Clips From TBTL #2664: Part One

Andrew: “Carol, hold my calls”

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Andrew: “Double indroppity”

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Andrew: “I just told you, I’m a Rascal Flatts guy! Get it through your head!”

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Andrew: “I open one zipper on mine. Nothing in there but squirrel nuts”

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Andrew: “I read a lot of crappy mysteries”

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Andrew: “I was, like… saying goodbye to the hoisin sauce. I’m not even kidding! I was just, like, ‘Ohh, I just bought the hoisin sauce; and, I’m not even gonna be here for a week'”

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Andrew: “I, kind of, squirmed my way around trying to explain what I do, without explaining what I do”

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “Okay”

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Andrew: “Oh my God”

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Andrew: Saying “I’m… I’m an adult… I’m gonna buy a book!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “Stop stealing our music!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “The date should’ve been, ‘Until October 19th, 2019, when we plan on firing your asses'”

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Andrew: “This is not a joke… I have issues”

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Andrew: “Vroom, vroom!”

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Andrew: “When I laugh, I leak”

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Andrew and Luke: “No more than one milkshake a person, though. How am I gonna bring the boys to the yard!?”

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Andrew and Luke: “We’re hitchhiking through… John Wayne Gacy’s… town… and, also… Michele Bachmann was born there. If you guys will recall… Who has been worse for America? Okay”

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Andrew and Steve Neuman: “I don’t have your life, Luke; but… I don’t want your life!”

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Kristina Lopez: Laughing

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Nora McInerny: “I came here because they told me to!!”

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Nora McInerny: “I want you to come here… and poison my whole fucking house, if that’s what it takes!!”

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Nora McInerny: “Look at these… two wacky guys”

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Steve Neuman: “Oh, God, no! No! No!”

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Steve Neuman: Singing “I don’t want your life!”

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Steve Neuman: “The arrow’s the dude; cuz, it’s a boner”

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Steve Neuman: “You have the right amount of Stu right now, I think”

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Clips From TBTL #2663

Andrew: “Am I… am I… am I buggin’ you? Don’t mean to bug ya”

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Andrew: “And, I know that’s awful”

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Andrew: “Ba!!”

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Andrew: “Boy… you’re gonna carry that weight”

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Andrew: “But, I have big, honking shoes”

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Andrew: “But, I think I need to plunk down some money”

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Andrew: “Do you have… any idea why would I feel that way? I can explain myself”

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Andrew: Drawn out “I can’t remember”

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Andrew: Hand clap and saying “Boom”

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Andrew: “Hee-hee!”

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Andrew: “I am prudish at times about what we play on this show”

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Andrew: “I couldn’t remember… maybe the booze was involved too”

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Andrew: “I got the job?!?”

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Andrew: “I just, I, I don’t like… authority… in that way”

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Andrew: “I was about to give a really bad example I’m not gonna get into… You’re wondering why I stopped and laughed… I’m stopping myself from going in a tangent that is too tangential and… not a great story”

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Andrew: “I’m never gonna find out if we’re even gonna get… knackered in a water closet; or, whatever else this British hitchhiking is about to suggest to us”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: “Maybe I’m going to the wrong dinner parties”

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Andrew: “Oh my gosh, this asparagus is so great. What did you–Oh, just a little bit of lemon. Oh, really? It’s great. You got…”

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Andrew: “Oh, I didn’t see that”

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Andrew: “Oh, really!?”

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Andrew: Singing “Callback”

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Andrew: “That, that thought excites me, on your behalf”

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Andrew: “This is not interesting”

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Andrew: “This is such a weird show”

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Andrew: “Today, I got in some weird password war with myself; where, I couldn’t remember a password or get in”

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Andrew: “Uhhh, I don’t know… Ur, whir, whir [ph]

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Andrew: “What!?”

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Andrew and Luke: Hitchhiking with Harbaugh

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Andrew and Luke: Laughing

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Andrew and Luke: “Next time I see you, we’ll be in… Minnesota time… I’ll see you at The Forum at 7:30 for our live show”

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Luke: “Callback”

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Luke: “Do… try to blag a free… boot… in the lift!”

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Luke: “I don’t even wanna bore you with this… dazzling deet”

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Luke: “I gotta be me!”

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Luke: “I think it’s gonna be okay… or, it’s not”

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Luke: “I think you can hear why I had to go into the bathroom and have a secret cry”

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Luke: “If this sounds, in any universe, like a humble brag, I apologize… cuz, it isn’t… meant to be”

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Luke: “The only time they did me dirty was… I was…”

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Luke: “Unless it’s the jerky–jerkest of jerky”

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Luke: “Walsh and Burbank are here!”

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Luke: “Why are we doing this? One: because, I have a death wish; and, two: because… we… need everybody to listen to the show in real time next week; so, they will also hear the message… that we need them to donate to TBTL”

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Luke: “Wouldn’t it be ironic if Waterloo ended up being our Waterloo?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Am I crazy for trying to… do a run every morning before we go out and do our thing? Oh, that’s… Ba!! This is unhelp… That’s a, that’s… that’s your… that’s your… deal”

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Luke and Andrew: “Don’t sleep in a toilet… you will get mumps… Oh, really!?”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke prefacing a comment he was going to make about a person in a advert

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Clips From TBTL #2662

Andrew: Clicking his tongue

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Andrew: Drawn out “Yeah”

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Andrew: “Hitchwik-me-now”

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Andrew: “I’m hitchwiki-ing with your now”

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Andrew: “Just a kiss of honey”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: “Oh… my… God. I have a sesame stick problem”

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Andrew: “Slicing up cantaloupe. I want you to know”

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Andrew: “That’s amazing. I’m jealous of that. I’m not usually jealous of your little exploits… Boy, I just said, ‘little exploits.’ Goddamn… Goddamn, that was dismissive, man! I didn’t mean it that way. Sorry”

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Andrew: “Well… let me… start by saying… you throw the best Ho Ho and cantaloupe parties… in the entire Pacific Northwest region, I would say… I don’t know if a lot of people know that; but, you do… and… you deserve some congratulations on that”

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Andrew and Luke: “I have an idea, Luke… Oh, good”

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Andrew and Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “And, by the way, this is one hell of a sales pitch for this radio special… if and when it comes out”

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Luke: “Boy, I’m pulling the curtain way back here”

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Luke: “Cantaloupe is for slicing… Eyeballs are for hugging”

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Luke: Cute laugh

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Luke: “I think I know where this is going… I’m remembering this from last year”

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Luke: “If I wanna have a, a Ho Ho”

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Luke: “Linh!”

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Luke: “No shit, Sherlock”

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Luke: “Rudy… what are you doing down there?”

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Luke: “Save the drama for your mama”

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Luke: Singing a part of the “Daria” theme song

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Luke: “Sorry. Humor me, will ya?”

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Luke: “The brown one”

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Luke and Andrew: Dictating a letter for Andrew that they would send to WBUR

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Luke and Andrew: “If gerbils don’t have anything to chew on, their teeth will grow through their head… What? Is that also true? That was a real record scratcher for you”

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Luke and Andrew: “Uhhh, Andrew. Yeah. Andrew? What’s up? Andrew… hold on. This is serious. I just figured something out”

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Clips From TBTL #2661

Andrew: “And, sure as shit”

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Andrew: “Aw, shit. I’m in a trap!”

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Andrew: “Do you wanna go out with Cherry Poppin’ Daddies? Just kidding”

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Andrew: “Get behind me, daemon”

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Andrew: “God! Like, this is from the moon”

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Andrew: “Hi… I’m an astronaut. Here’s some moon dust”

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Andrew: “I can’t deny it… any longer”

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Andrew: “I don’t even know if you’re supposed to say it out loud”

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Andrew: “I’ll tell you what, I’m gonna turn ’em all into rolling fart lockers. That’s my brand… and, I’m not giving it up just cuz it’s somebody else’s car”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Making funny sounds

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Andrew: “Oh, shit. Is that what we’re doing next year?”

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Andrew: “Oh!”

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Andrew: “See, that’s the thing. Growing up, I liked the weirdest shit!”

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Andrew: Singing four notes

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Andrew: Singing four notes and saying “That’s not a great imitation of that song; but, it’s more fodder for Marsupial Gurgle”

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Andrew: “Ya happy now, Walsh? Ya killed a drop”

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Andrew: “You know, he’s just a Steelers… wanker”

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Andrew and Luke: “It’s perseverance raccoonified (Perseverance raccoonified!)”

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Luke: “I have… taken… shits in bus stations that I’ve given more thought and care to than John Clayton does… his… show promos”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Making funny mouth sounds

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Luke: “Mmm, it’s not really working”

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Luke: “MPR raccoon made it, motherfuckers!”

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Luke: Singing “C-I-C-C-O, C-I-C-C-O”

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Luke: Singing “Proliance Surgeons”

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Luke: “WW..RRD… What would Rhonda the Raccoon Do?”

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Clips From TBTL #2660

Andrew: “And, now, I really wished I had… listened to this; cuz, now, I’m, like, trying to weigh in on a thing I didn’t hear! Yay!”

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Andrew: “Excuse the abusive language… Mr. Sean DeTore”

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Andrew: “Hey, hey!”

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Andrew: “I believe it’s, ‘Oui se puede’… I don’t know why I made that joke. It’s was like a French/Spanish thing? I don’t know. Whatever. I’m just trying. I’m just trying out here”

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Andrew: “I kinda went down when I shoulda gone high!”

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Andrew: “I think it’s dumb”

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Andrew: “I think it’s dumb. I think what I wrote is dumb”

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Andrew: “I’m loving NPR [sic] raccoon!”

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Andrew: “McBama”

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Andrew: “Oh, boy!”

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Andrew: “Oh, mark it eight, Walsh!”

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Andrew: “Okay. That’s good; because, I’m actually super chill bro about it”

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Andrew: “Oui se puede”

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Andrew: “Pump it down!”

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Andrew: Saying “I wanna be sliding down the walls” in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Shut up, Mike Frizzell”

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Andrew: Singing “Rocky… broke as balls”

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Andrew: Singing “Take me to your best friend’s house”

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Andrew: “That was the sound of my brain breaking”

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Andrew and Luke: “Come on, old man! Get with the times! We’re a podcast. We like to joke in (Yeah) our auto-responses, and they’re usually hilarious (Yeah)”

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Andrew and Luke: Luke asked for a clip of Andrew saying something funny, but says it even funnier, which can lead to both of them playing each other’s clip at each other

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Luke: “A hack attack”

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Luke: “But, he can also be, kind of, a brittle dick”

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Luke: “Do you support Hussein McBama?”

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Luke: “Howard Schultz is just such a fucking tool!”

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Luke: “I come in peace”

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Luke: “I’m just kind of a basket case right now”

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Luke: “I’m trying to talk about a thing… I didn’t read… Yay!”

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Luke: “It’s TBTL. Don’t go anywhere. Fight your instincts… don’t go anywhere”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: “My goodness gracious, Andrew. I am going to be, it is gonna be like… a mountain of emotional cocaine… for me… I am gonna be”

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Luke: “Sí se puede”

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Luke: “Take that, Luke from six minutes ago! Sí se puede”

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Luke: “The Grump-splorers of Planet Negatron?”

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Luke: “Things are hard”

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Luke: “We had, we had escaped the gravitational pull… of planet Negatron… and, then, suddenly I sucked back in, Andrew. Why did I get sucked back in?”

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Luke: “We’re crossing our fingers for a miracle on this one. We’ll see what happens”

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Luke: “Who wants to party, man?”

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Luke: “You wanna go faster?”

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Luke: “You want me to pump it down? I’ll pump it down a million times!”

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Luke and Andrew: Going faster, but maybe not so fast

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Luke and Andrew: “I don’t feel like this is getting the nose up. I know”

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Clips From TBTL #2659

Andrew: “But, in this one, my head was really a foot!”

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Andrew: “By hook or by crook”

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Andrew: “Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo!”

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Andrew: “Five thousand dollars!? No. My, God! No”

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Andrew: “Go up, you bald head… Go up, you bald head”

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Andrew: “I already feel so batshit about everything”

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Andrew: “I am, I am honored”

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Andrew: “I don’t think that the baldness is the leading problem with me”

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Andrew: “I have, I have a million, million insecurities; but, that’s not one of ’em”

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Andrew: “I think it’s good content”

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Andrew: “I was about to say, ‘I just read that somewhere.’ Yeah… in this article that we’re talking about!”

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Andrew: “It’s not the best… but, it’s not the worst… Like, honestly…”

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Andrew: “Just grow up! Ya big babies”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Laughing #2

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Andrew: Laughing and saying “That’s awful”

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Andrew: “No, no, I’m just like Marshall Mathers. This is just a character I play… You know, the Andrew you hear on TBTL is like the Eminem… whereas, the real Andrew is just a real chill guy… doesn’t have a lotta worries… just, kind of, like to kick it, hang out with people a lot… That’s the real me”

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Andrew: “No. Get out of my house. Who are you? Why are you in my house?”

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Andrew: “Oh, God, no”

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Andrew: “Oh, God, yeah”

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Andrew: “Oh, shit!”

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Andrew: “Oh, yeah!”

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Andrew: “Solitary is no friend of yours”

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Andrew: “That is so crude… Such a crude, crude way to introduce me… as nothing more than a farting machine… My goodness, can we do better on a Monday afternoon?”

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Andrew: “Waking up. Working. Going to sleep, dreaming about work”

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Andrew: “We’re gonna bring nudes back. Turns out, people like to look at naked ladies”

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Andrew: “You and I recorded… literally four hours of hot dog tape the other day. Yeah, we’ve got… four hours of hot dog stories in us”

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Luke: “Consinue or Continder”

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Luke: Fumbled the word “Continue” by saying “Consinue” and “Continder”

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Luke: “Kreiger!!”

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Luke: “Laughing so hard, you’re crying and your face is on sideways”

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Luke: “Maybe the listeners will remember. I sure don’t”

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Luke: “So, maybe it… maybe it just would be whack-a-mole… with my insecurities”

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Luke: “That was… honestly, probably one of the better parts of the show; and, I don’t mean that as a compliment”

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Luke and Andrew: “Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think? God”

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Luke and Andrew: “Now, if it was… full head of hair; but, I would have to have a rat tail… I would take it… That’s awful”

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