Clips From TBTL #1967

Andrew: “And G-D it.”

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Andrew: “How can we erase this from our memories and still have a real quality, uplifting show?”

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Andrew: “I like to call it ‘Issi-kah’.”

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Andrew: “I told you how awful awful, lemon awful”

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Andrew: “I waste, I waste all of my life”

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Andrew: “It’s in the water”

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Andrew: “It’s in the water… when it’s not on fire.”

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Andrew: “It’s Rock-tober!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Let’s call it a ‘ground bridge’. Oh wait, yeah, we have that. It’s called ‘the freeway’.”

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Andrew: “No, you would not have.”

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Andrew: “Oh Luke, nobody would ever make a trailer about us.”

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Andrew: “Oh wait, no. Don’t, don’t think that way. That’s how you ruin your Sunday.”

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Andrew: Saying “I have the power of Loot Crate!” a la He-Man

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Andrew: “Sorry, California.”

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Andrew: “Umm, I’ve already given up, Luke.”

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Andrew: “Wah-wah”

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Andrew: “Yup.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew whispering “It was me, it was me Luke. It was me. I did it, it went really well.” while Luke was talking

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Andrew and Luke: Bvlgari

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Andrew and Luke: Feeling Vajazzled

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Andrew and Luke: “She-Ra. She has been known to bark at He-Mans and wink at She-Mans.”

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Luke: “Aaahhhhhh!”

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Luke: “And they’re just talking about this, like, completely cockadoody stuff.”

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Luke: “As Carey says, ‘Insert useless detail, insert useless detail’.”

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Luke: Doot-dooing a part of the Jeopardy theme

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Luke: “He’s got his sweat towel and he’s ready to rock.”

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Luke: “I LOL’d”

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Luke: “I’m just like you… I just donk off so much time in my day anyway.”

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Luke: Imitating the deep timpani from the Jeopardy theme

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Luke: Interesting Laugh

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Luke: “It’s sort of like a probiotic for their skin funk.”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “My life is very weird right now.”

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Luke: “Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes!”

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Luke: “So, I’m a little funky”

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Luke: “Thank you, double-A”

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Luke: “Timpani Interruptus”

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Luke: “Wow!”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke Laughing And Andrew Saying “Thank You.”

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Luke and Andrew: Systemic vs Endemic

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Luke and Andrew: “That’s a submarine of Beatles. Right.”

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Help Support Marsupial Gurgle

The Marsupial Gurgle could not exist without the help and the support from the TBTL Tens and for that, I am absolutely grateful and want to thank everyone.

Although the site is free for everyone, there are still costs associated with maintaining and hosting the site, along with the amount of time required to curate the clips from the TBTL podcart.

If you find the Marsupial Gurgle site helpful or a perfect means of reliving great (or not so great) moments from the podcart, please consider supporting the Marsupial Gurgle by donating a few dollarinis. All money donated will be put towards paying the bills that keep the lights on.

You can donate via PayPal by clicking on the yellow “Donate” button below.


Thank you!

Clips From TBTL #1966: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “alt.morissette.belaboured”

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Luke: “Andrew!”

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Luke: “But you could just feel the sphincters of an entire audience of white liberals just, just pucker right on up.”

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Luke: Can’t quite say “2000th Episode”

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Luke: Doing a promo for the 2000th episode of TBTL

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Luke: “Go fraud yourself, you motherloving”

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Luke: “God damn it!!!”

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Luke: “I dunno”

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Luke: “I know a bit more about this than I’m letting on and what I know is awesome.”

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Luke: “If you ever say anything like that to me again, I’m going to kick your ass.”

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Luke: “Let me do that again, in a way that lets people know that I know more about the donation process that I’m letting on; and, that, what I do know is awesome.”

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Luke: “My name is Luke Burbank, I am your slightly drowsy host”

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Luke: “No! No, Andrew, you knew more about that bumper sticker story than you were letting on.”

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Luke: “Saguaro”

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Luke: Saying “Is sad” a la Adam Duritz of the Counting Crows

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Luke: Saying “Just one more actor” in the style of Columbo

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Luke: Singing “Just like Pagliacci” from Smokey Robinson’s “Tears Of A Clown”

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Luke: Singing “Totino’s Pizza Roll”

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Luke: “Somebody will e-mail us”

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Luke: “That involves staying out past 9 PM, which is officially become a very late night for this little podcaster.”

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Luke: “This little podcast is called TBTL.”

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Luke: “Well, that’s about a minute and thirty seconds of your life you’ll never get back.”

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Luke: “Well, that’s about a minute and thirty seconds of your life you’ll never get back. Let’s talk about the next 59 minutes of your life you’ll never get back.”

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Luke: “Whatever newsgroup alt.wilco.earlycomputing this guy was on.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Cloondog Millionaire. Cloondog Millionaire. That’s the show title from two weeks ago.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Do you have any freaking weekend plans? I don’t have any freaking weekend plans right now.”

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Luke and Andrew: Doing a promo bit about the TBTL Listener Line and Luke biffs it

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Luke and Andrew: “Like, how on Earth? Or, how on Mars, really. (Heh-heh.)”

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Luke and Andrew: New Steve jobs biopic is released every two years

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Clips From TBTL #1966: Andrew Walsh Edition

Andrew: “Aaaaaahhhhhh-I love it!!!”

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Andrew: “And what he knows, is awesome.”

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Andrew: “And, this is a jam of a record.”

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Andrew: “Can you tell them to go fraud themselves?”

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Andrew: “Everything’s fine!”

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Andrew: “Heh-heh”

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Andrew: “I don’t know what saguaro is.”

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Andrew: “I don’t remember.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing “Right.”

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Andrew: “Let’s move on.”

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Andrew: “Remember back when we were actually friends and not co-workers and now we’re only co-workers, not friends?”

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Andrew: Saying “Yeah” a la Adam Duritz of the Counting Crows

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Andrew: “That’s not right. That’s not funny!”

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Andrew: “That’s on me, brother.”

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Andrew: “There you go.”

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Andrew: “There’s a verb…like I can fraud you?”

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Andrew: “Well, I, blah, blah, of course well he’s dead so he couldn’t possibly work with him anymore. The laugh is mine.”

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Andrew: “What the hell is wrong with me?”

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Andrew: “Yeah, don’t worry. Everything’s fine. Everything’s fine!”

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Andrew and Luke: “And someday maybe, Luke, someday, Senpai, I will be. Notice me, newsletter organizer, notice me.”

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Andrew and Luke: Co-workers, Not Friends

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Andrew and Luke: “Go to and type in the code ‘Burbank’. It’s .org now, they’re a non-profit (Oh, alright) company.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Hey sir, that’s our microphone! That comes out of my pay!”

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Andrew and Luke: “To Blathe. To Blathe.”

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The 8 Things Luke Loves About Andrew

As Luke and Andrew were jumping into one of their Top Story segments on TBTL #1965, Andrew was curious as to why Luke called the segment slug on the show’s “8 Things I Love About You”.

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When Luke finished explaining the name, Andrew then asked Luke to list the eight things that Luke loves about Andrew.

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