Clips From TBTL #2760: No Point Conversion

Andrew: “Hello, again, river”

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Andrew: “It was the Browns of old, like, you… couldn’t believe”

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Andrew: “May you live in interesting Browns times”

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Andrew: “They just destroyed the Browns”

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Andrew: “What is going on with the Seahawks?”

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Andrew: “You would think that you could, like, do that. Smack them on the ass and have them run on to the field… You might want to focus on the smacking of the ass part of that”

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Luke: “I’m like, snatching defeat from the mouth of victory here”

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Luke: Making a panther growling sound

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Luke: Making thinking sounds

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Luke: “Well, yeah. He just seems kind of, like, an old-school… kind of… football asshole”

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Clips From TBTL #2760

Andrew: “A minefield of embarrassment”

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Andrew: “Andrew Walsh had a pleasant conversation for several hours on a plane; even though, I am very anti-that”

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Andrew: “Hey… you sneaking around? Sounds like we gotta go to the bathroom”

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Andrew: “I guess I do have the Halloween spirit after all… It’s a Halloween miracle”

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Andrew: “I mean, I don’t do a lot of… sneaking around these days… I promise”

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Andrew: “I’m also very prudish”

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Andrew: “My body can shut down for days, sometimes, if I’m traveling”

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Andrew: “Papa Salty’s Seafood Machine”

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Andrew: “That’s not responsible runner’s butt… or whatever”

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Andrew: “The Something, Something Seafood Machine”

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Andrew: “Things that make you go poop”

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Andrew: “What did Rudy do?”

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Luke: “Again, I’m somebody who runs… and has the runs… As a runner… and, as a person who suffers occasionally from the runs”

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Luke: “Andrew, I’m sick today, okay? Will you please go easy on me?”

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Luke: “Booger McFarland’s Sideline Machine!”

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Luke: “Coming to you… not just from the Burbank Springs Broadcast Center, perched atop Alabama Hill in Bellingham, Washington; but, from the… Burbank Springs… Bedroom… Broadcast Center”

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Luke: “‘I cannot go to school today,’ Said little Peggy Ann McKay. ‘I have the measles and the mumps, A gash, a rash and purple bumps.'”

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Luke: “I’m sorry, Andrew, I don’t mean to be gross; and, then, we can move on”

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Luke: “I’m, I’m… snug as a bug in a rug here”

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Luke: “Listen, I’ve battled some, I’ve battled some demons… when it comes to bubble guts”

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Luke: “Runner’s trot… and… mud butt”

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Luke: Saying “Come to Potawatomi for… Reggae Tuesday!” in a Dracula-like accent

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Luke: “She doesn’t even know what to make of this whole thing. I’m sitting here… in my underwear… Sorry! Sorry for the visual, everybody”

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Luke: “Stop calling me Booger!”

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Luke: “This was a bad idea”

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Luke: “You didn’t have to donate; but, you did; but, you did; but, you did”

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Luke: “You gotta eat… one pound of these shit bears”

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Luke and Andrew: “This is some Encyclopedia Brown shit; and, by the way, I do mean… (Mmm) Encyclopedia Brown… shit… Mmm-kay, I’ll allow that”

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Luke and Andrew: “Well… it’s classic Andrew ‘Mud Butt’ Walsh. Yeah. Hey!”

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