TBTL Singing Mashup 2022

Back in 2018, I created a mashup of various clips that have been pulled of Luke, Andrew, Jen, Sean and others singing on the show. It was in due time that a new singing mashup was created that includes clips up through TBTL #3700.

The new mashup clocks in just under 2 hours in length.

TBTL Singing Mashup 2022

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Clips From TBTL #3688

Andrew: “A whipper-sniffer? A… no… Ooh, the look Phyllis just gave me… I could say that on the radio!”

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Andrew: “Ahh! He writes like he talks!”

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Andrew: “Can I be ‘coo’ and you be ‘ool’?”

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Andrew: “Does this mean… No Caliphate 2: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”

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Andrew: “I think I let an F bomb fly”

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Andrew: “I was gonna say, the goo on the inside matches the goo on the outside”

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Andrew: “I’m not doing a very good job of explaining what an editor does. What do you do?”

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Andrew: “It’s weird how nervous I got with that long pause you took… I was, like, what are you gearing up for?”

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Andrew: “These are not just some old, dirty pair of pants that have been in the bottom of my closet for a decade or two”

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Andrew: “We always do some on-air libbing, I think”

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Andrew: “What’s in the box!? What’s in the box!?”

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Andrew: “You kept on saying, like, ‘I need to send them their computer back’ and I said… ‘Or, hear me out… keep it!’ Like, they don’t care about the computer”

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Andrew: “You might not like this. I know… you don’t… maybe, like… me wearing things that you’re gonna put on your skin”

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Luke: “Before she was as TikTok in her mother’s eye”

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Luke: “Can’t lose a Peabody if you never win one!”

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Luke: “I always ask my 45 year olds, ‘Hey… does the goo match the outside?'”

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Luke: “I find that to be a little sus”

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Luke: Singing “It’s been a while”

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Luke: “Step into Long John’s, right now, for supreme codcasting, through the end of June”

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Luke: “These will help ya… glasses”

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Luke: “Why would we bring out our supreme cod–podcasting… or… our supreme codcasting”

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Luke: “Your stress will melt away, KLSY”

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Luke and Andrew: “A Phyllistration? It’s a Phyllistration!!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Geez! P! We’d no–I had no idea… No, poo… Sorry”

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Luke and Andrew: “The deterioration of my mind is really… (Ooh!) something to behold these days”

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Luke and Phyllis Fletcher: “Your torso says business meeting, your (Yeah) pants says ‘I’m already relaxing’. Right!”

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Luke, Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “‘Hello, from Gus’s school parking, where I’m listening to you right now… Do you know a bitch is about to be 50?’ I thought ‘bologna’ was the B word! Yay!”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “They say crazy stuff, man!”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “Thank you for having me. I hope to come back soon. I need those pants back. Hey, we’ll see about that”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Luke: “When your boss at NPR says you can’t talk about your armpits anymore, (Yep) make a show where you (Yep) can, damnit!

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Clips From TBTL #3399

Andrew: “Aw, shit!”

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Andrew: “Boy… Glad I took us here… You’re welcome, everybody”

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Andrew: “Goddamnit! You gotta be kidding me”

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Andrew: “I need to pull out my little cheat sheet again”

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Andrew: “I woke up to something strange this morning”

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Andrew: “I’m… easy-peasy, lemon squeezy”

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Andrew: “Oh, that was Luke deleting a tweet again or something”

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Andrew: “Surprise! There’s Luke!”

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Andrew: “You don’t mess with another person’s garbage can. You just don’t!”

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Andrew and Luke: Singing “Moles in the house… We got some moles (There’s some moles in this house) in the house (There’s some moles in this house)”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “And, we probably cannot… you know, introduce you as a representative of this new organization. You’re speaking on behalf of yourself. That would be funny… We should try it”

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Luke: “Lam Rossetto Kasper?”

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Luke: “North of 2… South of 3 and a half”

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Luke: Saying “A-a-a-as Jay would say, ‘You’ve got structural dynamics of flow'” as Barack Obama

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Luke: “Some have tried and some have died”

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Luke: “This ends here”

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Luke: “Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait-wait-wait”

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Luke: “Yesterday… today… on Drops of St2pider… The Deuce”

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Clips From TBTL #3315

Andrew: “Again, nothing sexy at all about it!”

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Andrew: “Alright. Well, I gotta start talking at some point, don’t I?”

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Andrew: “And, guess what? It was the plumbing! It was the plumbing!!”

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Andrew: “Bop-boop!”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I’m… broken!”

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Andrew: “Dipping into the Stern-iverse”

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Andrew: “I’m saying ‘indeed’ a lot”

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Andrew: “I’ve had it! I’ve had it! This is my breaking point!”

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Andrew: “If it swells… ride it!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “My blood is gonna be Arby’s sauce and Jim Beam”

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Andrew: “My life is about puttering anyway; so, why the hell not?”

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Andrew: “Pizza deprivation tank?”

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Andrew: “Some drama here in… in Andrew-land”

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Andrew: “The second I hear Andrew’s voice, I’m just like, ‘I can’t'”

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Andrew: “There’s something broken in me”

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Andrew: “Well, I for one feel… much better! Thanks, as always, for everything, Steven!”

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Andrew: “Yesterday… was the day where we started to truly see, like the… little… green grasses of tomorrow start to poke up through the soil”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “Because, that’s more relatable. Right… Somehow”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “How about that, though? No, no! No? No! How about that? That gets it across, doesn’t it? No. No!? No. Are you sure? Yes. What if I give you a Coors Light? Will that start your feeling (Hmm) about that?”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “I love going to Arby’s. You love Arby’s, right? You know… Are you… are you… are you turning cold on Arby’s?”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “If I were you… (Uh-huh) alone… (Mmm) in this area, kind of… traipsing down this old, abandoned path, on this, like, kind of, post-rainy day… (Mmm-hmm) Even describing it… (Mmm-hmm) sort of makes me have to go number two”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “If it swells… ride it! Oh, dear!”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “What did Wally do? Maybe nothing for you”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Andrew!”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “Okay. Yeah, this is already off-the-rails… I’ve, right? Yeah. I wasn’t… I wasn’t (yeah) mis-triggered here? No, no. I was justifiably triggered?”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “You make your pizza bed, you lie in it… As they say. Of course!”

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Clips From TBTL #3173

Andrew: “And, I am a goofball”

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Andrew: “And, I now just kiss her ass; and, we are, like… besties”

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Andrew: “Hey, Luke… You always know it’s gonna be a doozy of a show when I’m practicing what I’m gonna say in the shower… That’s never a good sign. That’s never, like, ‘Oh, things are good… Andrew’s thinking about what he’s gonna say on TBTL'”

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Andrew: “I believe that the Canadian Ottawa was named after the Australian Ottawa”

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Andrew: “I’m on team this lady”

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Andrew: “It’s strange in my brain-hole”

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Andrew: “Oh, one of them crazy Australian mooses [sic] again”

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Andrew: “Oh, things are good… Andrew’s thinking about what he’s gonna say on TBTL”

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Andrew: Saying “But, since Phyllis has already taken us in this direction” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “They have mooses [sic] in Australia?”

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Andrew: “You always know it’s gonna be a doozy of a show when I’m practicing what I’m gonna say in the shower”

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Andrew: “You pull reluctant laughs out of people is what, is what you do”

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Andrew and Luke: “I find myself getting into mental arguments… with, with various people, living and dead. No joke. I mean, specially, I am thinking of a relative… Wow. You’re arguing with ghosts!? I, Luke… I am! I am!”

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Luke: “And, I was so annoyed that he asked me to do that”

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Luke: “As a professional… podcast host, this is where I’m supposed to say something… meaningful… that really, kind of, helps bring this… part of this conversation to a close; and, gives everybody… some sense of hope… I have none of that; so, Andrew… go for it”

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Luke: “Hardcore moping”

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Luke: “Oh, shit. Now, I’m gonna have to fight an old lady”

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Luke: “Oh, shit. Now, I’m gonna have to fight an old lady… And, also, is that gonna be a vectoring?”

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Luke: “Snortamanium [ph]

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Luke: “They’s trying to say I was drunk. I had eight beers; and, I saw me a wolverine”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Getting your mope on”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “I don’t know nature so good”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “It’s… it’s… gotten very strange… up in, up in my brain… up in my brain-hole”

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Phyllis Fletcher: Snorting

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Why, I oughta!”

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Clips From TBTL #3033

Andrew: ‘Ay yai yai yai yai-yai-yai-yai-yai-yai…”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I’m… blanking for some… reason”

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Andrew: “How did Rod Stewart keep that secret for so long!?”

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Andrew: “I don’t want that to go out!”

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Andrew: “I love-d this story so much!”

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Andrew: “I’m a kid; so, I don’t follow the news”

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Andrew: “I’m not in the business of giving this guy a break!”

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Andrew: “I’m over here just dropping the ‘X'”

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Andrew: “It looks like a perfect Andrew bar”

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Andrew: “It was a scheduled outage”

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Andrew: “It’s okay… Luke and I cry on the show all the time”

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Andrew: “My morning felt very surreal”

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Andrew: “Oh, gag me with a goddamn spoon”

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Andrew: Saying “Five years, no wins against the Steelers!” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: Saying “San Francisco” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “This gonna be the night; and, is it gonna happen on national TV!? Is it gonna happen!?”

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Andrew: “Well, right you are, listener!”

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Andrew: “Well, the… good news is that everyone’s talking about the Cleveland Browns today… Ay yai yai yai yai-yai-yai-yai-yai-yai…”

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Andrew: “Where am I going with this, your honor… I will tell you”

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Andrew: “You know what… I hope you’re happy with your new boyfriend… Live it up! You and poor man’s Luke Wilson can just go gallivanting around the South, eating your special pancakes at the Waffle House”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “Are you kind of a big shot? Be honest! Oh, gosh!”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “Gag me with a spoon (Yeah)”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “I want you to know… (Uh-huh) that this… whole thing you see right here does not come easy… This involves staying up until two in the morning… eating bags of potato chips… and then, going to the gym for about fifteen minutes (Cool) and taking a shower”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “There’s something smug about this poor man’s Luke Wilson, with a… fake hair… he’s wearing a wig. What!!? I don’t know! Does… There’s something fake-y about his hair… He’s cute… You’re gonna take his side. I am”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: Trying to calm things down for Music For Your Weekend

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Damn”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Gross me out the door!”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Man. Don’t be on TV too good looking; or, Andrew is gonna come down on you”

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Phyllis Fletcher: Saying “I’m so wasted!” in a funny manner

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Well, check out my shit, Rod!”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “You did say, ‘Gag me with a spoon’ a while ago, didn’t you? That’s totally Valley Girl, you!”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “I wish I’d gotten the Rod Stewart scoop! (Exactly!) Aggh!”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: Phyllis Fletcher singing along with Def Leppard’s “Photograph”

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