Clips From TBTL #1866

Andrew: “All of those adjectives sound like things that I do or am like”

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Andrew: “And I just think, God damn, someone should hire me”

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Andrew: “Excuse the language, this is fucking New York City”

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Andrew: “I think Westeros is going to be happy to hear that”

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Andrew: “I’m a master putterer”

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Andrew: “I’m Fireball the Protector”

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Andrew: “I’m going to totally ISFJ out on this”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Oh God, I’m such a Princess Mary”

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Andrew: “Oh shit, yeah, very organized”

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Andrew: Quiet Chuckle

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Andrew: Quiet “Oh yeah”

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Andrew: “So, let’s put that in our idea bank”

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Andrew: “That doesn’t seem right”

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Andrew: “That word, it does not mean what you think it means”

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Andrew: “You’ve been on a little bit long, Carey”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew inquires about the status of the Idea Bank account

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Andrew and Luke: Luke was late on the drumroll

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Carey: “This is going to be a series of, ‘how cool is Luke'”

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Carey and Luke: Luke asks if Carey’s Briggs-Myers test came back pregnant

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Carey, Luke and Andrew: Carey knows who the “Belle of the ball” is on the show

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Carey, Luke and Andrew: Luke accidentally buzzed when Rosa Parks’s name came up

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Carey, Luke and Andrew: Luke is enjoying Carey’s description of Luke’s ESFP result

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Luke: “And, bearded…”

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Luke: Entering nines, pauses and code into a fax machine

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Luke: “How are you, buddy?”

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Luke: “I had a Princess Mary in college, but then it got infected so I took it out”

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Luke: “I’m done generalizing about people in other countries, so I would like to generalize about women for a moment”

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Luke: “I’ve been hand-cranking that thing”

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Luke: “Mr. Andrew ‘Fireball’ Walsh and the Columbo of Podcarting” (with Marsupial Gurgle sound)

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Luke: “My inner world is all about what the outer world thinks of me”

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Luke: “Oh yeah, yeah, yeah”

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Luke: “The Camastermind”

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Luke: “The Master-Commander-Mind”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke is a classic ESFP

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Luke and Andrew: “My drumroll letter is just a frowny face…”

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Luke and Andrew: “New York City. New York City!?!”

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Clips From TBTL #1865

Andrew: “Are you playing music?”

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Andrew: “Ask me what a ramp is”

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Andrew: “Buckle up”

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Andrew: “David Letterman was so God-damn viral this week”

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Andrew: Excited Andrew is excited

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Andrew: “Hey”

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Andrew: “I have a toilet flush somewhere I could play”

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Andrew: “I’m going to keep putting clothes on, until my flight arrives or something”

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Andrew: “I’ve never seen a naked man, at all, full stop, myself included”

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Andrew: “In this day and age, boys can have long hair”

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Andrew: “Janky-ass website with a bunch of scary-ass pop-up ads”

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Andrew: “Ohhh!!!”

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Andrew: “Ohhh!!! How nice, how nautical”

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Andrew: Short Chuckle

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Andrew: “Ummm, how can you not?”

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Andrew: “We’re going to have to get a better lock for the dirt mound”

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Andrew: “Yep, that’s the way it is. That’s the way it is.”

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Andrew: “You guys rock!”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew thought Luke had buried and locked away the Cher Wu-Tang drop

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Andrew and Luke: Keeping putting clothes on

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Luke: “I did not have sex with that woman” in a Bill Clinton voice

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Luke: “Her hair was being blown back by a fart cloud of smugness coming out of her husband”

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Luke: “I can hear you sweating down the line”

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Luke: “I went up to that rooftop deck full of resolve, and I felt that rooftop deck full of pizza”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke explains that people’s noses and ears keep growing until they die

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Luke and Andrew: Luke singing “And the landslide’ll take it down”, referring to his body in two week’s time

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Clips From TBTL #1864

Andrew: “(coughing) Pardon me. Also, key to the show: don’t die.”

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Andrew: “Been getting some of those old Andrew Walsh Show insecurities coming back at me”

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Andrew: “Did we pull the nose up enough on the Negativity Train?”

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Andrew: “Feeling a bit more flummoxed and maybe a little bit of flummoxiness. See now I know what words mean, maybe a little flummoxiness”

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Andrew: “I don’t have to tell this guy how to do his job, he knows what he’s doing”

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Andrew: “I need to get out of my own brain when I’m talking”

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Andrew: “I’m, I’m warm”

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Andrew: “If I type in ‘kangaroo pouches’ I think I’m going to get a bunch of kangaroo…pictures. Because, don’t they all have pouches?”

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Andrew: “Kind of overly energized, as you can probably tell from my giggles”

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Andrew might be too geared up

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Andrew: “This is the only part of the show I’m prepared for”

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Andrew: “Trying to sound too hosty or something like that”

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Luke: “As you wrote in Leviticus ‘Anyone can have a podcast'”

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Luke: “I don’t want you to talking about my good friend Andy that way”

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Luke: “I’m glad that makes you so happy”

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Luke: “I worry about you (Andrew laughs) I’m not kidding, I worry a little bit”

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Luke: Imitating what Andrew had been doing over the past week when Andrew stumbles on words

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Luke: Luke’s squeaky microphone arm

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Luke: “Make it a good evening”

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Luke: “So, their bullpen shit the bed again”

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Luke: “The grind… the grind is going to get get grindy folks”

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Luke: “Their favorite part of the show is this (adjustable microphone arm squeaky sound)”

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Luke: “You are your own drunk stepdad”

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Luke: “You gotta dance with who brung ya”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew being hard on himself leaves little room for super-highways in his brain

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew doesn’t want Luke to make the Hannibal slurping sound ever again

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Luke and Andrew: Welcome to my podcast

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Featured Clip From TBTL #1864: Luke Going All Lord Jesus Heal-y on Andrew

During TBTL #1864, Luke confronted Andrew about Andrew’s recent bemoaning of how we can’t remember words and beating himself up on the show. In trying to cure Andrew from what ails him, Luke decided to channel some of his church-y roots. This is what happened:

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Clips From TBTL #1863

You can find an additional set of clips from TBTL #1863 in the “Extended Clips From TBTL #1863” post.

Andrew: “As we’ve said on the show before, I talk like a shit salesman with a mouthful of samples”

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Andrew: “I can hear people make fun of me as I try to figure this out”

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Andrew: “I don’t know if I’m trying to sound too smart or arty here”

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Andrew: “I don’t know what’s going on with me”

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Andrew: “I guess that does happen, just one person comes in and poos everything up”

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Andrew: “I remember you telling me that and I lost my shit”

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Andrew: “I’m not drunk, I swear”

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Andrew: “Kind of go with the flow on this show”

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Andrew: “Kind of sucked it up a little bit”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “No, no, no.”

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Andrew obsessed with Luke’s “beef standing”

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Andrew: “Oh sorry, poo warning”

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Andrew: “Oof”

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Andrew: Pair of “Mmm-hmm”s

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Andrew: “The streets have some names”

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Andrew: “The wheels are spinning, but as soon as I feel on the spot, the wheel starts to fall apart”

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Andrew: “This is like, this is hot off of the Facebooks, Luke”

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Andrew: “This is not going to end well”

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Andrew: “Well, I’ve got a Mule’s Tail that I’ve been struggling with ever since I came down to California”

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Andrew: “You did!?!?”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew talking like a shit salesman needs a warning

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Luke: “Dwarf cock warning”

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Luke: “God! Humans, stop… with everything you’re doing!”

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Luke: “If there’s a ‘frake-us’ on Facebook”

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Luke: “Leave Britney alone”

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Luke: “My beef stands”

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Luke: “Naw, naw, naw, naw, naw. Naw, son.”

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Luke: “Now, I’m pulling an Andrew”

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Luke: “Oh poo”

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Luke: “That was a long climb for no slide”

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Luke: “The man, the myth, the purple balls”

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Luke: “We’re in the wrong costumes”

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Luke: “What!?!?”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew is reading for two

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew is way too inside his own beard

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Luke and Andrew: “Well, let me shoot from the hip then, for a minute, and speculate wildly”

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Extended Clips From TBTL #1863

The following are clips from TBTL #1863 are that are longer than the usual 15-20 second clips.

Luke: What he knows about the Temple, six episodes in

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Luke and Andrew: Death of a Shit Salesman

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Luke and Andrew: Luke describing some of the prizes that Ciscoe Morris would give away

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Luke and Andrew: Trying to come up with more realistic song names

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