Clips From TBTL #1951

Andrew: “Apparently… I don’t know.”

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Andrew: “I don’t know if the listeners are necessarily holding their breath, Luke, so much as holding their ears. Am I right? I like to start every show with a really good joke.”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Maybe I will, because I’m online and I’m looking, and it’s like yeah… I’m listening to you too…”

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Andrew: “No, no, no! I’m just mad at myself. I’m just mad at myself.”

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Andrew: Saying “I don’t know” in a mocking fashion

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Andrew: “When you have to go to the bathroom, you’re voice gets really high. Has anybody told you that?”

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Andrew and Luke: “To get rice out of a sofa, surround it with iPhones”

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Andrew and Luke: “You’re becoming a real Andrew over there. Ohhh, Luke-drew.”

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Andrew and Luke: “You’re the… you’re the Greece of podcasting. Thank you. Which is different than me, I’m the grease of podcasting… You’re Grease Lightning. Thank you.”

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Baron Vaughn: Robot Sex Song

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Luke: “Between picking up grains of rice and trying to turn my dead phone on, this is gonna be a real humdinger of a Friday.”

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Luke: “By the by”

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Luke: “I can’t live without this thing, Walsh!”

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Luke: “I don’t know”

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Luke: “I don’t know what the symbology of Scientology is”

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Luke: “I think this thing might be toast, Walsh.”

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Luke: “Laugh and drop ’til our socks fell off.”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Ohh, notice me Senpai. And, by the way Senpai, if you have thoughts on how to revive an iPhone, notice that too.”

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Luke: “Ohhh, Luke-drew”

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Luke: One of Luke’s problem is that his phone has rice in all of its “orifii”

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Luke: Saying “In the year 2003” in a sing-songy fashion

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Luke: “So here’s where we find ourselves, at about 1:12 PM west coast time. In the year of our Lord, 2015. On this September the 18th.”

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Luke: “That’s a lot better”

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Luke: “You know what, Andrew? That’s the urine talking.”

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Luke and Andrew: Do not eat the tasty silica

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Luke and Andrew: “He really was, it was awesome. I wish he knew how to fix iPhones that have fallen into a swimming pool. I feel like you’re pre-occupied.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Hey mah dude, are you ready to do it to it? Let’s do it, do it mah dudes!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’ve started peeing (Okay)”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s an eight-ball of carbs (It’s an eight-ball of carbs)”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s fucking Germany, dude. They’re killing me. I’m like, I gotta have, I need a little breathing room here and Angela Merkel is like ‘Na’. (I know, I know.)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Neiner Neiner Weiner, that’s like a drive-through hot dog stand. That’s great!”

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Luke and Andrew: The show has devolved to Luke saying “Apparently” and “I don’t know”

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Clips From TBTL #1950

Trigger Warning: Some of these clips contain sexual references and language

Andrew: Groaning

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Andrew: “Okay, sounds like neither one of you guys smoke weed, so congratulations on that. You’re living a healthy life.”

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Andrew: Sighing heavily while Luke is talking

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Andrew: “Stop the show!”

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Andrew: “That was original material, Luke. Now, bite my shiny metal ass.”

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Andrew: “The way you act. It just drives me crazy, the way you act.”

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Andrew: “What do you put on to get rid of the shine?”

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Andrew: “Yeah”

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Andrew: “You already have me!”

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Andrew: “You’re in TV.”

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Andrew and Luke: “A dishwasher overflows or something and they’re rolling around in these sexy suds… Which, by the way, is what happens when a robot cums.”

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Andrew and Luke: All of Andrew’s jokes are based on Bender from Futurama

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew’s joke landed very effectively

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Andrew and Luke: Funny Filters

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Andrew and Luke: “Just kind of like, ‘Well, fuck you, and the horse you rode in on’. Right. Right. That was the other problem, our horse got out.”

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Andrew and Luke: Laughing

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Andrew and Luke: Luke sings a version of Madonna’s “I’ll Remember”

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Andrew and Luke: “You were angry and embarrassed, and you put all of that on Rudy? Rudy’s dead. Ohh, no. Hey, show title! It’ll get some downloads!”

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Baron Vaughn: “A.I. Bring. It. Full. Circle. Baron. Vaughn.”

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Baron Vaughn: “I hear you, Brother Burbank”

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Luke: “Alright, Brother West”

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Luke: “And I just, eat shit.”

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Luke: “And I look over, and I see our little miscreant, Rudy, all up in the business of our neighbor”

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Luke: “And I’m booking it so hard”

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Luke: “I don’t know if it’s a treat, a problem or a blessing, but I’m actually looking at you for once. I’m seeing your shining face.”

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Luke: “In the words of Corky St. Clair, ‘D’Artagnan, how dare you do that, you!’.”

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Luke: “It is the dilithium crystal that drives a lot of the behavior”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “The basement of the Earth, aka underground”

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Luke: “Yes, here we are, perspicacious as ever.”

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Luke: “You start out as a kid, you fall a lot. And then, when you get very elderly, unfortunately, there tends to be a lot of falls. The in between part of life is supposed to be relatively fall free.”

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Luke: “You’re my work wife, Andrew.”

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Luke and Andrew: Baron Vaughn is a sex robot expert

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Luke and Andrew: Gauntlet vs Gantlet

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Luke and Andrew: “I don’t think I’d get bored of someone just being like laughing at all of my jokes… You already have me! You’re my work wife, Andrew.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Let me just, if I can for a moment, Andrew, peel the toupee off the show once again. Okay, good. Finally!”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke is trying to work on a joke while doing the show

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Luke and Andrew: Unexpected Push-ups and Calisthenics

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Luke and Andrew: “You’re not a small man (No), so let’s keep that cool breeze… First of all, I want to thank you. Ahh, you shouldn’t have done this, now I just want to stop the show!”

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Luke and Baron Vaughn: “Wait, I’d like you to call me ‘Brother Burbank’. You see what I’m saying, Brother Burbank, the thing is…”

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A Look Back: Commissioned Work for TBTL Newsletter and FUBL

Back on August 6th, Andrew posted a request on the sTens group on Facebook requesting help with the creation of an image for the TBTL weekly newsletter. I virtually raised my hand and Andrew gave me the assignment of creating an image of Luke and Andrew standing behind podiums, debate-style. Also, the use of the Luke (aka “Johnny) and Andrew (aka “Bobo”) dolls would be perfectly fine. Also, attribution would be included in the newsletter.

So, I started to scrounge around for very high-resolution images of podiums and a stage, and found a set that I really liked. Since I didn’t have any clean images of Luke or Andrew standing, I opted to use the dolls that I got from the TBTL-a-Thon and did an impromptu shoot of them at home.

I spent a bit of time cleaning up the photos of the dolls and started putting all of the pieces together. After about an hour or so, I had basically a final draft and sent it over to Andrew for approval. Once I got the thumbs up, I finalized the image and sent it over.

Johnny and Bobo Debate
Johnny and Bobo Debate


When the TBTL newsletter was sent out on August 7th, I took a look at it and found that there was no attribution to the image and started to steam up a little bit. Andrew messaged me later in the day saying that the captions for the photos got removed by the editor and that he’ll make up the mishap. A little bit later, Andrew posted an image showing that the draft of the newsletter he submitted had the captions and provided attribution to the photo. All was good in the world…

That is, until I listened to that night’s show, TBTL #1921, when Andrew started to talk about the newsletter (at around the 10 minute mark) and then mentioned the newsletter image and mentioned me as an attribution and thanks.

Andrew and Luke: A FUBL Thank You

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That also lead to Luke creating the acronym “FUBL”, which stands for “For Us By Linh”.

Additional clips from TBTL #1921 are also available.

Marsupial Gurgle Gets Name Dropped on TBTL #1949

In the latter parts of TBTL #1949, Luke starts reading a plot summary posted on IMDB for the movie “Ladyhawke”; which, leads both Luke and Andrew down a rabbit hole where they start looking at what other plot summaries one or two people have spent time writing. The conversation eventually leads into people spending time creating or writing about what they heavily interested and invested it.

That lead to Andrew bringing up the Marsupial Gurgle and, subsequently, Luke reading one of my tweets about the length of TBTL #1947:

In reading the tweet, Luke dropped the word “late” and kind of changed the take on the tweet.

The following is the clip of Andrew and Luke talking about Marsupial Gurgle.

Andrew and Luke: Marsupial Gurgle Talk

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Clips From TBTL #1949

Andrew: “A dream or a nightmare! Right?”

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Andrew: “How about you just answer the motherfucking question!”

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Andrew: “I know we said it yesterday, but what the hell. We have a show to kill today, so I’m gonna just keep on talking.”

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Andrew: “I was making too many noises with my bah-ah-dee.”

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Andrew: “I would never listen to that podcast, I mean, watch that TV show!”

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Andrew: “I’ve done it in Minecraft a million times, takes two seconds.”

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Andrew: “It is one Steve Nelson, God bless his heart.”

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Andrew: “Oh, God. I would hate to have to stand in front of everybody and do the safety dance.”

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Andrew: “Ohhh!”

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Andrew: “Respect the clock!”

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Andrew: “That sounds awful!”

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Andrew: “Things are gonna get scatalogical!”

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Andrew: “You’re right. My apologies.”

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Andrew and Luke: Steve Nelson is paying dearly for TBTL

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Luke: “As it was coming out of my house. As it was coming out of my mouth, which is what I call my house. As it was coming out of my mouth-house.”

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Luke: “Burbank. Burbank. You’re in a dream.”

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Luke: “Concur is just boning me right now.”

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Luke: “Dude, you’re getting a Dell.”

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Luke: “Flashing tiger… not so hidden lights?”

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Luke: “Hey duder”

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Luke: “Homeboy did not stop talking the entire flight”

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Luke: “I’ll just quickly lay the plot summary on you”

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Luke: “It’s the same dude, is just all in the plot summaries of these movies!”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Laughing #2

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Luke: Laughing #3

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Luke: Mimicking one of the flight attendants on one of Luke’s flights

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Luke: “No fucking way, bro!”

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Luke: “Sum-ba-reem”

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Luke: “Uh-huh”

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Luke: “Uhh, is that a load-bearing fence? Yeah, was doing it in Minecraft.”

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Luke: “Uhh… Trigger warning lightning alert. This…is Marketplace. Anyway.”

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Luke: “Umm, Cecil the Bullet. That’s what nicknamed the first bullet that was in my back. That was my nickname for it.”

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Luke: “You know what? You know what’s sad? I was thinking, half a minute, fifty seconds. I forgot that a minute is 60 seconds.”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew stepped over one of Luke’s best jokes in the history of TBTL

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Luke and Andrew: “His body is not actually a potato? I’m sorry, his what is not a potato? His bah-ah-dee is not actually a potato? There you guy, there, now we got it.”

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Luke and Andrew: “I think it was called ‘Blabber Jet’. Oh, yeah… you know what though? You sign up for Blabber Jet, you take the ride.”

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Luke and Andrew: “I think we know the show title… Respect the clock, tame the podcast? Can that be the name of the show today? Absolutely. Absolutely.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke didn’t think Andrew was ready to play the Dream Court drop

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Luke and Andrew: Luke gets wound up and Andrew laughs

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Luke and Andrew: Luke reading an IMDB plot summary to “Ladyhawke”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke respecting the clock

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Luke and Andrew: “Previously on Steve Nelson… Don’t worry, I’ll get the sound going again too.”

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Luke and Andrew: “So, they think I’m like a Frenchie. I’m-a calling in my reservation. What’s your name? Luke Christian. (Christian) Luke Christian.”

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Clips From TBTL #1948

Andrew: “Don’t tell the boss I messed that one up.”

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Andrew: “Holocaust of bees on the ground”

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Andrew: “I get stompy sometimes”

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Andrew: “I know that sounds like the stupidest thing I’ve ever said, and I’ve said a lot!”

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Andrew: “I was at the M-F-ing grocery store about a week ago, right?”

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Andrew: “I’m not in the spider preservation business.”

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Andrew: “Oh no! God!”

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Andrew: “Once a day, let’s make it a segment: I play a classic Saturday Night Live and you just get wound up about it.”

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Andrew: Quick inhaling sound while laughing

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Andrew: Saying “I’d be lying if I told ya I wasn’t scoping out some Minecraft Reddit stuff last week.” in an odd, sing-sony manner

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Andrew: Saying “Well, sir!” as his version of Danny from Verizon

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “Sorry. I’m really sorry.”

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Andrew: “This is a bunk post, bro.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew forgot to say “bah-ah-dee” instead of “body”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew laughing in response to Luke’s comment about the Danny impression

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew laughing to the inanity of the conversation at the Verizon Wireless store

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew’s extended laughing to Luke’s “Leviathon” joke

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Andrew and Luke: Bill Joel References

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Andrew and Luke: The “L” in “ISIL” does not stand for “Leviathon” or “Leviathan”

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Luke: “Alright, let’s see… cooler, faster, better, we can do that. Less insecure, I’m not that sure about to be honest with you. In fact, I don’t know how I feel about the first 15 seconds of this program. Anyway, we’re going to push through.”

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Luke: “Because, we like to bring you yesterday’s news, tomorrow.”

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Luke: “Cloon-Dog”

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Luke: “Do not like your post about the ‘immagants’.”

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Luke: “Don’t kid yourself, no one’s fucking enjoying that.”

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Luke: “I did battle with the bees yesterday, everybody. And, it was my… Waterluke.”

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Luke: “I’m not coming out there, you crazy?”

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Luke: “I’m trying to paint some trim up in this B.”

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Luke: “I’ve cracked the code!”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Let’s quit while we’re ahead. Let’s quit while we’re behind.”

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Luke: “Man, it was a humdinger!”

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Luke: “That was like, Junior Varsity coping”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew needs to leave after Luke said his “Waterluke” pun

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew’s long laugh while Luke gets wound up about an SNL clip

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Luke and Andrew: Cloon-Dog Millionaire

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Luke and Andrew: “I think… therefore I podcast (Uh-huh)”

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Luke and Andrew: Long past the border of Inane Town and headed towards Pointlessville

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Luke and Andrew: “My ‘Waterluke’ elicited a groan from you? It was a groan.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Stop deluding yourself, no one’s fucking going to that (Are you kidding me?!?)”

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Luke and Andrew: “They buzz their way on to our show, (Gurgling Groan Sound) Andrew. Hey, you didn’t groan!”

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