Clips From McMillan Men #1

Andrew: “Aaagh!”

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Andrew: “Hey, buddy… wanna go for a walk?”

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Andrew: “I am not this person!”

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Andrew: “Spoken like a true McMillan man”

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Andrew: “Well, maybe I’m just dumb”

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Andrew and Luke: “I haven’t been obsessed with a show like this… may–I don’t know, even maybe ever, the way this show totally gripped me. So, of course it only had two seasons; and, ended on a cliff-hanger… Of course, it was too beautiful (Oh, no) to live”

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Luke: “Had my mind motion-smoothed a couple of things?”

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Luke: “His brain ain’t right”

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Luke: “Sorry, world”

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Luke: “There… I gave… the… four people listening a reason to tune in next week”

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Clips From TBTL #2961

Andrew: “‘kay, I feel like I’m being pranked”

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Andrew: “And, I’m being especially inarticulate today”

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Andrew: “And, maybe I’m just totally wrong about this; and, now, I regret even bringing this up”

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Andrew: “Back on the field, there’s no more time for horsing around”

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Andrew: “Because, I’m a petty man! I mean, that’s what it comes down to at the end of the day. Like, I’m a very petty man”

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Andrew: “Blah-blah-blahs”

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Andrew: “Hypocriticalness”

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Andrew: “I truly believe people should be able to do whatever they want with the exterior of their houses; except, I don’t like this one! It hurts my feelings!”

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Andrew: “I’m bringing a lotta baggage to this story”

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Andrew: “I’m slinging ’em around in my medium”

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Andrew: “Is that a sex thing?”

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Andrew: “Is that right? Do you want me to delete this?”

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Andrew: “My new brand is: I don’t eat meat”

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Andrew: “Oh, wow! Oh, wow! What’s happening there?”

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Andrew: “That doesn’t even bring me joy; because, it’s so–What the hell?”

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Andrew: “These neighbors… sound like such… pills”

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Andrew: “What a disaster!”

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Andrew: “Which, I know I’m taking this in a very weird place”

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Andrew: “Who doesn’t like puns now”

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Andrew: “You got got, girl. That’s what happened. You… got… got! Suck it up!”

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Andrew and Luke: “I don’t want to tell people what to eat; I don’t want to tell people what to tweet. So… Ooh! You are what you tweet”

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Andrew and Luke: “It’s like the Alaska of space… That’s what I’ve always (Yeah) called the moon”

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Luke: “Attica!! Attica!!”

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Luke: “Dagnabit!”

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Luke: “DJ Quick is in the… bleeping, bleeping house… And, DJ Quick is in the… bleeping, bleeping house”

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Luke: “Erik! How do I make… the… MixPre work?”

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Luke: “Hey guys… anyone need any skin… for some Reeboks for Luke?”

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Luke: “I promise you it’s not gonna pay off”

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Luke: “New York City? Get a venue”

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Luke: Saying “If you can’t pronounce ‘Bemidji’… you might be from Bellingham” as Jeff Foxworthy

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Luke: Saying “Oh, Kermie!” as Miss Piggy

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Luke: Saying “Once you take the reins out, you gotta keep the bit in your mouth” in a Southern accent

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Luke: “Tweet… deleted”

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Luke: “What a world!”

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Luke: “Yet another chance for you, the public, to reach out and touch us… your humble hosts”

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Luke: “You mess with the bull… you get the emojis”

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Luke and Andrew: “‘Don’t have a lot of rules. Don’t be late… Try not to be overweight… bust your ass, and use common sense’ By the way, that’s also the rules for working on TBTL. Oh, no. Oh, no!”

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Luke and Andrew: “Google ‘Reebok… Club… C… Revenge’… What am, what am I putting into my search engine? Nothing good”

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Luke and Andrew: “You and I both would like it that, that none of the listeners are ever disappointed; and, as we whittle the number of listeners down, the chances the get better… that none–once it’s just Linh Pham… we can work very hard to make sure he’s never disappointed. That’s right. That’s right. And so, that’s, I think, that’s–I think that’s the good news about this. No, but… That’s why it’s a P-1. The ‘P’ stands for ‘Pham’… Oh my gosh”

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Clips From TBTL #2960

Andrew: “Alright, I’m gonna get goofy here for a second”

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Andrew: “Awesome!”

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Andrew: “Didn’t I do that… in a? What did I do?”

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Andrew: “Goddamn… that was terrible”

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Andrew: “Holy crap!”

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Andrew: “I don’t even know what the hell I’m talking about. Why am I even starting this sentence?”

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Andrew: “I have some regrets, man”

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Andrew: “I never regret not tweeting something”

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Andrew: “I’m still out there eating the pork”

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Andrew: “If you, if you actually count hamsters, I guess… my first porn name would be Sexy Boots”

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Andrew: Mumbling “Oh, I just had to get you on the show”

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Andrew: “My porn name is Fred Crocker”

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Andrew: “Oh, that sounds like a Luke Burbank dream!”

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Andrew: “Ski-Ba-Bop… Ba-Dop-Bop”

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Andrew: Snorting

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Andrew: “Uh-oh. It’s us again!”

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Andrew and Luke: “Good morning, Luke… I’m gonna do this. I don’t want to cause any friction in our relationship. I want the show to be friendly… and fun today; but, I gotta ask… have you cast your ballot yet? It is primary day here in Washington state… Voting is important… Come on, Luke. But, is it?”

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Luke: “Albert Oinkstein…”

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Luke: “God.. damnit! You got me. I’m back in. I am back in”

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Luke: “Honestly, Luke Burbank is a better porn name”

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Luke: “I admire how quickly you went with that wrong answer”

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Luke: “I just live in the biggest liberal bubble; but, I just… think he’s gonna get his… ass kicked in 2020”

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Luke: “I just think he’s gonna get his ass kicked”

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Luke: “I will crawl across broken… fucking glass”

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Luke: “It’s like a primordial ooze of memes”

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Luke: Making some thinking mouth sounds

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Luke: “Now I’m doing it. Now, I’m just describing memes”

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Luke: “Olive… is in it for Olive”

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Luke: Saying “But, is it?” in a high-pitched voice

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Luke: Saying “Hickenlooper? That’s a foot disease I had in the 1800s!” as someone doing an impression of Bernie Sanders

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Luke: Saying “I could care less” with a Southern drawl

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Luke: Saying “I’m the guy from the Liberty Mutual ad. It’s… very up… way too upsetting” in a distorted manner

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Luke: “So, my real life… and the… meme life, online, intersected nicely last night”

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Luke: “You are so on, girl”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’ll spare you the impression; but, he was like… ‘Hickenlooper? That’s a foot disease I had in the 1800s!’ I don’t think… By the way… I love it; but, I don’t think you know what ‘I’ll spare you the impression’ means”

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Luke and Andrew: “Olive sees her way of life… increasingly shrinking and it… it, it upsets her. No… We have to figure out–how do we reach the disaffected… Olive vote. Right”

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???: Snorting

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Clips From TBTL #2959

Andrew: “And, what was underneath there–better… than a clean-up dog; but, a clean-up sausage”

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Andrew: “Be the bummer you wanna beat up”

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Andrew: “Genevieve had the Spotify account bumping on the inside of the house”

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Andrew: “I mean, I’m not trying to be the bummer that I am in life”

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Andrew: “I’m just so bad at asking for things!”

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Andrew: “It was a Chrimbus miracle”

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Andrew: “Oh, damn!”

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Andrew: “Oh, no. Like, am I just being a, am I just being a blabbermouth?”

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Andrew: Saying “Well, whatever’s in the kitchen” in a gruff manner

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Andrew: “Teshing your patience”

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Andrew: “This is some intelligence for your Tesh”

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Andrew: “We could have a snore-off”

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Andrew: “Yeah, I love ghosting”

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Andrew: “Yep!”

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Andrew: “You put the realism into magical realism with that, with that story”

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Andrew and Luke: “I don’t know; but, if we whisper, we’ll get away with it! (…whisper it!)”

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Andrew and Luke: “I was Fanatic-ing the grill… The way you were Gritty-ing the grill”

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Andrew and Luke: Welcoming new listeners that may have just stopped listening after Luke’s beautiful, purple balls talk at the very start

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Andrew and Luke: “What I’m trying to do here, in case the listeners not following along, is I’m trying to break you mentally… so, that… (Mmm-hmm!) you can’t do these gigs anymore”

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Luke: “A man for boobies”

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Luke: “All of the guys in the book, the older man… are just out… sunning… their… beautiful, purple balls… like, sunning… their… herniated testicles”

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Luke: “Are you shitting me? Whole Foods Voodoo vegan sandwich?”

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Luke: “Be the bummer you want to see”

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Luke: “Give me five minutes, you son of a bitch”

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Luke: “I feel like I was going somewhere with that; but… but, I guess that was… The fact that I don’t have any more words to say about that is an indication that… that observation is done”

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Luke: “Obvs”

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Luke: “Ooh! Thanks a lot, Obama!”

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Luke: “Red alert… Red alert… Actual topics… are in danger of being ignored”

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Luke: “Some weird, derping dingus!”

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Luke: “Sorry this is how we’re starting the week, everybody”

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Luke: “That’s the way my screwed up brain works”

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Luke and Andrew: “But, that’s way different than your going in front of five hundred or a thousand people… (Mmm-hmm) and, and, doing, like, lines… So… You guys were doing lines!? Geez! (Well) No wonder you weren’t nervous!”

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Clips From TBTL #2958

Andrew: “A spider ran over my bare foot… and, I thought it was… my cat… and, it wasn’t my cat. It was a spider; and, it… flipped me out”

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Andrew: “Avoiding meetings like a vegan”

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Andrew: “Buckle up!”

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Andrew: Clearing his throat

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Andrew: “Genevieve, it’s time for the summer party!”

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Andrew: “I am not in charge of anything this weekend”

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Andrew: “I hate getting hollered at”

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Andrew: “I just want it to be clear that I’m not a guy who throws summer part–I don’t know why that’s important for me”

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Andrew: “I’m a business, man!”

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Andrew: “I’m organizing for two”

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Andrew: “I’ve slandered so many people. Why won’t nobody sue me?”

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Andrew: “If there is anybody at APM listening and they’re concerned about this, I would just like to say: if Lauren… does not get a second season… Luke is quitting. Mmmkay? We’re all sign off on that? We good?”

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Andrew: “It was weird, I’ll say”

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Andrew: “No kidney for you!”

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Andrew: Saying “Don’t be ridiculous” as Balki Bartokomous

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Andrew: Saying “Hey, I’m here!” in a funny manner

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Andrew: Singing “We got a little sausage on the grill”

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Andrew: “That’s a Burbankian answer”

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Andrew: “This is gonna be the most cool-bro… TBTL event I’ve ever been a part of”

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Andrew: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa… whoa! Slow down!”

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Andrew: “You can hear I have morning voice right now; so, it’s not coming out quite right”

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Andrew and Luke: “Hey, did you by any chance–I’m, like, why am I starting so high? You can hear I have morning voice right now; so, it’s not coming out quite right; but… There, that’s better. There. Yeah. There. Hello. Good”

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Andrew and Luke: “Oh, no, Luke! I’m really worried… that my disease is… contagious. (Yeah) I’m sorry”

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Andrew and Luke: “So, I walk up to the front desk and I’m just gonna stand there until… the person manning this desk comes; or, personing this desk… (Thank you) or, feeding two birds with one sconing this desk. Thank you”

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Lauren Ober: “I just gave you fifty-five dollars for rainbows!”

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Lauren Ober: “It is number two, actually”

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Lauren Ober: “This is security!”

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Lauren Ober: “Who counts up their hours!?”

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Lauren Ober and Luke: “There’s a lot of me to go around, guys. Mmm-hmm. Yeah. No”

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Luke: “And, that’s where vertical integration got its start”

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Luke: “And, that’s where vertical integration got its start… And, that’s… where vertical integration got its start… And, that’s where vertical integration got… its start”

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Luke: “Dark… angry clouds have gathered”

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Luke: “I don’t check the APM e-mail, unfortunately; so, I’m in the dark”

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Luke: “I’ll… validate… your… parking space!!”

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Luke: “It was either Christmas; or, it was Fourth of July”

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Luke: “My Music for Your Weekend involved me… Shazam-ing… in the Whole Foods yesterday”

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Clips From TBTL #2957

Andrew: “Andrew with the fan”

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Andrew: “Bye-bye!”

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Andrew: “Did you come to fix my fan?”

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Andrew: “Don’t feel lame. Feel, feel blurs!”

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Andrew: “Everything is a clusterfuck”

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Andrew: “Everything was… was a cluster-friend”

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Andrew: “I know I just keep saying the same things on the show”

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Andrew: “I was gonna try to fake it; but, I’ll just say it, cuz it might be interesting”

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Andrew: “Mowing… big… ass country lawns”

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Andrew: “Oh, my! Is that KIXI radio I hear?”

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Andrew: Singing “Do you have to, do you have to let it shinkle”

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Andrew: Singing “I’ll hold a spoon for you”

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Andrew: “Sir, they are not!”

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Andrew: Speaking like a teacher from the Peanuts cartoons

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Andrew: “Took a second; but, I got there”

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Andrew: “We just heard that, lady!”

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Andrew: “You can feel that the blades, kinda, want to move if you, if you… help ’em with your finger a little bit”

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Andrew: “You know, I fit in with that vibe, I would guess… both with… my… music taste and cantankerousness”

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Andrew: “You used a lot of words there that I’m not gonna comment on”

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Luke: “Did they say, ‘Blessed are the Greek’?”

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Luke: “Go off!”

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Luke: “Gooding up your smell parts”

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Luke: “It’s a me-me thing”

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Luke: “Jay Inslee… is a hottie”

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Luke: “Old man… compliments cloud”

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Luke: “Old man… waxes nostalgic about cloud”

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Luke: “Shut up, you hippie”

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Luke: Singing “Cinderelly, Cinderelly. Night and day, it’s Cinderelly”

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Luke: “Things are a lot better now”

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Luke: “Walsh and Burbs… Fast and Furious Seven”

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Luke and Andrew: “Brunch with The Beatles. I think that one’s in LA. I think this an afternoon… Lunch with the Leedles… [ph] Dinner with the Dietls”

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Luke and Andrew: “Cinderelly, Cinderelly. Night and day, it’s Cinderelly… Sorry about that… Well, we got that in the clear? I may never recover from that; and, I know our listeners won’t. Yeah, what did you blow out with that? Anyway. A lot of vocal cords!”

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Luke and Andrew: “I’m not trying (Yeah) to stir… stir up… any shinkle… between you… and Genevieve”

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Luke and Andrew: “Please… my fan… (Yeah!) he very sick”

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