Clips From TBTL #2696

Andrew: Drawn out “Mmm! This is so good!”

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Andrew: “Knowing that I love this song embarrasses me”

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Andrew: Saying “Yeah!” as Adam Duritz

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Andrew: “Unlimited embers”

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Andrew and Luke: “Here’s the deal… This is, this is definitely not interesting… This is some of the best automotive talk we have done yet”

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Andrew and Luke: “It’s not a deck… Is not a deck!”

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Genevieve Haas: “God bless my friends for, like, remaining friends with me”

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Genevieve Haas: “I will, I will take… a hollerin’ to the face for you, baby. I’ll leap in front of the hollerin'”

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Genevieve Haas: “I’ll be… so Costanza about it. Oh, what that frowned upon?”

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Genevieve Haas: “I’ve agreed to take your hollerin’ for you. I don’t know under–I don’t know what else I can offer”

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Genevieve Haas: “Oh! I’m sorry. Was that not allowed?”

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Genevieve Haas: “The book was dumb AF”

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Genevieve Haas: “What is the G-D difference?”

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Genevieve Haas, Luke and Andrew: “And, I’m… sitting against like a, sort of a… a little, low wall… holding my bagel… eating it; but, tearing up tiny… (Like, mama birding it?) Well, I’m, I’m eating it to, like, make it… (You’re not regurgitating it) to look… to look good. God, I wish that’s where the story went”

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Luke: “She’s Bruno Mars in this relationship, dude!!! What else could she do!?!”

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Luke: Singing “Vieves, you’re gonna carry that grill… carry”

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Luke: “This is possibly the only good radio we’ve done during this entire two weeks”

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Luke: “Yeah… Guillermo… put it on the poll”

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Luke and Andrew: “Right over there, longest running co-bro… of, of the show. Roof enthusiast, but deck… questioner, is Andrew Walsh. Hello, my friend. I am not a deck denier”

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Luke and Andrew: “We are learning how to forward pro… (That’s right) this week”

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Luke and Genevieve Haas: Laughing

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Clips From TBTL #2695

Andrew: “I’m now a Safeway… shopper… you know. I, I was loyal to the QFC for… solid two and a half years… And, we had some… we had some great times”

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Andrew: Saying “I’m watching you… guys” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: Saying “I’m watching you” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew and Genevieve Haas: “Oof, really? Yeah. Oof, indeed”

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Andrew and Luke: “Gotta do it… Yeah. Gotta do it”

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Genevieve Haas: “Ha-ha, it’s so healthy for you”

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Genevieve Haas: Making a shocked sound

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Genevieve Haas: “There’s grizzlies out there; which, are just… like, monsters. And, then, there are black bears which… will still eff you up”

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Genevieve Haas and Andrew: “I had to buy it when I was in… when I went to… Steal some booze… When I had to steal some booze”

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Genevieve Haas and Andrew: “It can go zero to sixty in three seconds, or whatever. They’re like Ferraris basically. (Hey, Car Talk!) Yeah!”

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Luke: “Burbank… did it again”

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Luke: “Give me all your pirate’s booty!!”

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Luke: “Now, this is the part of the show where we just critique Whole Foods”

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Luke: “On Friday, now, I’m dangling this”

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Luke: “Sure… absolutely. You give all you can; then, you’re spent”

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Luke: “This is not car related; but… I feel like at this point… the listeners kinda know what they’re in for”

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Luke: “We all make our deals”

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Luke: “Where do you guys keep the extra small condoms?”

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Luke and Andrew: The future of TBTL is just Andrew doing the show by himself and Andrew wants to piece a show together using just clips and drops from the show

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Luke and Andrew: “This week… as we were doing last week, we’re talking about cars… in our life… I almost thought you were gonna say, ‘Cars, car repair’… Yeah… Our law firm is Dewey, Cheetham & Howe”

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Luke, Andrew and Genevieve: “I’m tempted to ask Genevieve a question that… What do they say, ‘Don’t ask a question you don’t know the answer to’? This is, ‘Don’t ask a question you don’t want to know the answer to.’ Yeah. Okay”

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Clips From TBTL #2694

Andrew: “Attention all TBTL listeners. This is a public service announcement”

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Andrew: “Good morning, Mr. Quip. Whatchu got for me?”

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Andrew: “Hello, Mr. Quip. Whatchu got for me?”

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Andrew: “I got a beer over here… unless, the bosses are listening; in which case, I would never drink at work. Are you kidding?”

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Andrew: Making car honking sounds

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Andrew: “Oh my God! It’s the best album!”

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Andrew: Saying “I wanna play a guessing game!” in a sing-songy manner

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Camaro Kev: “Predator doesn’t do the splits”

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Genevieve Haas: “This is the saddest part of the story”

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Luke: “And then, a new addition, some new.. some fresh blood and, finally, some brains… added to the operation”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Okay… I guess we’re at that part… of the… summer car-tacular shows… the part… where we turn to alcohol”

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Luke: “Since we’re on this subject; and, I know you hate it”

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Luke: Singing “Would you like to swing on a star?”

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Luke: “Yeah, I forget. You’re a, you’re quite a Pink Floyd-head”

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Luke and Andrew: “Ahoooga!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Somebody better get these motherfucking die hards… off this… Yeah (Right)”

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Clips From TBTL #2693

Andrew: “I know this dance!”

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Andrew: “I’m done with college. I’m moving away now. Yay, right?”

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Andrew: “Oh, yeah! I’ve never done that”

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Andrew: “Ohhh!”

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Andrew: “She’s come a long way, baby”

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Andrew: “This car was heavy, man”

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Andrew: “You know, I know this is… how this is gonna make me sound; but, I don’t really know”

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Andrew: “You were looking at me so disappointedly”

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Andrew and Camaro Kev: “I don’t give a shit what your time spent listening is! (No)”

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Andrew, Camaro Kev and Luke: Taking their turns singing the Ben Bridges jingle

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Camaro Kev and Andrew: “Okay, they’re not gonna come out and service… service me (Right)”

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Camaro Kev and Andrew: “Okay, they’re not gonna come out and service… service me… (Right) then… then, I’m just gonna pull away”

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Luke: “I don’t know. You’re the expert on Cardi B lyrics, Andrew!”

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Luke: “It was a trip through hell”

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Luke: Singing “Baby on board”

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Luke: Singing “I make gas station moves”

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Clips From TBTL #2692

Andrew: “Hello, man!”

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Andrew: “I’m just over here sitting in the cat-bird seat”

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Andrew: Saying “It turns out, the freezer was broken at Dairy Queen!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Yeah, baby!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Oh, I love the looks of this car. Very boxy! Yes, extremely… (I love… I love a boxy car so much!) Nobody ever says that but you”

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Andrew and Luke: “Well, what would you have been bopping to back in your car in… (That Toyota?) Yeah”

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Camaro Kev: Saying “Kuwanas! [ph] Ooh, my!” in a funny manner

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Camaro Kev and Luke: “I can’t even, I can’t believe you bought this car, dude. Have you met me!?”

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Luke: “And, I was like, Norm… motherfucking Stiley [ph]

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Luke: “And, what I realized is this… MFer… sold me a car that he knew could not go through emissions”

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Luke: “I was ridin’ dirty, always, with my tabs”

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Luke: “I’m building the excitement; you’re lowering the excite…”

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Luke: “I’m making my pain, your pain… and, trying to not to pop my Ps on this microphone”

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Luke: Making a series of sounds to prevent Andrew to continuing with his story

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Luke: “My back is being a little weird”

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Luke: “Now, of course, because I’m, like, married to an organized human”

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Luke: Saying “Bull of the Woods” in a sing-songy manner

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Luke: “Well, I wanted a cool station wagon; which, again, sounds oxymoronic”

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Luke: “Zumba!”

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Luke and Camaro Kev: “Oh, shit (Yeah)”

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Luke, Andrew and Camaro Kev: Singing “Tennessee. Tennessee (Tennessee) Tennessee. Mr. Wendell” and laughing

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Clips From TBTL #2691

Andrew: “And, also, what are you gonna bang?”

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Andrew: “But, again, live in the now, Mom! Don’t worry about the future”

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Andrew: “I… I know we have to wrap up this show; because, I can smell Luke”

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Andrew: “No!! I’m legit interested in this shit”

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Andrew: “Yeah!!”

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Camaro Kev: “I don’t know what a Camaro is”

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Camaro Kev: “I was in a parking lot and a guy yelled to me… ‘cross the parking lot… ‘Bang it with a stick’. He was like, ‘Bang it with a stick!!'”

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Camaro Kev: “If I did that now, it would destroy my body”

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Luke: “Get out of our dreams and get into this podcast, everybody”

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Luke: Having a good laugh

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Luke: “Listen, Andrew… you give a man a stick… he’ll start his Camaro for a day”

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Luke: “Own it!!!”

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Luke: “Well, a fish stinks from the head!!”

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Luke: “Well, who’s looking down on him now? From Andrew’s roof, I am literally looking down on that place!”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke thinks that he isn’t off by one when it comes to the episode number

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Luke and Andrew: “These are both fun and exhausting. I know! It’s like hanging out with me”

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Luke and Andrew: “What do you think of this song, Kevin? Ohhh… Kevin doesn’t have headphones. Now, I’m rubbing it in”

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Luke and Andrew: “You gotta be confident like Andrew. Yeah!”

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