Clips From TBTL #2664: Part Two

Luke: “And, by the way… welcome to… Moms on the Net”

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Luke: “But, if I fire one off and it’s, kinda, going hot and heavy… which is, oddly sexual… for a tweet”

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Luke: “Dafuq”

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Luke: “Damn, this is hard!”

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Luke: “Do these snacks smell like chloroform? We call ’em a Henry bar. Sniff these”

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Luke: “Everything was coming up Stu!”

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Luke: “He’s Andrew (Ooooh!) Walsh”

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Luke: “Hold on to your butts”

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Luke: “I believe, that this… will be my financial Waterloo”

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Luke: “I’m a wannabe bouge”

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Luke: “I’m bougie adjacent”

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Luke: “I’m… I’m kinda riding dirty right now”

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Luke: “Is it Boo-roo Rey? [ph]

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy, everybody”

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Luke: “Oh, shit… Things are hard”

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Luke: “Ooh! Explicit”

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Luke: “People are thinking about a thing I did today”

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Luke: Singing “Gettysburg! That’s was a thing where Lincoln said important stuff”

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Luke: Singing “Old Man Tucker was a fine old man. Washed his pace–his face in a frying pan. Combed his hair with a wagon wheel. Died with a toothache in his heel”

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Luke: Singing “Who can say if Stu’s making that up”

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Luke: “That’s very TBTL of you, though, Nora”

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Luke: “That’s your fear talking, my friend (I am petrified)”

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Luke: “There are some parts of This American… I almost called it ‘This American Life’… Imagine ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ hosted by Ira Glass… No, don’t; cuz, we don’t have two hours”

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Luke: “This is not a drill!”

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Luke: “We’ll be dealing with your people, Nora and Stu”

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Luke: “What the eff!?”

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Luke: “Who gives a shit”

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Luke: “Would you like to come to my Corn Palace?”

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Luke: “Wow!”

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Luke: “You and I were separated… at birth… McInerny”

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Luke: “You love him more than Daddy!”

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Luke and Andrew: Double indroppity

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Luke and Andrew: “Flapdoodles. Oh!!”

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Luke and Andrew: “That’s a GIF, that’s a GIF that keeps on GIF-ing (Yeah!)”

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Luke and Andrew: When Andrew laughs, he leaks

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Luke and Steve Neuman: “But… you must have been on cloud nine, or St. Cloud Nine… (What?!?) Got there! (Oh, Goddamnit) I… just… drop me off at the next exit, Nora”

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Luke and Steve Neuman: “Have you ever hitchhiked? Oh, God, no! No! No!”

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Luke and Steve Neuman: “She keeps it realtor (She does)”

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Luke and Steve Neuman: “What do you think about this hitchhiking plan? Umm, I think you’re out of your minds; but, I think you’re out of your minds, in a good way… Does that… sound… half-hearted, or not?”

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Luke, Kristina Lopez and Andrew: Going from John Wayne Gacy town to a town named Hannibal

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Luke, Steve Neuman, Andrew and Nora McInerny: “And, good luck to all!”

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Clips From TBTL #2664: Part One

Andrew: “Carol, hold my calls”

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Andrew: “Double indroppity”

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Andrew: “I just told you, I’m a Rascal Flatts guy! Get it through your head!”

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Andrew: “I open one zipper on mine. Nothing in there but squirrel nuts”

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Andrew: “I read a lot of crappy mysteries”

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Andrew: “I was, like… saying goodbye to the hoisin sauce. I’m not even kidding! I was just, like, ‘Ohh, I just bought the hoisin sauce; and, I’m not even gonna be here for a week'”

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Andrew: “I, kind of, squirmed my way around trying to explain what I do, without explaining what I do”

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “Okay”

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Andrew: “Oh my God”

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Andrew: Saying “I’m… I’m an adult… I’m gonna buy a book!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “Stop stealing our music!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “The date should’ve been, ‘Until October 19th, 2019, when we plan on firing your asses'”

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Andrew: “This is not a joke… I have issues”

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Andrew: “Vroom, vroom!”

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Andrew: “When I laugh, I leak”

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Andrew and Luke: “No more than one milkshake a person, though. How am I gonna bring the boys to the yard!?”

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Andrew and Luke: “We’re hitchhiking through… John Wayne Gacy’s… town… and, also… Michele Bachmann was born there. If you guys will recall… Who has been worse for America? Okay”

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Andrew and Steve Neuman: “I don’t have your life, Luke; but… I don’t want your life!”

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Kristina Lopez: Laughing

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Nora McInerny: “I came here because they told me to!!”

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Nora McInerny: “I want you to come here… and poison my whole fucking house, if that’s what it takes!!”

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Nora McInerny: “Look at these… two wacky guys”

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Steve Neuman: “Oh, God, no! No! No!”

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Steve Neuman: Singing “I don’t want your life!”

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Steve Neuman: “The arrow’s the dude; cuz, it’s a boner”

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Steve Neuman: “You have the right amount of Stu right now, I think”

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Clips From TBTL #2649

With TBTL #2649 landing on Memorial Day, Andrew made the episode mostly an encore presentation of #2382. Before hitting play on #2382, Andrew gave Steve “Stu-bot” Neuman a call on the show and they had a good chat filled with good stuff. For clips from #2382, please check out: Clips From TBTL #2382.


Andrew: “Alright, that’s your dose of the Stu-bot… Good stuff, right? Good stuff, man… good stuff”

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Andrew: “Anyway, happy Memorial Day… to everyone!”

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Andrew: “Don’t cry for me, Argentina”

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Andrew: “Good stuff, right? Good stuff, man… good stuff”

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Andrew: “I don’t know if I’m right about this… but, I have a feeling”

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Andrew: “I felt a little, I fell [sic] a little bit of FOMO!”

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Andrew: “I’m just awful. I think that’s the bottom line there”

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Andrew: “Life… Hackett… Buddy”

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Andrew: “My, God! You have such a better memory than I do!”

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Andrew: Saying “Oh, I just wanna stay home!” in a funny manner
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Andrew and Steve Neuman: Andrew isn’t the first person to make a “Hasty Exit” joke

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Andrew and Steve Neuman: “I love that your (Yes) memory is… the… the only shameful part; the part that you remember is the part that… embarrassed you”

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Andrew and Steve Neuman: “Now, a lotta people wanna purify their eyeballs with some boiling water (Yeah)”

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Andrew and Steve Neuman: “That was rude… That was a rude thing to say (No)”

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Steve Neuman: “Oh, yeah. Not, not here, bro-ski”

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Steve Neuman: “Piper told me to call you, ‘bro-ski’; and, I don’t know why”

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Steve Neuman: “What’s up, bro-ski?”

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Steve Neuman: “Yeah, that’s… classic Burbank”

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Steve Neuman and Andrew: “There’s nothing pure about it; to put it that way… (Oh, God)”

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Steve Neuman and Andrew: “You saw, you saw our offense this weekend up close and personal; so, it might not be the worst idea the Twins have. Oh, you guys have one? (Oh, God) That was rude… That was a rude thing to say. (No) We don’t have much of an offense right now either, my friend”

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Clips From TBTL #2645: Luke Burbank and Steve Neuman Edition

Luke: Cute laugh

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Luke: “Hey, everybody! Welcome to ‘Say Maybe to the Baby’!”

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Luke: “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stay in your lane… stay in your lane”

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Luke: “I just realized something about myself, Andrew”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Laughing #2

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Luke: Laughing with a turkey gobble drop in the background

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Luke: “Mr. Some Limited”

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Luke: “Rudy… get in here! It’s gonna be a good one! Wait, did you guys hear that? It was supposed to be off-mic”

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Luke: “Say Maybe to the Baby”

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Luke: Saying “Every American is required to report to their alter ego… camp… You will be numbered and branded with your alter ego” as if it were delivered over a PA system

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Luke: Saying “Please refer to your TraceMe app for your assignment… for alta ego [sic] camp” as if it were delivered over a PA system

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Luke: Singing “Debaser”

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Luke: Singing “Slicing up eyeballs!”

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Luke: Singing “Steamer Caroline”

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Luke: “What?”

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Luke: “Which way is the marina? Not this way”

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Luke: “Yeah! I’m in your face, cutting up eyeballs!”

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Luke: “You know what? Don’t fence me in”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew “Mr. Limited” Walsh has hit the wall with Russell Wilson’s “Mr. Unlimited”

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Luke and Andrew: “Felt like we kept calling this something else at the top of the show (Don’t! I’ll mute you!)”

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Luke and Andrew: “I don’t know why I just thought of this; but, maybe it would be a show called, ‘Say Maybe to the Baby’… Oh my God… (Which, by the way, could also just be… what… could also be) Oh my God!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I don’t like this new Mr. Unlimited… persona… that you’re doing. It’s not really Mr. Unlimited, it’s ‘Mr. Unlimited’ (His name… his name’s, Mr., Mr., Mr. Unlimited) Oh, no, he goes low. I was going high. Unlimited”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke kept going on about states that he may or may not have been to and Andrew chicken squawked “Come on!” at him

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Luke and Andrew: Mumble singing Crash Test Dummies’ “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm”

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Luke and Andrew: “Stop the tape. Stop the tape! This is not a good hug!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Wait, is it Mr. Unlimited… Doesn’t… (or Unlimited) make… sense!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Where was Superman? Where are you now… when everything’s gone wrong, (Right) somehow… The Man of Steel, the Man of Power… losing control by the hour”

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Luke and Andrew: “You are… you are Name Forgetter… (Yeah) first of his name… I am Drop Misplayer of the Andels”

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Steve Neuman: Garbled or artifacted audio while speaking

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Steve Neuman: “Hey, dinguses. It’s Stu from the Internet”

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Steve Neuman, Andrew and Luke: Steve describing the concept of a new podcast with Chris Hayes and both Andrew and Luke crack up at the name

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Clips From TBTL #2600

As I did with TBTL #2525, where I created an image that was related to the episode number, I took inspiration from the episode number #2600 and wanted to create something that was based on the Atari 2600 gaming console. So, I recreated a version of the Atari 2600, but replaced the switch labels, cartridge and the Atari logo with some TBTL-related phrases. It was done in Adobe Illustrator and used some generated effects to simulate the wood grain and some of the texture on the original console’s plastic parts. I sent an e-mail to Luke and Andrew requesting it to be used as a show picture for #2600 and if they could play “Pac Man Fever” as the song to end the show with. Well, the latter didn’t happen; but, what did happen was even better.

Luke and Andrew: Mentioning the TBTL/Atari 2600 image created for the show, Luke saying that the request was to talk as a musical robot and doing so

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At the very beginning of the show, the guys played a voicemail left by an unnamed listener singing her take of the “Samson and Deliliah” rap song that Andrew had been describing on the show. Also, there was a voicemail message left by the Stu-bot that was played towards the end of the show.

Listener: Singing a version of “Samson and Delilah” based on Andrew’s description of the original song

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Steve Neuman: Voicemail Message

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Andrew: “Ba-da-bop”

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Andrew: Boisterous laugh

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Andrew: Funny laugh

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Andrew: “Get at it, people!”

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Andrew: “Hello, Lurnk Burburnk!”

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Andrew: “I didn’t know that. I’m an idiot”

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Andrew: “I’m sorry, Lurnk. I’m sorry, Lurnk Burburnk”

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Andrew: “Just say it, Luke. You’re talking about me… I’m your Genece Brinkley”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Listen, Lurk [sic] Burburnk was in an airport… and, so, he decided to get a 2016 Playboy; that would surprise me certainly, if you did it”

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Andrew: “Make yourself at home… there are some Playboys there from 2004… Enjoy”

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Andrew: “Oh, first of all… any day… any day, I love The Burbs!”

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Andrew: “Rappity-rap”

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Andrew: Saying “Hello, Luke Burbank!” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: Saying “My name is Lurnk!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Somehow!! Somehow, it got us there”

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Andrew: “That’s how Car Talk formed!”

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Andrew: “The Zipster!”

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Andrew: “There are springs? Like, what the eff?”

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Andrew: “We watched the last five minutes of it, just enough to make me cry, when Ben Stiller says, ‘I’ve had a tough year, Dad'”

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Andrew: “What!?”

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Andrew: “What the what!?”

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Andrew: “Why do I feel guilty!?”

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Luke: “Anything that happens to me is interesting”

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Luke: “Buncanny valley”

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Luke: “Can we just… hard… hard… right… for just a quick moment?”

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Luke: “Have I told you, kind of, the whole Car Talk dealeo?”

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Luke: “He’s the Genece Brinkley to my Lurnk Burburnk”

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Luke: “I consider suspending disbelief a superpower. It’s one I don’t have”

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Luke: “It’s good to be back, everybody. I have no memory of yesterday’s program”

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Luke: “It’s so funny; because, what you’re describing… is a very… is a very me… way of looking at the world”

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Luke: “Known for his drawing of tall ships, their grace… and their… splendor… maybe? Sure, that sounds like a thing I say sometimes”

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Luke: “Let me take off my… Christian… rap… hat… and put on my ass-masking… woke… social justice warrior… pants”

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Luke: Making R2-D2-like sounds

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Luke: “My name is Lurnk Burbank. I’m your host”

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Luke: Saying “I’m sorry Linh that I forgot the deal we made” as a musical robot

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Luke: Singing “Rock me gently, rock me slowly”

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Luke: “That’s on them!! Let’s sell the sizzle, not the steak!”

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Luke: “That’s some ass covering”

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Luke: “Would you do me a kindness?”

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Luke: “You’re getting, you’re getting very Burbank on that”

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Steve Neuman: “Hey, dinguses!”

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Steve Neuman: “Rap air horn… rap air horn”

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Clips From TBTL #2585: Andrew Walsh (Plus One) Edition

As Luke and Andrew were trying to figure out which song they wanted to close out #2585 with, they remembered that the Stu-bot had sent in a recommendation to Luke via e-mail; but, Luke was not able to find that e-mail. So, Andrew called the Stu-bot to ask him what that recommendation was. Due to the setup, Luke was not able to directly talk to the Stu-bot and tried to lob in a question at the end.

Steve Neuman, Andrew and Luke: Phone call with the Stu-bot

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Andrew: “And, I’ll be goddamned”

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Andrew: “Because, that sounds like… crazy chaos muppet to me”

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Andrew: “Boop-boop”

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Andrew: “But, I swear, that song does stuff to me”

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Andrew: “But, that song does something to me”

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Andrew: “By the way, yeah, I think I started doing that after I had my little tongue surgery thing; which, by the way… has to happen again”

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Andrew: “Cuz, I don’t need people in my life; and, that sounds like an asshole thing to say”

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Andrew: Funny Laugh

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Andrew: “I don’t really know what I’m talking about; so, I didn’t want to shoot from the hip”

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Andrew: “I just think you’re so smart; you just don’t apply yourself!”

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Andrew: “I kind of hate being one of those white guys who… likes the Wu-Tang Clan just a little bit too much. But, that song does something to me”

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Andrew: “I’m a recluse; but, I’m a recluse, cuz, like, I like… you know, my video games and my boop-boops”

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Andrew: “I’m looking forward… to doing nothing!”

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Andrew: “I’m such a f… I’m such a damn waster”

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Andrew: “I’ve just really… freaking fell for her”

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Andrew: “It’s… almost fetishistic… by the way”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: “Listen to that bass!”

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Andrew: “Oh, I guess… insert a ‘Peace and Love’ here too”

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Andrew: “Oh, shoot”

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Andrew: “Oh, shoot” #2

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Andrew: “Poifectly”

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Andrew: “Shit”

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Andrew: “So, what did you grow up doing?”

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Andrew: “That’ll scar ya”

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Andrew: “Yeeeahh”

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Andrew: “You’re puttin’ a fist to it! Like, you put a fist to Hitler!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I betcha David from the Basement has been playing your guitar… Little brother’s getting in your stuff. Stay out of my room, David! (Oh, man!) God! I’m gonna tell my mom. You should”

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Andrew and Luke: “I think he should change his name to ‘Basic’… Ha!!! That’s a good spoof”

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Andrew and Luke: “Please tell me you told them… that you’re more of a… ‘Van Milder’ type… That’s a pretty good spoof, (Thank you) my friend”

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Andrew and Luke: “See if we can make this happen. Just playing, just jamming out over here”

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Andrew and Luke: “There’s a right way to rock… and, a wrong way to roll (And, a wrong way to roll)”

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Andrew and Luke: “You know that my real name is… Douglas Steeleyes, right? You know, my real name is Trivago Schlub-Guy”

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