Clips From TBTL #2407

Andrew: “End this thing! End it!!”

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Andrew: “Get me out of this!”

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Andrew: Having a good laugh

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Andrew: “Hello, everybody!”

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Andrew: “I don’t approve of that drop!”

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Andrew: “I just see the bottom line and pay it at the end”

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Andrew: “Just chuck like ten or fifteen in their mouth, and let their teeth sort it out…”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “None of this is normal!”

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Andrew: “Okay, I, I feel bad for not getting that joke”

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Andrew: “The nuts are too damn high!”

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Andrew: “Well, Dan in Brooklyn wants to solve my nut problem”

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Andrew and Carey Burbank: “I need to go make some plans or something! Hey, you can make a candle… or something… Oh, wow! It’s okay. You know, it’s okay when I say it.”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew is a glib guy and that’s his brand

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Andrew and Luke: “I don’t blame my wi-fi. I think you should apologize to Robotron. Sorry, Robotron.”

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Andrew and Luke: “Well, Dan in Brooklyn wants to solve my nut problem. (Nice) He says, ‘Hey, guys…’ (Finally) Let’s take that one out of context, Linh. Let’s not, Linh.”

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Andrew, Carey Burbank and Luke: Carey is a Burbank but didn’t pull a Burbank

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Carey Burbank: “Andrew’s a very good host”

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Carey Burbank: “Did you have a fart transplant?”

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Carey Burbank: “Linh Pham, could you put together a compilation of how many times Luke has said, ‘I don’t wanna speak for you, Carey…’ and then, proceeds to speak for me. Thanks.”

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Carey Burbank: “Seriously?”

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Carey Burbank: “Wait, wait… how do you accidentally buy ham?”

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Carey Burbank and Andrew: “Hard Rain” Reference

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Carey Burbank and Andrew: “Wait a minute, can I make an announcement? (Yes) I’m… I’m taking off”

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Carey Burbank, Luke and Andrew: Carey saying “I shit you not” and “I fart transplant you not”

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Carey Burbank, Luke and Andrew: “Yeah, I talked about this once on the show before, and I didn’t quite describe it in a way that I felt good about… But… ye–I. By the way, welcome to everyday for me and Andrew. I know, I already regret a lot of what I said on this show. It’s not even over yet. Did you have a fart transplant?”

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Luke: “Apparently, somebody puts Baby in a corner; and, that’s us”

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Luke: “Carey, I, I… again, I don’t wanna speak for you; but, I…”

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: “Go download an Internet. And, go Mariners.”

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Luke: “I just love Rudy so much”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Now, I don’t wanna… tell you how you feel”

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Luke: “Redfin is my Tindr”

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Luke: “The nut meats”

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Luke: “Those are all on the prohibited list… we hope”

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Luke and Andrew: “But, I feel like if there were ghosts, I–they’d just walk in and be like… you know, ‘What’s up, y’all?’. They wouldn’t be like… Oh, they’re from Austin? (Yeah)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Let’s take that one out of context, Linh. Let’s not, Linh.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke’s description of cupfuls of tobacco makes Andrew uncomfortable

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “Like a typical conversation with me, you may be paying attention about thirty to forty percent of it. Would you say that’s accurate? Accurate. Okay.”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “Now, I don’t wanna… tell you how you feel. What does my body language tell you? You’re about to ghost on me. You’re about to ghost on this relationship any minute.”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “The fart transplant did not go as planned. Oh, brother.”

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Luke, Carey Burbank and Andrew: Luke didn’t read the look on Carey’s face correctly

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Clips From TBTL #2393: The Burbanks Edition

Carey Burbank: Answering the phone with a “Hello, baby!” drop

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Carey Burbank: Laughing and saying “What… what do you mean?”

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Carey Burbank: Playing “Hello, baby!” over the phone

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Carey Burbank: Playing “Hello, baby!” over the phone towards the end of the show

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Carey Burbank and Luke: Exaggerating details is part and parcel of being a Professional Storyteller

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Carey Burbank and Luke: “Ooh, good detail, storyteller. Professional (Thank you) storyteller. You know, I do alright.”

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Carey Burbank, Luke and Andrew: Carey plays the “Hello, baby!” drop as a power out, Luke considers it the worst audio bit on the show ever and can’t wait for it to go on Marsupial Gurgle

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Luke: “Everybody gets a nickname today!”

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Luke: Funny mouth sound

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Luke: “Hello, baby!”

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Luke: “I can’t wait for that to make its way on to Marsupial Gurgle. I mean, what will it even be?”

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Luke: “I… hate… running through the airport”

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Luke: “I’m a Peter Push-forward”

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Luke: “I’m kidding, Hamilton fans!”

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Luke: Incorrectly saying “It’s episode 2932 in a collector’s series”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Now, your body decides to… release the Kraken of sweat”

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Luke: Panting breathlessly

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Luke: “Rare (??) blood!! Cool!”

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Luke: “Run for it!”

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Luke: “Sammy Sad-sack”

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Luke: Saying “Here I go once again with the Breaking News” as Strong Bad

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Luke: Singing “1-877-Canaries of Comedy”

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Luke: “Sluggerrr! Sluggerrr!!”

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Luke: Strong Bad-ish TBTL Breaking News

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Luke: “That is how much things move in… and through the transom of my mind these days”

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Luke: “That is, by the way, classic Sammy Snore-sack… Which is… I hope, I hope, he doesn’t make an appearance”

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Luke: “That was an HP… not an MP”

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Luke: “There’s still some meat on dem bones”

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Luke: “This is, ‘Road Rules: Burbank Edition'”

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Luke: “This, my friend”

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Luke: “Ugh, you gotta be kidding me”

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Luke: “What in the world is going on in your life… wife?”

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Luke: “What will it even be? It’ll be just a wisp of memory of an idea of a sound drop.”

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Luke and Andrew: “He’s doing the shocker with his hands… Oh, God! I didn’t even notice that. No, rea–No! This is a family show. What the hell!?”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m interested in the details of life. As a professional storyteller, it’s what I mostly focus on. Oh my God.”

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Luke and Andrew: “Let’s do this podcast to the pain for our listeners. And, we do.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke doing his version of the TBTL Breaking News drop but it ended going all Strong Bad

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Luke and Andrew: “Oh! Can I? Burrrr. No, (Burrrr) okay. Control. Mouth. With brain. Control, Alt, Mouth?”

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Luke and Andrew: Peter Push-forward vs Sammy Sad-sack

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Luke and Andrew: “We are men of action, not words. Wait, opposite… (Right) opposite of that (Right)”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: Luke reacting to how Carey answered the phone

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Luke, Andrew and Carey Burbank: Luke had said he was a “Professional Storyteller” to Carey

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Luke, Carey Burbank and Andrew: “Everybody gravitates towards that toy at some point. It’s like the most fun thing in the house, besides me. (Yup) And, also a better storyteller. Oooh… (Ow, wow) this interview is over! Let’s not get nasty, guys.”

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Clips From TBTL #2384

Luke and Andrew have been thanking and reading and/or playing special messages for Dazzling Donors from last year’s TBTL-a-thon for a couple of weeks; and, TBTL #2384, in a collector’s series, it was my turn to be thanked. The last two times, Luke and Andrew ad-libbed my Dazzling Donor messages and I opted for the same this time around. It was even better with Steve Neuman on the show and jumping into the fun as well.

Luke, Andrew and Steve Neuman: TBTL Dazzling Donor Message

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Andrew: “Because, basically, we will be canned heat… inside that thing”

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Andrew: “Is the man of the house home?”

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Andrew: “Like to squeeze the soul out of the show”

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Andrew: “Luke, are you getting a little, getting a little whiff of the RV on that one?”

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Andrew: Making a laser sharp shooting sound

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Andrew: Making a sharp shooting sound

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Andrew: Making a sharp shooting sound #2

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Andrew: “No!!”

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Andrew: “No!!! Shut it down, America!”

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Andrew: “That’s gonna come back to, to haunt me”

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Andrew: “Umm, I don’t know why… I cared”

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Andrew and Luke: “You know what? I’ll let Linh tell me what it sounds like. I’m not taking it from you today. Fair enough.”

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Andrew and Luke: “You were drankgry? I was… maybe mostly drangry”

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Andrew and Steve Neuman: “Have you ever done this sober? No. No! No!! God, no! That’s just wrong.”

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Carey Burbank and Luke: “Burbank residence. Is that how we answer the phone now?”

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Carey Burbank and Luke: Carey usually laughs when she’s on a carnival ride and will laugh at Luke if he’s on it as well

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Carey Burbank, Andrew and Luke: “What a way to go, right!? No!! You’re having fun, right? (No) No, you’re not having fun when your body is, is breaking into a million pieces on top of the ticket hut.”

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Luke: “A five dollar Friday edition… of the program that might just be Too Beautiful To Live!”

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Luke: “He’s the Pham, he’s the Pham-nary in the coal mine”

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Luke: “Hey, Linh! There’s a new thing you like less than Super Pham!”

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Luke: “I don’t like to use this word; I was even hangry”

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Luke: “If this breaks loose, we are dead. D-E-D”

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Luke: “Linh… Pham, our Super Pham! I think it hates it when I say that; but… that’s not gonna stop me. Hasn’t stopped me yet.”

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Luke: “Maria Bamford is one of, one of y’all. Is ‘Y’all’ the wrong term?”

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Luke: “MSNBC and Chill”

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Luke: “Save it. Save it for the show. Share it with the Tens of listeners.”

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Luke: “So, Andrew, ad-lib something funny about Linh Pham and his Marsupial Gurgle site”

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Luke: “The crazy part is: What. I’m. Saying. Right. Now. Will. Be. A drop on Marsupial Gurgle.”

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Luke: “Wait a second!”

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Luke: “Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second”

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Luke: “We’d like to… welcome new sponsor, Surly Brewing Company”

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Luke: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa… whoa. Whoa. Whoa.”

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Luke: “Will you do me a kindness?”

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Luke: “‘Woo’ Tang, baby. She rocks the world”

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Luke: “You never go full y’all”

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Luke: “You’ve all heard about it. You all know about it. All the kids are talking about it.”

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Luke, Andrew and Steve Neuman: “Can you imagine a festival for roadies, put together (by roadies) by carnies”

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Luke, Carey Burbank and Steve Neuman: “But now that people are… falling out of the ferris wheel in Port Townsend, I think you see my point, right? No, I don’t. I don’t see it at all, actually. That was not the answer that Luke wanted. Oh, by the way, hi Carey, it’s Stu from Internet. Oh, hi, Stu-bot.”

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Luke, Steve Neuman and Andrew: Doo-oh vs Dye-oh

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Steve Neuman: “Yeah, there’s not a lot of metaphor in Toby Keith songs”

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Steve Neuman: “Your honky-tonk ba-donk-a-donk”

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Steve Neuman, Andrew and Luke: “I think you muted me. I’m sorry, what were you saying? Get the hint, Stu.”

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Steve Neuman, Luke and Andrew: Andrew threw shade on Black Sabbath by saying it wasn’t Rock ‘n’ Roll

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Clips From TBTL #2359

Andrew: Channeling his inner Tom Shane

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Andrew: “Do you have a friend in the diamond business?”

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Andrew: “Hello, Luke Burbank!”

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Andrew: “Look at these people!! I like to really tear people down”

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Andrew: “Welcome to my farm”

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Andrew: “With the power of prayer!”

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Andrew: “Wow!”

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Luke: “555-55-MY-WOIFE”

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Luke: “But, I’m above a Gold member. I’m a 75K.”

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Luke: Cute Chuckle

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Luke: “Get… a load of this, Walsh”

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Luke: “Goddamn, goddamn, goddamn!”

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Luke: “I see. You used your cough drops when you’re at your improv class; but, when you’re on TBTL, our family business, you don’t even care.”

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Luke: “I will, if I watch that on an airplane, I will cry at some point; because, Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez will have some moment”

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Luke: “She’s getting too old for this shit!”

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Luke: “That’s a lot of Fs, dude”

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Luke: “That’s mas true!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Poop rules everything around her (Hmm)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Sue him for wha’? Sue him for wha’!?”

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Luke and Andrew: Talk About No-funiks

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “Hi, can you hear–it, it’s your husband. Oh. Okay.”

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Clips From TBTL #2346

Andrew: “Are my rusted roots showing?”

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Andrew: “Cuz, that’s how I do”

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Andrew: “I-I-I dunno what I’m saying”

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Andrew: “I’m a podcast comma cowboy”

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Andrew: “I’m a podcast cowboy”

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Andrew: “I’m more of the kind of guy who is squirting hot dogs at my chest”

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Andrew: “I’m painting with word pictures”

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Andrew: “It seems very Luke Burbank-y”

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Andrew: “It’s just, it’s just ironic that I’m the one who doesn’t know how to eat hot dogs”

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “Yeah”

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Andrew: “Life! Eat it! Buddy!”

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Andrew: Long, drawn out “Ohh”

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Andrew: “Oh, looks like it’s hot dog time”

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Andrew: Quietly Saying “Oh, no”

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Andrew: “Really? Well, that doesn’t sound delicious at all!”

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Andrew: “Say hello to this!”

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Andrew: Singing “Fat man in a little coat”

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Andrew and Luke: “And, I wrote in pen underneath it, ‘And the Fat Guy’. You just put a mustard thumbprint up… Walsh was here!”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew is the kind of guy who squirts hot dogs at his chest

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Andrew and Luke: “But, I don’t like you. (Wow)”

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Andrew and Luke: “Comma, comma, comma, comma (Sure!) cowboy”

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Andrew and Luke: “Oh, God, what!!? Where are you, where are you getting your hot dogs!? Bu-ru-rey [ph]

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Andrew and Luke: “Who knows what will happen tomorrow. We’ll see.”

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Carey Burbank: “No Andrew. Heavy on the Luke.”

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Carey Burbank, Andrew and Luke: Andrew did not want his face in the photo showing the mustard stain on his shirt

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Luke: “And, I guess I assumed AJ was not African-American for whatever racist reasons”

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Luke: “And, if there is a Rusted Root head on this show bigger than my friend, Andrew Walsh, I haven’t met him”

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Luke: “Anyway, this has been Pool Talk”

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Luke: Chuckling

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Luke: Chuckling #2

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Luke: “If you steal a, a Van Gogh, or something… or a Van Goghhh [ph]. Or a Bu-ru-rey… depending where you’re from.”

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Luke: Playing Taps with his mouth and saying “Unfurl the corn dogs”

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Luke: “So… good news is, I guess, Andrew is gonna get to bathe.”

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Luke and Andrew: A Blues of Brothers, A Harmonica of Blues Brothers, or a You Make Me Wanna Shout of Blues Brothers

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew’s Lucky Getup

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Luke and Andrew: “I mean, literally a tooturial. A tooturial. Possible show title? Does that… does that pass, does that pass muster; or, does that pass mustard with you?”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m a little tired of cleaning up your mustard. Yeah.”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s Duke’s, actually. Okay. Double Duke’s. Triple.”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke having too much fun trying to roll his Rs

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Luke and Andrew: “Techtronics. Techtronics with Spreadshee”

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Luke and Andrew: “Uhh, I won’t go there. Never let me slip, cuz if I slip, then I’m slippin’. Hello! That’s what she said. I’ll have what she’s having. Good one. There you go. That’s what it is.”

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Luke and Andrew: “We’re podcast cowboys. Everybody knows it. I’m a podcast cowboy”

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Clips From TBTL #2310

Carey Burbank: “And, you’re like, ‘And an Olive kitten!'”

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Carey Burbank: “I’m not good, but I have a right”

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Carey Burbank: “I’m not good, but I have a right. I paid for this microphone.”

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Carey Burbank: “The difference between your hare-brained ideas and mine, are that… usually mine are, are based on logic; and, your’s will be, like, the physics of something you’re trying to do doesn’t make any sense”

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Carey Burbank: “Whee!!”

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Carey Burbank: “You have so many Rudyisms”

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Carey Burbank: “You want some food!!?”

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Carey Burbank and Luke: “Also, do you want to know a little dazzling deut… (Oh!) that I recently read, which was just so bizarre? (Okay)”

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Carey Burbank and Luke: “Can you hand me the wine, please? Yes. Just gonna get… give you some truth serum here? (Yes)”

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Luke: “And, I’m not like a hippie-dippie person”

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Luke: “Come on, this isn’t Soviet Russia… yet!”

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Luke: “I’m usually like, ‘What’s up.’ Then, like, I put on, like, my Oakley blades sunglasses and hover-board outta there…”

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Luke: “Mush!”

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Luke: “Oh, I’m not gonna tell them. I gotta get ’em to download before they figure out the awful truth.”

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Luke: “Resting B Face”

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Luke: Saying “I hope it snows… forever!” with a gravelly voice

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Luke: “She may… be part… bobcat; which, is why I’m gonna sleep with one eye open… going forward”

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Luke: Singing “I came in like a Rudy dog”

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Luke: “We’re gonna thank our TBTL Autotune level donors of the day”

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Luke: “You lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas”

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Luke: “You want some food!!?”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “And, we will see you tomorrow. Until then, no mountain too tall… No mountain (Oh!) too tall? Sorry, I was totally spacing out. No mountain too tall? Good luck to all.”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: Carey had told Rudy to tell Luke to “yap up”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “Despite early promise as a fire maker, I–it’s, I really peaked early with that. Yeah, I, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you build a fire that lasted.”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “I got Putin’d. Yeah, you did.”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “I want to tell the listeners, you’re not pregnant. No. At least, not by me.”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: Luke admits he cries all the time

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Luke and Carey Burbank: Luke shushed Carey when the first Super Bowl ads came on

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “Oh, no. Yeah!”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “This is so mean. Now, by the way, in order for me to do this, I have to torture our (I know) poor animal. I’ll say like, ‘You want some food!!?’ Ohh, she just got up and went out of the room. I hope that was worth it for you!!”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “We’ve been, now, together for, like, five years? I think so, yeah. And, I feel very close to you. I love you very much.”

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Luke and Carey Burbank: Winding it up, winding it down and getting wine

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Luke and Carey Burbank: “Yeah, we had a fire-building contest; which, I won! What!? Believe it or don’t.”

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