Andrew: “Goddamn!”
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Andrew: “I don’t know how to say this word; and, people are gonna make fun of me”
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Andrew: “I get it!”
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Andrew: “I need a miracle! I need a miracle!”
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Andrew: “I stole the TV!”
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Andrew: Laughing
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Andrew: “No, I heard it. And, you know what? I don’t think I’ve seen that commercial; but, I think I’ve heard it from the other room. Because, I have an issue with that. Obviously”
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Andrew: Saying “It’s just more shame” in a funny manner
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Andrew: “This is irritating me now”
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Andrew: “This is me just snowflaking the shit out of this show; and, I apologize”
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Andrew: “This is real bullshit”
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Andrew: “This thing is broken though. Every time you talk, it just, like… it goes down… it must be equipment failure… Oh, no, now it’s really going down”
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Andrew: “We gotta get to a better topic. I’m just stalling so that you can give me some hot take on picking up poop in the backyard, or something”
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Andrew: “We’re getting to the part where I’m gonna get real heated here, Luke”
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Andrew: “Wha’ happened?”
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Andrew: “What the fuck?”
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Andrew: Whispering “Oh, yeah!”
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Andrew: “Yet… I’m also a goddamn pedant”
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Andrew: “You still do!?”
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Andrew and Luke: “A new kind of cryptocurrency called, ‘Pitcoin’? Ha!!!”
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Andrew and Luke: “I think Linh… Pham somewhere… created a mashup of ‘Ooooh, explicit’ with the intimate too. I’m sure you can find that on your social media… He did, actually. I believe that’s over on The Marsp… Mmm-hmm. Is that what they call Marsupial Gurgle… They do now”
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Andrew and Luke: “That’s not how it works! Not how any of this works!”
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Luke: “Don’t buy any more Bitcoin, okay?”
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Luke: “Everything’s coming up Burbank”
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Luke: “Everything’s coming up… us!”
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Luke: “God, isn’t it nice to know I’m not an anti-Semite and you guess right on The Breeders?”
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Luke: “Ha!!!”
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Luke: “He’s Andrew Walsh and he joins us now from the Wallingford–Excuse me! Record scratch! The Roosevelt neighborhood of Seattle, Washington”
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Luke: “I wanna let you eff this up on your own”
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Luke: “I want you to just rooster-block the haters”
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Luke: Imitating machine gun fire
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Luke: “It’s a Friday… It’s day five and the final day… of Bumpuses Fest 2018”
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Luke: “Kermit the Frob”
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Luke: “Lurnk, Lurnk Burburnk’s… Dazzling Durnurs”
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Luke: “Mariners… Got some weird hope”
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Luke: “Not to brag”
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Luke: Saying “Airlines… We have the planes” as Ving Rhames
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Luke: Saying “I have a feeling that you’re gonna regret this” in a sing-songy manner
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Luke: Saying “Yeah!” as Adam Duritz
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Luke: Singing “Murpet Babies, we make our dreams come true”
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Luke: Singing “Tea… for two… and two… for tea”
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Luke: Singing a Seattle Mariners song
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Luke: Singing along to a song
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Luke: “Some… all gave some. Some gave all”
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Luke: “Somewhere… deep… in the bowels of the weird Internet”
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Luke: “That isn’t… the snowflaking I thought you were gonna snowflake”
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Luke: “That’s my Titcoin”
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Luke: “This is what happens when you stop talking about tea… and, start getting real”
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Luke: “Wa-pow!”
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Luke: “Who’s editing this shit, by the way? Sorry”
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Luke and Andrew: “A company that comes in and does environment remediation on gravel pits… called ‘So Pitted’? Oh, please… please, please, please”
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Luke and Andrew: “Boy, that’s a hell of a forward promo… I know. Do I have to be back? Do I have to come back after the break? How dare you! How dare you, Kermit the Frob… More like, Kermit the Fraud!”
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Luke and Andrew: “Did you wanna clog… clog up the toilet for old time’s sake? I’ve never clogged that toilet”
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Luke and Andrew: “Hey, let’s thank some Donors of the Day… Geez, Louise!! Hey, Andrew! What!?”
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Luke and Andrew: Kermit the Frob, The Murpets and Lurk Burburnk
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Luke and Andrew: “Let’s see. I’ve got it. I’ve actually got ’em right here. Take a listen to this, ‘Oh, explicit intimacy… Ooooh!’ Wow. That’s a tripe threat. That’s a real troika. That’s all kinds of disturbing”
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Luke and Andrew: “You can’t catch a falling knife. When do I get out of this money, Andrew? What am I doing? I can’t catch a falling… So screwed… So pitted… So pitted”
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