Clips From TBTL #2653: Luke Burbank Edition

Luke: “A new empathy! Exclamation point”

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Luke: “And, by the way, Pete Carroll is the head coach of the Seattle Seahawks, if you’re not a sport”

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Luke: “Cut it! I cut it!”

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Luke: Cute laugh

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Luke: Cute laugh #2

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Luke: “God, this music is getting more relevant by the word”

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Luke: “He is known for his drawings of tall ships, their grace and their cuteness”

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Luke: “He thinks that is just a travesty of a mockery of a sham of two travesties of a mockery of a sham”

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Luke: “Hither and yon”

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Luke: “Hüsker Dü”

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Luke: “I can never www.explain… why Pete Carroll’s style of speaking drives me so crazy”

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Luke: “I don’t wanna open, I don’t wanna open a… another can of worms”

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Luke: “I had the, I had the college CD collection of a very woke, feminist woman”

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Luke: “I wanna mention I’m doing this on the fly. Everybody cut me some slack”

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Luke: “I’m already starting to regret this”

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Luke: “In all… In all earnesty… in all–which is the new way of saying, ‘Honesty–Earnesty is the new honesty’. And, maybe, we can all agree on that”

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Luke: “It’s the TBTL-a-Thon: Thumbs Up for TBTL… Not Life is a Highway Edition; although, you know”

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Luke: Laughing in a funny manner

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Luke: “May God have mercy on their soul”

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Luke: “So, the listener Selexa”

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Luke: “‘Tens… please consider donating to the next TBTL-a-Thon… Luke and Andrew can’t do this without us’ God… Candi, you give and you give… and you give and you give”

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Luke: “The Doogie… and the Cochrane”

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Luke: “This entire… exercise… was… just to annoy you”

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Luke: “We are just gonna have to figure this… bleep… out… on the road, Andrew”

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Luke: “#WeveShoweredRecently”

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Luke: “What’s wrong with me, Andrew?”

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Luke: “You and I are an unlikely romantic pair… in that, it’s unlikely we’ll ever become a romantic pair”

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Luke and Andrew: “Good morning, my co-bro… Hola… misois [ph]

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Luke and Andrew: “Happy June, by the way… Oh my God, it’s my May”

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Luke and Andrew: “Let’s not get Linh (No) caught in the crossfire, okay? Linh, do it”

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Luke and Andrew: “Linh… please pull the drop of Andrew saying ‘People need to see our perspective as black men’… Linh! Let’s leave that alone, my friend… Linh… I don’t… Let’s not get Linh (No) caught in the crossfire, okay? Linh, do it. Linh… don’t. Linh! Do you wanna spend… I’m gonna see Linh tonight at Live Wire!; (Yeah?) so… he’s gonna hand me a thumb drive… he’s gonna leave a thumb drive in the parking lot; it’s gonna be the best day of my life. It’s just gonna have that drop on it”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke asking what is the best way to borrow or steal someone’s pets and Andrew, running out of jokes, goes with a swingers joke

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Luke and Andrew: Luke plays “Life is a Highway” again and Andrew questions if Luke has any concerns of doing the hitchhiking road trip alone

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Luke and Andrew: Luke said a key to getting picked up is for Andrew to keep is beard under control and not scruffy, then regretted saying that

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Luke and Andrew: “No, man. You know what, Andrew? I give you a lotta shit; but, when you’re right, you’re right. I know!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Selexa… stop lis–eavesdropping! Christ! Oh, we’re gonna be in (Alright) so much trouble on Monday”

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Luke and Andrew: “TBTL: Thumbs Up for TBTL… Life is a Highway Edition… Life is Not a Highway Edition”

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Luke and Andrew: “We’re instructing Linh to be a, an unpaid assistant audio producer on the show. By the way, shout out to Linh for… sending me this drop… yesterday… (And, now, apparently when Luke Burbank says, ‘Morning’… I flinch) Can I be honest with you? I like it better… when you didn’t check your e-mail”

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Clips From TBTL #2653: Andrew Walsh Edition

 Andrew: “Am I right? I’m right… I think”

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Andrew: “And, guess what? It’s awesome!”

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Andrew: “Ha-ha-haaa!!”

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Andrew: “Hur-hurr!”

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Andrew: “Hüsker Du, Hüsker Don’t”

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Andrew: “I don’t even hear the drops anymore”

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Andrew: “I don’t know. I’m very conflicted about this shit that Pete Carroll does”

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Andrew: “I’m, like, representing hot dogs like you wouldn’t believe at Safeco these days with, not one, but two pieces of hot dog flare”

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Andrew: Laughing in a funny manner

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Andrew: “Linh! Let’s leave that alone, my friend”

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Andrew: “Meow!”

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Andrew: “Mr. Unlistenable”

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Andrew: “Oh, no! We just, we’re gonna be in trouble!”

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Andrew: “Oh! I know what I was thinking! I was thinking about the new, hot catchphrase… ‘TBTL Daddy’ the other day”

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Andrew: “Save the cheerleader, save the world”

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Andrew: Saying “It’s not the money, it’s the stuff” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “We’re gonna be in trouble!” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: “See how many likes I got on Twitter… Meow!”

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Andrew: “Selexa, end the show”

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Andrew: “She was, like, a real, like, kind of… down to business, like, quick, quick, quick kind of person”

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Andrew: Singing “Fish ain’t bitin'”

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Andrew: “Such a sad song with such happy music”

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Andrew: “We live in an effed up society; and, people need to start, like… having empathy and seeing things from our perspective as, like… black men”

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Andrew: “What you said about my beard before was… interesting; because, I am trying to grow it out a little bit. It’s been a bit of a… source of… not frustration; but… I dunno… frustration is probably the word I’m looking for”

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Andrew: “Will you be my TBTL daddy?”

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Andrew: “Yeah, I was pretty… pretty good with the words; as, you can tell”

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Andrew: “You mark my damn words”

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Andrew: “Your schedule is a little… is way tighter than mine; as in, mine is… totally loosey-goosey”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew agreed to hitchhike with Luke but doesn’t like “Life is a Highway”

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew saying something that Doug Baldwin would say with some interesting wording leading Luke to ask for that clip to be pulled and Andrew not wanting it done

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Andrew and Luke: “I have mixed emotions… I would… (You’re not the only one) Yeah”

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Andrew and Luke: “What happened is that we stopped down to talk about Jeff for a second… you know, cuz he’s a dude… and you love (Yeah) talking about dudes”

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Clips From TBTL #2652

Andrew: “Alright. So, I didn’t get anything right about that”

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Andrew: “And then, we should probably hit… the… road”

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Andrew: “And, you’d said something to me today… that kind of… tangled up my brain for a little bit”

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Andrew: “Blah, blah, blah, blah. I can’t talk”

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Andrew: “Come on! Human centipede here”

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Andrew: “Diabolical”

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Andrew: “God…damnit!”

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Andrew: “God’s Comic! God’s… Comic!”

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Andrew: “Hide this one. Don’t, don’t let Luke see this”

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Andrew: “I did not know this!”

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Andrew: “I don’t wanna put words in your mouth or… feelings in your heart, Luke”

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Andrew: “I have a strong feeling that he does not say ‘human centipede’ here”

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Andrew: “It reminded me of all that bullshit stuff I used to do”

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Andrew: “Just the other day, I was thinking of this. I don’t know why… Sometimes I like to just flip through my old tapes and… daydream about Luke”

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Andrew: “Oh, God! Oh, God!! I didn’t even… Oh, God. Can we start over?”

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Andrew: “One of my favorite Simpsons jokes; although, I only remember it vaguely. So, this will be awesome. Glad I’m shoving it in the show”

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Andrew: “RAM!!”

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Andrew: Saying “Hey, would you like some fermented liquid condiment?” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Saying “No, no! Don’t change!” as the listeners

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Andrew: Singing “Baby on board”

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Andrew: “The RAM!!”

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Andrew: “What!?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Because, I finally got (Oh, yeah!) myself a little Walkman-y thing”

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Andrew and Luke: “Diabolical. So smart of this reporter to do it. (Super smart!) I just love it… so much!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I apologize, though, if that did kind of… if you find that super disturbing while I’m e-mailing you while you’re doing your intro. No, I mean, I’m fine… Fine, I had, I had a flub. I had a flub! Can I have one flub in my life please… and, not have you remind me of it day in and day out?”

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Andrew and Luke: “I find jokes… very… easy… Mmm-hmm… As you can tell from the opening of this show… I’m a (Yeah) born… entertainer”

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Andrew and Luke: Reading and discussing my e-mail about Impossible Burgers

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Luke: “All those sounds are coming from their bo-odies”

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Luke: “Go for breaking news… TBTL hot takes (Ooooh!)… Drew… (Oh, ‘Explicit!’)”

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Luke: “I only, sort of, come up with creative ideas… when I have to, and usually an hour before whatever the performance is; my first thought was… do not let Andrew find this out”

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Luke: “I screwed it up”

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Luke: “I understand… that with great podcasting comes… great responsibility”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Laughing #2

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Luke: “Move on!”

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Luke: “Per… most of the time… Per, almost always”

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Luke: Singing “Baby on board”

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Luke: “Yes!!”

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Luke and Andrew: Andrew realized that he said “human centipede” in his joke

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Luke and Andrew: “Do not mess with a thirsty lion, by the way. Mmm-mmm… I learned that the hard way. Thirsty lions, they just go online and they’re just like, ‘Look at my project. Isn’t it great?’ Meow! Meow!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Do we still play the thing during the break sometimes telling people how to rate the show and all of that? Sometimes it’s in there; kind of depends on… it depends on the machines, Luke”

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Luke and Andrew: “‘Hit the bricks, pal!’ or (‘Get outta here!’) ‘Get outta here’… Get outta here!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I don’t even think I would even put that much work into the show… No. I, I can tell (as a co-bro) you that I don’t! I can tell you… that I, that I don’t”

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Luke and Andrew: “I sat near Joe Pesci and I studied him. Hey… were you the class Pesci?”

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Luke and Andrew: Luke channels Tommy from GoodFellas when Andrew said he was going to leave the flub in the intro

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Luke and Andrew: “Meow! Meow!”

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Luke and Andrew: “My Mariner anger has been at a… at a relative low, I’m happy to say… So, when we’re winning, you’re not mad… bro. Yeah, do you… I’m able to do that… I, I have the self-discipline to be happy when we’re winning. Congratulations. Teach me. Yeah”

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Luke and Andrew: “So, I needed to make sure that I was in, I guess you could call it… Plan B… up here in Bellingham. Now, the ‘B’ does not stand for Bellingham… (Oh) The ‘B’ stands for ‘Bad Internet'”

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Luke and Andrew: “That’s your… that’s your father, or… upsettingly, as Andrew would say, that’s your daddy’s… Mmm, that’s your TBTL daddy’s a capella group. Yeah”

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Clips From TBTL #2651: Part Two

As requested by Dazzling Donor Steve Goering, Andrew and Luke recorded an answering machine/voicemail greeting message for Steve.

Andrew and Luke: Voicemail greeting for Dazzling Donor Steve Goering

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Andrew and Luke: Andrew is tap dancing really close to a field full of land mines by bringing up joke stealing again

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Andrew and Luke: “Boop, boop, (Okay) boop”

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Andrew and Luke: “I have so many things I want to talk to you about right now. Can I (Good; cuz, I got nothing) just go in order? Really? So, I need you to… hoist me on your back, like a papoose, and carry me through the next hour or so of imaginary radio”

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Andrew and Luke: “I’ll tell you what, he can probably grab it himself; if not, I am happy to help… I do not want… Linh… Pham… our… unofficial archivist… (Yeah, Linh, you’ve done, you’ve done enough, my friend) he has to do it… My guess is he would probably up, up and offer to; but… he doesn’t have to. I am happy to clip it out and… and… send it to Steve too. So, Steve, get at me if you need me to send it to you”

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Andrew and Luke: “Is there any chance I can call the show, ‘Grayson Under Fire’… for today’s… Yeah! There’s a pretty good chance. I’m writing that down”

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Andrew and Luke: “It is true that if you drink expired suntan lotion… or sunblock (Yes), you will get sick”

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Andrew and Luke: “People are loving… Haven’t you heard from enough people, including Steve ‘River Boy’ Neuman… that you’re never to say… ‘TBTL Daddy’ again?”

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Andrew and Luke: “What do you call a room on a ship? From your… Your cabin? Your cabin”

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Andrew and Luke: “Where’s my Moby? I need my Moby! (Right?)”

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David Burbank: “They’re… so… fucking delicious”

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Luke: “And, then, they fall into my trap, Andrew!”

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Luke: “At some point, you have to just… assume everyone else is seeing something you’re not seeing; even though… you hold that truth to be self-evident that the sky is red”

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Luke: “Fartin’ through silk”

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Luke: “He described an airplane as a long tube… full of demons, and it’s deadly”

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Luke: “In what universe has ‘Boop’ ever been a lyric… to a song?”

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Luke: “Is this the hill I wanna die on?”

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Luke: Purposely mispronouncing “Worcestershire”

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Luke: “Sadly… for everybody involved… it’s more door number… two”

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Luke: Singing “Hey… woman!”

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Luke: Singing the “On The Media” theme and saying “On my media”

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Luke: “So, there he is… DFTS: David from the Starbucks”

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Luke: “Where are the animals? God, they just, they grow up so fast, you know… One day, they’re helping out with the podcast; the next, they’re just off on their own… just living their lives… I didn’t wanna get this emotional this early in the program; but, I guess it is what it is”

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Luke: Whispering “I’m whispering; cuz, I’m legit afraid of her overhearing this”

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Luke: “You have your 30s and 40s to be dysmorphic, bro!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Have I told you my weird Moby story? No”

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Luke and Andrew: “I can’t let Andrew get comfortable… even in his discomfort, knowing when this is gonna happen. Goddamn, that’s diabolical. This is a thought that I had today, Andrew! It’s really messed up!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Is there any way, can we get the toothpaste back into this tube? (Yeah)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Luke Burbank… still clocking in at… zero requests… (Zero requests) Zero requests”

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Clips From TBTL #2651: Part One

Andrew: “And, now, apparently when Luke Burbank says, ‘Morning’… I flinch”

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Andrew: “And, now, apparently when Luke Burbank says, ‘Morning’… I flinch. That doesn’t seem healthy to me”

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Andrew: “And, the… and, the… and… and… and… never mind”

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Andrew: “Another couple of guys trying to be Car Talk; and… you’re not Car Talk, guys. Go home”

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Andrew: “Beep!”

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Andrew: “Beep!” #2

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Andrew: “Beep! Now, that’s the end of your voicemail, Steve. Thank you so much for donating… to TBTL”

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Andrew: “Everything’s back to normal. We’re back, baby!”

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Andrew: Growling

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Andrew: “Ha-haaa!”

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Andrew: “I spent, probably… two hours, do you think? Well… why would you know?”

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Andrew: “I was just getting sick of the bell”

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Andrew: “I’m good at the buzzers and the bells”

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Andrew: “I’m having some… effed up computer issues”

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Andrew: “I’m just feel like my brain is so bad”

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Andrew: “I’m sorry, my computer is doing all kinds of weird stuff right now”

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Andrew: “It solved that weird-ass problem I was having”

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Andrew: Laughing

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Andrew: Making funny sounds

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Andrew: “My God! This is the best idea I’ve ever had”

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Andrew: “Oh, just one more thing! Just kidding”

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Andrew: “Oh, you thought my pacing sucked!?”

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Andrew: “Okay, this is so much better than being racist… I knew there must be something better”

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Andrew: Saying “Got there” in a sing-songy manner

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Andrew: “Scoop diddy boop”

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Andrew: Singing a wee bit of doo-wop

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Andrew: “That story, by the way… is… the… most Burbanky story possible”

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Andrew: “This is a weird thing to say, I tried saying it on the actual radio the other day; and, it was… well.. they looked at me like I was saying something weird. So, I’m gonna say it again here”

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Andrew: “Trying to listen to it through the eyes of the child and the spirit of a gypsy warrior… Got there”

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Andrew: “Unlimited”

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Andrew: “We’re back, baby!”

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Andrew: “When will my suntan lotion return from sea?”

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Andrew: “Who knows if I’ll ever get back online again”

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Andrew: “You bastard”

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Clips From TBTL #2650

Andrew: “Ha!!”

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Andrew: “He’s a good boy”

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Andrew: “Hello, Luke! Guess what I just discovered”

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Andrew: “Here, you were just saying that Justin wanted to thank his TBTL daddy, Dennis”

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Andrew: “I told you, ‘If you got nothing to say, then sing it'”

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Andrew: “I’m giving it all she’s got, Captain!”

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Andrew: “Just invite everyone and just sit in the window in your wedding dress… I’ve done that”

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Andrew: “Let’s call Dennis… Justin’s TBTL daddy”

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Andrew: Making a microphone crackling sound

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Andrew: Saying “The shark is working… the shark is working” as if it were over a loudspeaker system

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Andrew: “There are a million… articles and listicles online about the best way to cut an onion if you don’t want the gasses to float up into your face and make you cry”

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Andrew: “Why do I feel like this telephone conversation is, someday, gonna be used in court?”

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Andrew and Luke: “Let’s call Dennis… Justin’s TBTL daddy… and, that way, everybody can, like, (Oh, God!) just keep thinking, thanking their TBTL mommies and daddies. And, I think it’ll take off; cuz, it’s gonna make everybody feel really good”

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Andrew and Luke: “Lurnk, (Yeah!) we can restart of you want”

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Andrew and Luke: “TV sends a lot of weird messages to children (Yeah)”

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Luke: “And, as we move into hot dogging season”

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Luke: “And, so far, I’d give it a solid medium… to medium minus”

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Luke: “And, we’ll be right back here with more imaginary radio tomorrow morning… or afternoon, or whenever it is we rap at ya”

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Luke: “But, let me just tell you quickly… because, nobody asked”

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Luke: “From whence… my part of the show… is emanating”

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Luke: “I don’t know why this turned into Pool Talk”

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Luke: “I just realized something, everybody”

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Luke: “I’m so, I’m such an old!”

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Luke: “Knock, knock! Who’s there? A Monday morning edition of TBTL… The show that just might be Too Beautiful to Live”

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Luke: Laughing

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Luke: Laughing #2

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Luke: Making a disgusted sound

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Luke: “Now, into the phone booth… to change… into our… super… broadcaster… costumes. See ya in a moment”

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Luke: Saying “I’m… too scared to do that accent, too scared” a la Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy”

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Luke: “That’s maximum smoosh”

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Luke: “This is the sound of me… pushing it back there… and, there it is! Okay… Why it sounds like me going number two, I don’t… fully know… but, that’s what it sounds like”

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Luke: “We’ll call that one… Plan G… It’s like south of Plan A, but north of Plan Q”

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Luke and Andrew: “Alright, everybody, enjoy the rest of your Tuesday; or, as I call it, Monday… Couldn’t let it go… couldn’t let, still had to bring it up… (I, I’d forgotten about it) Yeah, everyone had forgotten about it… except me, Andrew. I cannot forget about it”

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Luke and Andrew: “As we, as we move into summer; and, as we move into hot dogging season… I know is a subject that is near and dear to your heart (Is that what they call it?)”

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Luke and Andrew: “Couple things: One, your mama taught you right. Ha!!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I popp diddy whooped… No… it was, it was good; cuz, it set up (scooped)”

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Luke and Andrew: “It’s ‘Hey Dummies’… it’s the advice show… where we are improving the world one… lifehack at a time… I’m Luke Burbank. Right over there, that’s… Andrew Walsh. Hello”

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Luke and Andrew: “Lurnk… Lurnk! Lurnk, we’ve gotta problem”

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Luke and Andrew: “Push it back… Make that poop sound again. Push it back. Why’s it sound like that? It’s upsetting. Push it back to the back of my brain! (Poop diddy whoop scoop, poop!) Alright, it’s gone. It’s gone. It never happened”

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Luke and Andrew: “Wow, Andrew… time flies when you’re changing lives. Is that what your new tattoo says?”

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Luke and Andrew: “Yeah, I’ll absolutely try it. Will you? Uh, no… I have a certain amount of pride (Really!?)”

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