Clips From Show #1843

Andrew(?): Harpy Sound

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew doesn’t know how to spell “dragon”

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Luke imitating Steve Urkel’s “Did I do that?”

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Luke re-tells the “What do you call a herd of masturbating cows?” joke

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Luke and Andrew: Discussing the name and spelling of “Drogon,” from “Game of Thrones”

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Happy 1st Birthday to Andrew’s Marsupial Gurgle!

Quick update: Neither Luke or Andrew mentioned it on Tuesday’s TBTL, show #1843. Sigh…
Quick update #2: After a recent taping of Live Wire! Radio, Luke apologized for forgetting to mention it on either show.

One year ago today, TBTL #1583 in a collector’s series was recorded and published to the world; and, in that recording, lurked the sound that would later be described as a “sweet gurgle of an infant marsupial” and thus dubbed, by Luke, the Marsupial Gurgle.

Audio Player

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When it came time to christen this website a while back, it was a no-brainer that I had to give it the name of “Marsupial Gurgle” in honor of Andrew and the sweet, sweet sound that he randomly created.

TBTL Ten, Bruce Purkey posted up a Happy Birthday song for Andrew’s Marsupial Gurgle.

Happy birthday Andrew’s Marsupial Gurgle sound!

Clips From Show #1584

Show #1584 included a mention of the Marsupial Gurgle sound that Andrew made back on show #1583. For more about the Marsupial Gurgle related clips from show #1584, check out the “Andrew: The Marsupial Gurgle Sound” and “Marsupial Gurgle: The Remixes” posts.

Andrew: “And I’m just as good as Jen… Yeah, right.”

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Andrew doesn’t want to get drunk on beef

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Andrew’s snorting reaction sound

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Andrew’s sounds of curiosity

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Noah Ritter, aka The “Apparently Kid”

Back in August 2014, Noah Ritter was on camera with WNEP-TV and instantly became the “Apparently Kid”. Below is the video that WNEP-TV posted and the audio from the video was also featured on TBTL.

Noah Ritter describing his time on the ride

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Noah Ritter hasn’t been on live television before

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Noah Ritter: “I don’t watch the news…”

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Noah Ritter: “I don’t watch the news… because, I’m a kid”

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Noah Ritter: “…scared half to death”

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Clips From Show #1841

Andrew: “Heck, yeah!”

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Andrew: “I guess I’m a secret skinner”

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Andrew: “It was a boneless Yugo”

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Andrew: “No, answer me Kevin!”

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Andrew: “Tell me more about the ‘fart locker’ that I’ve heard so much about”

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Andrew: “There’s so much, captain my captain”

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Andrew: “Thinking in terms of ‘Walsh, Walsh and Doormat”

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Andrew and Camaro Kev: “I will be damned if you touch that thing…”

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Andrew and Luke: Validation is Luke’s secret stripper girlfriend

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Andrew, Luke and Camaro Kev: Worriers

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Camaro Kev: Singing “We don’t need another hero, we just need another Walsh”

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Camaro Kev: Wants to give the “Keys to the Show”

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Camaro Kev: “We’re not picking up Lord Humongous, the Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla”

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Luke: “Andrew, will you still call me Superman?”

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Luke: “By the end, we may have aborted this boat; but, for now, it’s considered a boarding”

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Luke: “Hello, hello, hello?”

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Luke: “I wanted some raw action from inside the ‘fart locker'”

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Luke: “I’ve gone full ‘Walsh’… I’m now overcompensating my ‘I don’t know anything'”

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Luke: “Red skies at night, sailor’s delight. Beep under the bridge…”

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Luke: “Wait ’til you’ve slept in the ‘fart locker’ with two other grown men”

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Luke: “We check back in along the way, as we’re getting to our final resting place”

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Luke: “You don’t just want to drive around with your fenders just hanging out all over town”

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Luke: “You were nuts, you’re nucking futs”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew isn’t a podcat yet

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Luke and Andrew: “Don’t bring it to the boat show, bro / Welcome to the boat show, bro.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke goes full “Walsh”, but Andrew never goes full “Walsh”

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Luke, Andrew and Camaro Kev: The guys get bombed by bird shit

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Recording of someone snoring

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