luke: First Key to the Show is don’t get fired halfway through the show (or not freak Luke out)

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Andrew and Luke: Sue Nelson starts playing while Andrew is telling his airplane story

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Andrew, Steve Nelson and Luke: Andrew pitching “Welcome to Night Pants”

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Luke and Andrew: Hotel Elevator Story

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Luke and Andrew: The Story Behind “Drawing of Tall Ships”

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Clips From TBTL #2140: “Two Steves and a Sue” Edition

Steve Nelson and Luke: “TBT-What? Possible show title.”

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Steve Nelson and Luke: “Uh, what are you thinking of titling it? We were thinking of calling it ‘All Thongs Considered’.”

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Steve Neuman: “Andrew!”

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Steve Neuman: “I, I need to sharpshoot your joke there, that is from the Little Red Bandwagon podcast.”

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Steve Neuman: “You son-of-a-bitch!”

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Steve Neuman, Luke and Andrew: “I’m glad you asked, Luke. Umm… Because, no.”

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Sue Nelson: Playing and singing “I’m tired and I wanna go to bed. I had a little drink about an hour ago and it went right to my head.”

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Sue Nelson and Luke: “Nobody’s listening to me, you know, you’re not… Andrew knows exactly how what that feels like. Sorry. I’ll leave now. I’m sorry.”

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Clips From TBTL #2140: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “Anything, any other As that need to be M’d, or whatever?”

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Luke: “As we like to say, podcasting is a highly visual medium.”

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Luke: “Buckle up, it’s not great.”

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Luke: “Cheese, cream, cheese, cream… insulin.”

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Luke: “Could you please welcome the bass player for Nervous Fingers, our boss, Steve Nelson, to the stage.”

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Luke: “How did you Hodor that?”

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Luke: “I consider my life a live show”

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Luke: “I have a lot to learn about your ways here in the Midwest, I apologize.”

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Luke: “It puts the podcast in the Stitcher, or it gets the hose.”

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Luke: “Nice Oregon Trail t-shirt too! That’s bitchin’.”

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Luke: “Notice me, Haage. Notice Me.”

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Luke: “Oh, that’s also in there.”

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Luke: “She just went from wind beneath to wind on top of your wings. That was a real quick flip there.”

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Luke: “She was already bored. You were bored with the instructions!”

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Luke: “That’s the end of the show, everybody. That was clearly the high point.”

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Luke: “There are, probably, ten to twelve of St. Paul’s finest citizens thinking ‘What the hell is a TBTL? Why do these people come to the hall tonight; and, why are they laughing at a guy playing audio drops?'”

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Luke: “This American Legion”

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Luke: “This is kind of a crazy feeling to look out on all these people and realize what a bad idea this was.”

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Luke: “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I, I, I, I see, I see things.”

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Luke: “You may have hitched your wagon to the wrong pony.”

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Luke and Andrew: “And the stamp says, Daytime Emmy Award Winner Luke Burbank. Do you wanna trade?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Invisibooyah!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Invisibooyah!” (With Audience Reaction)

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Luke and Andrew: “Like, based on all of the evidence, pretty lousy at being married. Like, pretty lousy at being, like… What do you mean? You love it, you keep doing it! Oh, sorry!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Oh, the Little Red Bandwagon kids. Thank you. The podcast about this podcast, which nobody on this podcast listens to; because, we get our feelings hurt. (Right)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Those things stress me out so hard, cuz I feel like if I fart (Yes!) on a Perrier, it’s gonna be seven dollars. Exactly!”

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Luke and Andrew: “We know that you know, as a listener to this show, that sometimes the energy can get a little low, things can kind of drag. Don’t look at me–Why do you always look at me when you say that?”

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Luke and Steve Nelson: “Do we still have jobs? Yes, absolutely. Yes! That’s awesome!”

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Luke and Steve Neuman: “He’s manning the Heggie’s minor, regional, Internet presence tonight, the Stu-bot! (Welcome to the Internet)”

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Luke and Steve Neuman: “How does this all feel to you? Um, again, terrifying.”

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Luke and Steve Neuman: “How is this feeling for you, Stu-bot? I’m terrified.”

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Luke and Sue Nelson: “How did they do? Umm… well… Let’s talk about something else. Okay.”

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Luke and Sue Nelson: “What is that song called? Um… Doot-doot-doot-doot-doot-doo! I’m so glad to hear you don’t know the name of it.”

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Clips From TBTL #2011

Andrew: “Alright, ghost boss.”

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Andrew: Boisterous Laughter

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Andrew: “Instead of a penguin, am I right? Because of a tuxedo.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing and trying to say “I love you to death…I mean, it didn’t exactly have a power out.”

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Andrew: Singing “Yeah, yeah” a la Violent Femmes

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Andrew: “Surprises or reprimands”

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Andrew: “The roots are strong with this one.”

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Andrew: Trying to say “Ayn Randian”

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Andrew: “Will there be fire?!?”

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Andrew: “You want to practice, practice, practice and then forget it. Only, in this case, just forget it.”

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Andrew and Luke: “‘Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl)’ is by a band called Looking Glass. That’s not even Neil Diamond?!? Am I? Oh, my God. I am such a tool.”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’m e-mailing him that Duracell commercial to his private account, just, just to spoil it for him. Ohh, Andy! Don’t do that.”

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Luke: “ATC, if you’re Above Time Card”

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Luke: “ATT: Above The Truth”

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Luke: Example of how not to pronounce the Vietnamese family name “Nguyen”

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Luke: “God, love it!”

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Luke: “God! Why am I busting myself so hard in front of the earballs of probably our boss and, certainly, many people that work at American Public Media.”

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Luke: “I am such a tool.”

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Luke: “I would like to think of myself as some kind of rebel without a timesheet.”

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Luke: “Oh my God.”

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Luke: “Oh, duh!”

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Luke: “Oh, God”

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Luke: “Ohh, Andy!”

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Luke: Saying “Good luck tonight” with a Russian accent

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Luke: Singing “Why can’t that song be by Neil Diamond?”

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Luke: Singing “Yeah, yeah” a la Violent Femmes

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Luke: “So, hey boss!”

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Luke: Star Wors

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Luke: “That’s not even Neil Diamond?!?”

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Luke: “These mice have to do, like, some legit dance moves.”

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Luke: “Too legit to quit”

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Luke: Trying to sing Looking Glass’s “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl)”

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Luke: “Turn down your heart! Turn off your singing!”

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Luke: “Turn on your heartlight!”

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Luke: “We can’t start until we get this Cuyahoga Clam on the show. His name is Andrew (Chewbacca Sound) Walsh.”

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Luke: “Who’s normally mousing it up out there”

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Luke: “You’re hopeless, bro.”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew’s “Hmm”s get more excited as details get more violent

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Luke and Andrew: “Hey, by the way, I realized something the other day, Andrew. Saying ‘I don’t have a power out’ is our new power out. (Yeah!)”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m basically gonna Left Shark this situation tomorrow night, Andrew! Well, that sounds great!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Nerd Boss starring Steve Nelson! It’s a prequel to Ghost Boss.”

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Luke and Andrew: “So, take that (Yeah!) no one!”

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Luke and Andrew: “You could. Or one could, in this case, me could. Me could ruin Nutcracker, Andrew. Will there be fire!?!”

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Luke, Andrew and Steve Nelson: Luke channeled his inner Neil Diamond

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Steve Nelson: “Thanks for ruining everything, Luke.”

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