TBTL Singing Mashup 2022

Back in 2018, I created a mashup of various clips that have been pulled of Luke, Andrew, Jen, Sean and others singing on the show. It was in due time that a new singing mashup was created that includes clips up through TBTL #3700.

The new mashup clocks in just under 2 hours in length.

TBTL Singing Mashup 2022

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Clips From TBTL #2969

Andrew: “Am I the type of guy who says ‘coyote’? No, I think I’m gonna stick with ‘coyote'”

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Andrew: “Cupping?”

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Andrew: “God, I will not let this show end”

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Andrew: Groaning

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Andrew: “How… did… we… get to the river so quickly?”

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Andrew: “I know that, as a man who is creeped out by snakes, I need to stop Googling, ‘How to catch a snake'”

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Andrew: “I will think about your snake… when I crawl into bed tonight… and, I will think, ‘God! I hope there’s no snakes in the bed'”

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Andrew: “I’m not kidding ya… I… I think I have a real thing with snakes”

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Andrew: “If you want to be of snakes, you gotta listen to me… of snakes”

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Andrew: “It’s the Andrew of snakes. Just say it”

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Andrew: “Like, there are some whiz-bang things that I like”

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Andrew: “Mmm!”

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Andrew: “Mmm! This tastes better”

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Andrew: “Oh wait. Moons aren’t stars… Never mind”

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Andrew: “Oh… God!!”

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Andrew: “This is a very sensitive question that I probably shouldn’t ask”

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Andrew and Luke: “Maybe there will be a moment where I will be staring at the moon, and the snake will also be staring up at the moon; and, no matter how far apart we are… (Yeah) Oh wait. Moons aren’t stars… Never mind”

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Carey Burbank: “Snake’s gonna snake”

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Luke: “And, so, I reached up in there”

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Luke: “Because, I was trying to pull it out”

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Luke: “I definitely did not… nail it”

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Luke: “I definitely did not… nail it… on this one; that’s, that’s for sure”

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Luke: “I thought it was just gonna be derping along there for a while”

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Luke: “I, I keep saying this… and, it’s not interesting to the listeners”

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Luke: “If you got the diapers, I got the time”

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Luke: “It’s Been a Minute with Snake Sanders”

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Luke: “It’s kind of a derpy, little sn–It’s a little turd out there”

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Luke: “Oh my God, I almost lost a finger!”

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Luke: Saying “It probably got mange” in a Chicago accent

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Luke: Saying “Peace of mind! Peace of mind!” as Ringo Starr

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Luke: Saying “We believe that he is so tough” in a Chicago accent

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Luke: “She just raw dogs it”

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Luke: Singing “I’m calling out from snake cam! I’m calling out from snake cam’s world”

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Luke: “Well, I’m sorry, Babes. My bad”

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Luke and Andrew: “Somebody needs to get these mother… (Yeah) friggin’ snakes out of this motherfriggin’ Springs?”

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Clips From TBTL #2908

Andrew: Saying “Now, I am ready to party… with the best…”

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Andrew: Singing the first bit of Pink Floyd’s “Money”

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Andrew: “Sorry, not sorry!”

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Andrew: “This is a whole new Andrew”

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Andrew: “Well… have you heard the show?”

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Andrew: “You have bell, will travel”

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Andrew: “Ziggle-Skagit, let’s get back at it?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Cuz nobody rocks like… Coober Pedy! (Yeah)”

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Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “We found a way… TBTL… finds a way… Where there’s a Ten, there’s a way”

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Carey Burbank: “It was weird. He asked her to put an extra inch of… fabric where his… near his… pants where the–so it doesn’t… ride up his butthole”

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Luke: Drawn out “Do it!”

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Luke: “He’s the longest running co-G of the show”

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Luke: “I would describe the thank you gifts as… ‘the illest’… and some of them as… ‘na’ ridic'”

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Luke: “I’ve been holding it in since I stopped drinking”

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Luke: Saying “I’m here… he’s going down to the Radio Shack?” in a funny manner

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Luke: Saying “Oh, yeah. Youz like those pins?” in a funny manner

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Luke: “We work together!!”

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Luke: “Ziggle-Skagit, let’s get back agit”

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Luke and Andrew: “And, honestly… Andrew, you and Phyllis are… pretty much my only two friends… left… who will talk to me… So, if we… if, if the budget… (Carey’s over there, by the way) She’s not my friend. She’s my wife”

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Luke and Andrew: “Heggies, Heggies, Heggies… (Right, right, right) Pizza”

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Luke and Andrew: “Heggies, Heggies, Heggies… (Right, right, right) Pizza… Prank call… Heggies, Heggies, Minnesota, Stu-bot… (Right, right) Heidi’s best friend. Click here, Studio 1A”

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Luke and Andrew: “Like, if I’m still alive, am I still number one? Mmm… Don’t ask questions you don’t wanna hear the quest–the answer to!”

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Luke and Andrew: “My phone… is talking to the computer (Okay) that’s just talking to the thing”

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Luke and Andrew: “They love to roof, roof, roof! (They do)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Until we meet again, please remember: No lobster too tall… and, good luck to us”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “Can you take me high enough… Can you fly me over… (I was think–I don’t know that song) fly me over yesterday”

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Luke, Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “Weird flex, bro… (Yeah!) (Hey!) but, okay”

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Luke, Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “When’s the last time we had a Dazzling Donor Nora McInerny? Right. Never! (Exactly) Has she cried on your show? When is she not crying? Oh-ho… (Oh, stop it!) damn! Too soon? Too soon?”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “I knew it!!”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “Oh, I just donated!!!”

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Phyllis Fletcher: “You are so crazy!”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “I’m as mad as hell… (Mmm-hmm) and, I’m not going to take this anymore!”

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Phyllis Fletcher and Luke: “Oh, just stop it you!! It’s too late to take your donation back. You!”

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Steve Neuman: “I know it’s been covered… on your previous cockamamie, wrong-headed adventures”

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Steve Neuman: “Nora McInanamananerny”

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Clips From TBTL #2808

Andrew: “And, goddamn, it was good!”

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Andrew: “Hello. That’s me”

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Andrew: Making what Andrew thinks is a cappella sounds

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Andrew: “Oh my God”

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Andrew: Singing “Bom-bom”

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Andrew: Singing along with the Jeopardy! theme

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Andrew and Camaro Kev: “An a cappella group. Oh, hate… One of my favorite genres”

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Andrew and Luke: “How does McDonald’s not have a vegetarian (Thank you for…) alternatives? Thank you. Tyra Banks GIF of hands clapping”

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Andrew and Luke: “I tried to leave. You wouldn’t let me. I know”

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Camaro Kev: Saying “He is over the top. He’s like this! Oh my God!” as Mauro Ranallo

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Camaro Kev: Saying “He’s got more kicks than a chorus line!” as Mauro Ranallo

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Carey Burbank: “Guys? Guys!?”

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Carey Burbank: “Maybe, God took his voice back”

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Carey Burbank: “Our cat Olive is not a particularly meowy cat”

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Carey Burbank, Luke and Andrew: Carey noted that she said that a Big Mac wouldn’t taste too different without the patties and that Luke would later spin that thought as his own

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Luke: “A donut is a donut is a donut”

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Luke: “Oh, shit. This is Rush Limbaugh”

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Luke: “This is just gonna sound like sour grapes”

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Luke: “Would a McDonald’s Big Mac, minus the patties, really taste that different?”

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Luke: “You have cheese… You have buns… You make a cheeseburger, you take the patty out… you give it to me”

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Luke: “You just… did something to my heart, Carey!”

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Luke: “You realize what a… nutcase you are”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “Hi, Babes! Hi, guys”

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Clips From TBTL #2806

Andrew: “And, Ders is sitting in the chair. Ders!!”

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Andrew: “Good news, everybody!”

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Andrew: “It’s too soon! Don’t put the rookie out there!”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Saying “There was a fire fight!” in a funny, drawn out manner

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Andrew: “That was the longest three seconds of my life… as I felt like I needed to commit to that line!”

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Camaro Kev: “No, no, no, no. It doesn’t work that way”

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Camaro Kev: “There’s one round left. Please don’t punch him in the nuts anymore”

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Luke: “And, I had to pee so bad. And, I peed. And, I love peeing outside… I peed and looked at a rainbow; and, I was… the, the, the… I was just the right amount of drunk… and, it was… a very good feeling”

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Luke: “Stop lording that over us, future travelers”

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Luke: “Thank you for having a heart of a champion… and, the… bank account of an employed person”

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Luke: “We were maniacs!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Carey Beth, if you have a thought… you wanna come on over here… and sit on Santa’s lap… Wow… you made that uninviting really quickly. You know what? Or, I can just get you a microphone… Alright. Alright. She’s fine”

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Luke and Andrew: “You got a little into your cups. Yeah!”

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Clips From TBTL #2804

Andrew: “Hey, listen. Who are you talking to? I, I can always flap my gums”

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Andrew, Luke and Camaro Kev: “Almost New Year’s everybody… (Mmm-hmm) Yay! I can’t wait to party tonight”

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Camaro Kev: Singing “Do the Puyallup”

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Camaro Kev, Carey Burbank and Andrew: “Man! (Not that I remember) You just stole Luke’s childhood”

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Carey Burbank and Luke: “Hello, there… Hey, darling! Hey, we’re recording TBTL right now… Oh, hi”

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Luke: “All the money… that I have donked off on the dumbest of things”

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Luke: “Good. Well, I guess my memory is not so faulty”

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Luke: “I S you not!”

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Luke: “If I’m gonna just stereotype, you’re not a butt rock dude”

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Luke: “Like, if I can just stereotype real hard here”

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Luke: “Of course, it was The Mummy!!”

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Luke: Trying to sing “Do the Puyallup” from memory

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Luke: “When you’re here… you’re framily”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m Christmasing out… (Yeah) hard! (Yeah)”

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Luke and Andrew: “That was a… bitchin’ party! That was a great party!”

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Luke, Carey Burbank and Andrew: “But, is that our, is that the best party we’ve had? I don’t remember that being a… good party… Why not? Why not?”

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