Clips From TBTL #2760

Andrew: “A minefield of embarrassment”

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Andrew: “Andrew Walsh had a pleasant conversation for several hours on a plane; even though, I am very anti-that”

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Andrew: “Hey… you sneaking around? Sounds like we gotta go to the bathroom”

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Andrew: “I guess I do have the Halloween spirit after all… It’s a Halloween miracle”

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Andrew: “I mean, I don’t do a lot of… sneaking around these days… I promise”

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Andrew: “I’m also very prudish”

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Andrew: “My body can shut down for days, sometimes, if I’m traveling”

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Andrew: “Papa Salty’s Seafood Machine”

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Andrew: “That’s not responsible runner’s butt… or whatever”

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Andrew: “The Something, Something Seafood Machine”

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Andrew: “Things that make you go poop”

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Andrew: “What did Rudy do?”

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Luke: “Again, I’m somebody who runs… and has the runs… As a runner… and, as a person who suffers occasionally from the runs”

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Luke: “Andrew, I’m sick today, okay? Will you please go easy on me?”

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Luke: “Booger McFarland’s Sideline Machine!”

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Luke: “Coming to you… not just from the Burbank Springs Broadcast Center, perched atop Alabama Hill in Bellingham, Washington; but, from the… Burbank Springs… Bedroom… Broadcast Center”

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Luke: “‘I cannot go to school today,’ Said little Peggy Ann McKay. ‘I have the measles and the mumps, A gash, a rash and purple bumps.'”

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Luke: “I’m sorry, Andrew, I don’t mean to be gross; and, then, we can move on”

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Luke: “I’m, I’m… snug as a bug in a rug here”

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Luke: “Listen, I’ve battled some, I’ve battled some demons… when it comes to bubble guts”

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Luke: “Runner’s trot… and… mud butt”

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Luke: Saying “Come to Potawatomi for… Reggae Tuesday!” in a Dracula-like accent

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Luke: “She doesn’t even know what to make of this whole thing. I’m sitting here… in my underwear… Sorry! Sorry for the visual, everybody”

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Luke: “Stop calling me Booger!”

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Luke: “This was a bad idea”

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Luke: “You didn’t have to donate; but, you did; but, you did; but, you did”

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Luke: “You gotta eat… one pound of these shit bears”

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Luke and Andrew: “This is some Encyclopedia Brown shit; and, by the way, I do mean… (Mmm) Encyclopedia Brown… shit… Mmm-kay, I’ll allow that”

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Luke and Andrew: “Well… it’s classic Andrew ‘Mud Butt’ Walsh. Yeah. Hey!”

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