Andrew played a portion from Episode 6 of “After These Messages” that included his father as a guest on the show that included topics about parents dealing with children in ads and a bit about Andrew’s eating habits way back when. Before Andrew and Phyllis got into the e-mail segment of the podcart, Andrew played a voicemail that Luke left on the voicemail box:
Luke, Andrew and Phyllis: Andrew and Phyllis listen to the voicemail message Luke left, asking Andrew to not play segments from After These Messages on TBTL
Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “Okay, let’s keep an eye on the clock. Let’s do this (Okay). Let’s, let’s bring back the spirit of Jen Andrews of just keeping us on task, and getting done what we need to get done.”
Andrew and Phyllis Fletcher: “So wait, the triangle is kind of early onset stress hair; but, then when you get to the ball, it’s like full-blown? (Yeah.)”
Phyllis Fletcher and Andrew: “Okay, first of all, what are you doing between now and the party that you can’t go shopping? …not shopping! Why?!? I hate shopping so much. I know, that’s why you’re in this position.”
Luke and Andrew: “They do what they want to do, say what they want to say, live how they want to live, play how they want to play, Addams Family. (Ohh!) Too legit. (Yeah.) Too legit.”
Andrew: “I’m proud of you, though, for when she said, ‘You should get that checked out.’ I’m proud that you didn’t shout ‘You should get your’s checked out!'”
Andrew: “My takeaway from is that you think the better part of being a bird is that you can shit anywhere; whereas, most people, the better part of being a bird is that you can fly.”
Andrew: “Yes! Why, why did this suddenly happen to our world? Everything was fine until, like, one day in 2002, I woke up and I couldn’t open anything anymore.”
Andrew and Luke: “Well, it’s easy to remember. It’s always, Spring Gary, Fall Larry. No, wait. Hold on. It’s, wait, no that’s not entirely right. It is, it’s Autumn Barrys… No, wait.”